Clinical/Adjunct "Non-Prefix"

Faculty in the clinical/adjunct appointment system with a non-prefix rank (assistant professor, associate professor or professor) are usually not paid employees of MSU but are deeply involved in the college and meet and meet specific eligibility criteria. Faculty in the non-prefix (NP) appointment system must meet more extensive criteria for reappointment and promotion than those who use the clinical or adjunct prefix (e.g., adjunct assistant professor, clinical associate professor).

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  • Preparing for Review

    Departments provide criteria for reappointment and promotion to all faculty members at time of appointment or promotion to current rank. Departments are responsible for initiating the reappointment and promotion process and providing guidance about procedures and timelines to their faculty.

    Faculty are responsible for familiarizing themselves with their department timelines, procedures and criteria prior to submitting a request for promotion and/or completing the required forms and other documentation.

    Non-prefix faculty are expected to have an annual review by the department chairperson (or designee) focused on their academic appointment with MSU. Processes and criteria for reappointment and promotion should be a topic at this yearly meeting.

    A recommendation for promotion should be based on several years (generally five to seven) of sustained and outstanding achievements in clinical patient care services, teaching, scholarship and/or public service in current rank, consistent with performance levels for similar faculty expected at a premier, land-grant AAU university.

  • Reappointment Process

    In addition to an annual evaluation, NP faculty are formally reviewed and evaluated for reappointment by the department chairperson. The department chairperson is required to seek advice on the decision to recommend reappointment from an appropriate departmental peer review committee and from the faculty member’s community-based supervisor. Department chairpersons make the final decision to reappoint. Reappointments are typically for three years.

    The Office of Faculty Affairs and Development (FAD) distributes reappointment forms to departments in November/December each year. Departments submit documentation of review and required reappointment forms by January 15.

  • Promotion Process

    Faculty candidate completes and submits to department:

    1. CV
    2. Reflective Essay
    3. Sample of Scholarly Work (for external reviewers)
    4. List of recommended external and internal reviewers
    5. Form on Progress and Excellence for Clinical/Adjunct Non-prefix Faculty, Section IV
    6. Academic Portfolio

    Department adds:

    1. External reviewer letters
    2. Signed annual review letters for each year in review period

    A departmental peer review committee provides advice to the department chairperson regarding promotion decisions. Faculty are given an opportunity to confer with the departmental peer review committee before a decision is made. The department chairperson conducts an independent evaluation, taking into consideration the peer review committee’s evaluation, and forwards a recommendation to FAD for College RPT Committee review.

    Chairperson completes and submits to college:

    1. Form on Progress and Excellence for Clinical/Adjunct Non-prefix Faculty, Sections I-III
    2. Items 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 above

    Departments submit promotion material to FAD by January 15.

    The College RPT Committee provides advice to the dean about departmental recommendations for promotion. The dean independently reviews each recommendation for promotion and makes the final decision.

  • Resources