Academic Achievement

Overview of Services

The Office of Academic Achievement in the College of Human Medicine collaborates with medical students and stakeholders to enhance students' academic and clinical learning experiences by offering a variety of free learner-centered programs, services, and resources. These varied activities allow students to learn and implement evidence-based study strategies and techniques to realize their learning potential.

Philosophy for Educating Future Professionals

The office of Academic Achievement aspires to the virtues outlined in CHM's Virtuous Professional document when interacting with students and stakeholders. More specifically, we strive to create learning environments and programming that promote dialogue, reflection, and practice as critical processes for growth in medical education. Our programming supports students' academic progress as they take responsibility for learning, reflect on the adequacy of their knowledge and skills, identify limitations and barriers to learning and growth, and develop goals to obtain mastery of content and clinical skills.

Academic Achievement Advisory Team

The Office of Academic Achievement is guided by an advisory team of students from each cohort, representing various campuses and communities. The charge to the Academic Achievement Advisory Team members is to (1) serve as representatives of their SDC student peers, sharing student learning and study needs as well as interests; (2) provide recommendations for the development, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive model of academic support activities relevant to the SDC, and (3) provide feedback regarding Academic Achievement workshops, services, online resources, and policies. Don't hesitate to contact members of this advisory team to inquire about Academic Achievement programs and/or to offer suggestions at any time. Members are invited to apply during the Fall semester, and the list of current members can be found on the Academic Achievement D2L website.

Academic Achievement Programs

Academic Achievement programs include orientations, workshops, webinars, question review sessions, intersessions, class meeting mini-lectures, and more. Programming activities are offered throughout the academic year and include learning and study strategies relevant to curricular activities and board preparation. Students are regularly notified of upcoming activities through the ECE, MCE, or LCE class meetings and student email listservs.

Approach to the Question Sessions (AQS)

The Approach to the Question Sessions is one of our most popular programs. Offered regularly throughout the ECE, these sessions help students enhance clinical reasoning by utilizing questions aligned with Weekend Learning Module (WLM) content, incorporating Chief Complaints and Concerns (C3) topics. In these sessions, peer leaders use questions as learning tools and lead students through various approaches to reading, analyzing, and answering NBME- or board-style questions. In addition, leaders introduce specific study strategies to reinforce the content reviewed. These approaches facilitate a comprehensive review of C3 topics, including history and presentation, mechanism of action, course and complication, and treatment and management decisions to deepen content knowledge and promote long-term retention of concepts.

MCE Step 1 Slam Sessions
The MCE Step 1 Slam is an enhanced program offered regularly during the MCE Spring and Summer semesters. These sessions utilized the Approach to the Question Session (AQS) protocol focusing on USMLE Step 1 topics.s Sessions are facilitated by Academic Achievement staff and/or Late Clinical Experience (LCE) students. In these sessions, Slam leaders utilize questions as learning tools and lead students through various approaches to reading, analyzing, and answering NBME-or board-stayle questions, in addition to incorporating various long-term learning strategies modalities.

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