Specialty Organizations and Interest Groups
The specialty interest groups provide medical students with the opportunity to explore different careers in medicine including primary care, medical, support, and surgical specialties in-depth. During events and meetings, medical students network with physicians, fellows, and residents. They learn about the nature of the work, patient populations served, skills required, and engage in hands-on activities with physicians in practice. Some specialty interest groups offer electives for their peers and others focus on specific topics such as AI or medical business and finance.
For questions or updates to the directory, please contact Joy Skutt.
Room Request Form Events Calendar
2024-2025 Directory

Organizations and Interest Groups
Anesthesia Student Interest Group (ASIG)
Anesthesia Student Interest Group (ASIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The mission of the Anesthesia Student Interest Group is to allow medical students of all interests further explore the field of anesthesia and the opportunities it presents. We will promote education, communication, advocacy, research, and networking among students and physicians in the field of anesthesiology.
- Email: chmasiggr@gmail.com
- Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/msuchmasig_el/
Faculty Advisor:
Jaykar Guruswamy, MD | JGURUSW1@hfhs.orgCampus: East Lansing
President/Officer:Hadi Allouch | allouchh@msu.edu
Vice President:
Ali Jizziny | jizzinya@msu.edu
Peter Van der Eb | vanpeter@msu.edu
Anesthesia Student Interest Group - Grand Rapids Campus (ASIG - GR)
Anesthesia Student Interest Group - Grand Rapids Campus (ASIG - GR)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The mission of the Anesthesia Student Interest Group is to allow medical students of all interests further explore the field of anesthesia and the opportunities it presents. We will promote education, communication, advocacy, research, and networking among students and physicians in the field of anesthesiology.
- Website:
- Email: chmasiggr@gmail.com
- Social Media: instagram: @asig.msuchm
Faculty Advisor:
Trevor Peterson, MD| trevor.peterson@apcpc.netCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Melonie Abravanel | abravane@msu.edu
Zoe Baxter | baxterzo@msu.edu
Alex Phillips | phill827@msu.edu
Adetola Ojo | ojoadeto@msu.edu
Allison Cropsey | cropseya@msu.edu
Association of Women Surgeons (AWS)
Association of Women Surgeons (AWS)
National Organization (organization that is affiliated with a national membership organization)
Mission: The AWS chapter at MSU CHM strives to encourage more women to enter the field of surgery by providing avenues of support for female medical students. The mission of AWS as a whole is to inspire, encourage, and enable women surgeons to realize their professional and personal goals.
- Website:
- Email: msuchmaws@gmail.com
- Social Media: Instagram: @aws_msuchm
Faculty Advisor:
Amie Hop, MD | amie.hop@corewellhealth.orgCampus: East Lansing
Co-President:Callie Rose | rosecall@msu.edu
Taylor Wesley | wesleyta@msu.edu
Lasya Marla | marlalas@msu.edu
Crista Oakley-Havens | oakleyha@msu.edu
Shruti Khandai | khandais@msu.edu
Deondra Montgomery | montg353@msu.edu
Nidhi Patel | patel101@msu.edu
Trinity Bauer-Wojnar | bauertri@msu.edu
Cardiology Student Interest Group (CSIG)
Cardiology Student Interest Group (CSIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The Cardiology Student Interest Group (CSIG) is dedicated to fostering a community of medical students who are interested in the realms of cardiology as a science and as a clinical field. We achieve a united community by providing opportunities to explore cardiology outside of the classroom, connecting students to practicing cardiologists to help them progress their academic portfolios, and providing service to the community at large.
- Website: https://linktr.ee/csigchm
- Email: csigchm@gmail.com
- Social Media: @csigchm
Duane Berkompas, MD, FACC | berkompa@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing,Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Shewar Ibadat | ibadatsh@msu.edu
Faris Jafri | jafrifa1@msu.edu
Nathan Campbell | campb985@msu.edu
Service GR:
Maria Obeidat | obeidatm@msu.edu
Service EL:
Benjamin Boss | bossben1@msu.edu
Lora Chehab | chehablo@msu.edu
LCE Liaison:
Nishika Patel | patel192@msu.edu
LCE Liaison:
Fadwat Bazzi | bazziifa3@msu.edu
Cardiothoracic Surgery Interest Group (CT-SIG)
Cardiothoracic Surgery Interest Group (CT-SIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: Our mission is to nurture the academic and professional growth of students passionate about cardiothoracic surgery through engagement, education, and exploration within the field. Through strategic partnerships with institutions like the Corewell/Meijer Heart Center, we aim to establish a pipeline for members to access invaluable resources and experiences. We aspire to cultivate a vibrant community where students are empowered to pursue their interests, expand their knowledge, and make meaningful contributions to the advancement of cardiothoracic medicine.
- Website:
- Email:
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Charles Willekes, MD| Charles.Willekes@corewellhealth.orgCampus: East Lansing,Flint,Grand Rapids,Grand Rapids - LCE,Henry Ford-Detroit
Co-President:Nebiyat Girma | girmaneb@msu.edu
Jakela Neal | nealjake@msu.edu
Preetha Pamidighantam | pamidig1@msu.edu
Caleb Weissman | weissm27@msu.edu
Critical Care Interest Group (CCIG)
Critical Care Interest Group (CCIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: To educate students on the diverse and continuous growing field of critical care.
- Email: Jurgens5@msu.edu
Faculty Advisor:
Lauren Alessi, MD| Lauren.alessi@helendevoschildren.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Logan Jurgens | Jurgens5@msu.edu
Vice President:
Travis Bell | Belltrav@msu.edu
Dalton King | Kingdalt@msu.edu
Kim Santiago | Santi102@msu.edu
Dermatology Interest Group (DIG)
Dermatology Interest Group (DIG)
National Organization (organization that is affiliated with a national membership organization)
Mission: The Dermatology Interest Group is committed to providing volunteering, networking, mentorship, resources, and research opportunities to medical students interested in a career in dermatology. Our purpose is to provide a support group and community for students considering a career in dermatology through meaningful connections with students, residents, and physicians on topics pertinent to a career in dermatology. It is also the intention of the group to provide a network for collaboration on volunteer and service activities pertaining to dermatology. Through meetings with Dermatology faculty, residents, and other interested medical students, DIG hopes to foster the interest of Dermatology in the medical school classes.
Faculty Advisor:
Kurt Ashack, MD| ashackku@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing
President/Officer:Katia Hermes | hermesk1@msu.edu
Vice President:
Raneem Sabbaq | sabbaqra@msu.edu
Conference/Research Chair:
Caitlyn Babi | babicait@msu.edu
Volunteer Chair:
Rita El Jbeily | eljbeily@msu.edu
East Lansing Interest Group in Neurology (ELIGN)
East Lansing Interest Group in Neurology (ELIGN)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: Our mission is to advance the understanding and appreciation of neurology among East Lansing's medical students. We are dedicated to establishing a vibrant and nurturing environment for those passionate about neurology to come together, exchange ideas, and actively engage both within our group and the wider community. By organizing social gatherings, educational seminars, interactive workshops, and outreach initiatives, we seek to both deepen understanding of neurological sciences and their role in patient care as well as facilitate networking and the building of valuable relationships!
- Website:
- Email: elignchm@gmail.com
- Social Media: @msuchmelign
Halie Kerver, B.A. | kerver@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing
Kamal Safah | safahkam@msu.eduPresident/Officer
Dylan Bilicki | bilickid@msu.eduExecutive Board Member
Zirak Sajjad | sajjadzi@msu.eduExecutive Board Member
Muaaz Wajahath | wajahath@msu.edu -
Emergency Medicine Interest Group
Emergency Medicine Interest Group-EL
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The Emergency Medicine Interest Group strives to cultivate an environment of learning, collaboration, and innovation in the field of emergency medicine. Our mission is to provide unique and interactive experiences for medical students to explore the diverse aspects of emergency medicine.
- Website:
- Email:
- Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/emig_msuchm/
Campus: East Lansing
Faculty Advisor:
Martin Romero, M.D., FACEP| romerom1@msu.eduCo-President:
Jordan Simon | simonj28@msu.edu
Alexander Schreck | schreck5@msu.edu
Sebastian Loonen | loonense@msu.edu
Campus: Grand Rapids
Faculty Advisor:
Matthew Emery, MD| emerym@msu.eduTreasurer:
Gonzales Antonio | gonza780@msu.edu
ENT Interest Group (ENTIG)
ENT Interest Group (ENTIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: As there is little exposure to otolaryngology prior to elective rotations, this student group can help focus efforts on creating exposure to this specialty early on.
Educational Seminars- Talks by ENT attendings and residents can expose students to the depth and breadth of otolaryngology. These seminars can also include skills sessions that can prepare students for their otolaryngology rotation.
Shadowing and Mentoring- We would also keep up to date about national programs like AAO's new mENTorship program that we can update group members about.
Research Opportunities- We aim to maintain an excel sheet of research that upperclassmen are currently engaged in so we can help first years get involved early on.
- Website:
- Email:
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Andrew Heaford, MD| Andrew.heaford@spectrumhealth.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Sruthi Surapaneni | surapa18@msu.edu
Cameron Coates | coatesc8@msu.edu
Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG)
Family Medicine Interest Group (FMIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: We, the Family Medicine Interest Group for the College of Human Medicine, exist to grow the interest and awareness of Family Medicine within our campus and community, while working to provide opportunities for students to explore special topics within the discipline including International Medicine, Research, Sports Medicine, Specialties within Family Medicine, and more correlating experiences with the current clinical based curriculum; We also strive to enhance the student bodies social and cultural awareness by providing community outreach projects to allow the students to contribute to the world around us.
- Email: msufmig@gmail.com
- Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/msu_fmig_el/
Faculty Advisor:
David Walsworth, MD FAAFP| walswor3@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing,Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Blaine Teahan | teahanbl@msu.edu
Halle Ciganick | ciganic1@msu.edu
Ben Boss | bossben1@msu.edu
Paula Skwarek | skwarekp@msu.edu
Campus: East Lansing,Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Blaine Teahan | teahanbl@msu.edu
Halle Ciganick | ciganic1@msu.edu
Ben Boss | bossben1@msu.edu
Paula Skwarek | skwarekp@msu.edu
Teya Marben | marbente@msu.edu
Britton Michmerhuizen | michmer8@msu.edu
Sooin Choi | choisooi@msu.edu
Mary Shepard | shepa149@msu.edu
Thomas Brettschneider | brettsc5@msu.edu
Flint Pediatric Interest Group (Flint PIG)
Flint Pediatric Interest Group (Flint PIG)
National Organization (organization that is affiliated with a national membership organization)
Mission: Flint PIG enables students to explore the field of pediatrics through educational programs while gaining opportunities to promote leadership, advocacy, and community service to Flint children and families. The organization is also dedicated to recruiting and empowering the next generation, especially those from URiM backgrounds, to pursue the medical sciences.
Faculty Advisor:
Danielle Stabel, Clinic Director of Hurley Children's clinic; Assistant Clerkship Director--Flint Campus | stabelda@msu.eduCampus: Flint
President/Officer:Marlisa Granderson | grander1@msu.edu
Vice President:
Rebekah Bierema | bieremar@msu.edu
Anjali Chandra | chandr57@msu.edu
Deena Abdel-Gabir | abdelgad@msu.edu
Geriatric Medicine Interest Group (GMIG)
Geriatric Medicine Interest Group (GMIG)
National Organization (organization that is affiliated with a national membership organization)
Mission: Summary of General goal and objectives
- Foster a passion for geriatrics among medical students by highlighting the unique aspects and challenges of geriatric care.
- Implement the Geriatric Competencies for Medical Student (Geriatric 5Ms) into MSU CHM curriculum.
- Increase awareness of health care issues and research focused on the elderly.
- Advocate for the needs of the aging population and the importance of specialized geriatric care.
- Educate students about neurodegenerative diseases and aging through seminars, lectures, and workshops.
- Organize outreach projects that connect students with older adults in the community, providing hands-on experience and fostering empathy.
- Facilitate connections between students and professionals in both clinical and hospital settings to encourage career development in geriatrics.
- Website:
- Email: hanhyosu@msu.edu
bobbakal@msu.edu - Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Kevin Foley, MD| foleyke@msu.eduCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:David Han | hanhyosu@msu.edu
Vice President:
Kalyan Bobba | bobbakal@msu.edu
Alex Driessche | driessc2@msu.edu
Grand Rapids Dermatology Interest Group (GRDIG)
Grand Rapids Dermatology Interest Group (GRDIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The Dermatology Interest Group (DIG) at CHM GR is dedicated to creating a community of interested medical students to further medical education, volunteering, and resources in the field of dermatology. The group aims to learn more about the road to residency for dermatology as well as have informational seminars about the field. Through the Sun Protection Outreach to Students (SPOTS), we volunteer at local schools sharing information about proper skin protection from the sun to students.
- Website:
- Email:
- Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chmdig
Faculty Advisor:
Kurt Ashack, MD| ashackku@msu.eduCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Breana Bouchard | boucha44@msu.edu
Moshref Hamed | moshrefh@msu.edu
Vice President:
Sooin Choi | choisooi@msu.edu
Vice President:
Niharika Chinta | chintani@msu.edu
Grand Rapids Hematology & Oncology Interest Group (GR HOIG)
Grand Rapids Hematology & Oncology Interest Group (GR HOIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The mission of Grand Rapids HOIG is to create a space for CHM students to explore a career in hematology and oncology. Our goal is to provide students with access to heme/onc related networking, educational events, and service opportunities. Through these opportunities, we hope students will gain exposure, knowledge, support, and experiences that will help them pursue their interest in this field.
- Website:
- Email:
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Bridget Chin, MD| chinbrid@msu.eduCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Julia Hurley | hurley22@msu.edu
Andrew Harris | harr2000@msu.edu
Grand Rapids Surgery Interest Group (GRSIG)
Grand Rapids Surgery Interest Group (GRSIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: We, students at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, establish the Grand Rapids Surgery Interest Group (GRSIG), an organization founded on the principles of service, professionalism, humility, collaboration, and critical thinking. The purpose of this organization is to educate students about the fields of surgery, to provide a framework and guidance for students seeking to become competitive surgical residency applicants, to allow future surgeons to network with other medical students and with practicing physicians, allow students to develop skills relevant for surgery, and to encourage MSU CHM students to consider a career in surgery. In accordance with this view, we establish this Constitution to be our guiding document in all organizational affairs. The organization will not discriminate on the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight. Also, only MSU students may be officers and/or voting members.
Faculty Advisor:
Elizabeth Steensma, MD| elizabeth.steensma@spectrumhealth.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
Executive Board Member:Jakela Neal | nealjakela@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Humza Bhatti | Bhattih1@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Delilah Coconubo | coconubo@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
John Pestenariu | jpestena@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Nebiyat Girma | girmaneb@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Alex Driessche | driessc2@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Alex Ky | kyalexan@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Spencer Barlow | kyalexan@msu.edu
Hematology & Oncology Interest Group (HOIG)
Hematology & Oncology Interest Group (HOIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
The Hematology Oncology Interest Group (HOIG) is dedicated to fostering education, collaboration, and community engagement within the fields of hematology and oncology. Our mission is to empower students with knowledge, resources, and support to advance the understanding and treatment of hematologic and oncologic diseases.
- Education: Provide educational opportunities and resources to students interested in hematology and oncology. This includes organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences to disseminate the latest advancements and best practices in the field.
- Collaboration: Facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration among healthcare professionals, researchers, and organizations involved in hematology and oncology. By fostering partnerships and networking opportunities, we aim to promote synergy and innovation in research, clinical care, and patient advocacy.
- Support: Provide support and mentorship to students interested in pursuing careers in hematology and oncology. By offering guidance, resources, and networking opportunities, we aim to empower the next generation of leaders in the field.
- Community Engagement: Engage with patients, caregivers, and community organizations to raise awareness about hematologic and oncologic diseases, promote early detection and prevention efforts, and provide support and resources to those affected by these conditions.
- Website:
- Email: hemeoncmsu@gmail.com
- Social Media: Instagram: msuchmhoig
Faculty Advisor:
Helga Toriello, PhD | helga.toriello@spectrum-health.orgCampus: East Lansing
President/Officer:Alex Dao | alexdao@msu.edu
Vice President:
Julia Hurley | hurley22@msu.edu
- Education: Provide educational opportunities and resources to students interested in hematology and oncology. This includes organizing seminars, workshops, and conferences to disseminate the latest advancements and best practices in the field.
Infectious Disease Interest group (IDIG)
Infectious Disease Interest group (IDIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The goal of the MSU CHM Infectious Disease Interest Group (IDIG) is to introduce and encourage interest among medical students in infectious disease, both as a subspecialty and subject matter. IDIG will work to increase student awareness and confidence with infectious disease topics and how the field plays an intimate role in all health care settings. IDIG aims to allow MSU CHM students to engage with infectious disease experts and learn from their experiences, to learn about microbiology, and to gain appreciation for the role that infectious diseases play in the management of all patients--particularly those at high risk.
- Website: https://idigmsu.wixsite.com/msuchmidig
- Email: idigmsu@gmail.com
- Social Media: Instagram: msuchmidig
Faculty Advisor:
Keith English, MD| englis94@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing,Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Alissa Elanjian | elanjia1@msu.edu
Melissa Castillo | casti243@msu.edu
Madison Nightingale | nighti16@msu.edu
Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG)
Internal Medicine Interest Group (IMIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The Internal Medicine Interest Group at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine is a student-led organization that exists to provide all interested students with exposure to the specialty of Internal medicine and its' subspecialties through a variety of educational opportunities and practical experiences.
- Email: purohita@msu.edu
- Instagram: @msuchm.imig
Campus: East Lansing
Faculty Advisor:
Sumugdha Rayamajhi | rayamaj1@msu.eduPresident/Officer:
Kiana Sadri | sadrikia@msu.edu
Judy Teran | teranjud@msu.edu
Brendan Berger | bergerb4@msu.edu
Rosemary Gedert | gedertro@msu.edu
Campus: Grand Rapids
Faculty Advisor:
Andrew Jameson, MD| andrew.jameson@trinity-health.orgPresident/Officer:
Anjali Purohit | purohita@msu.edu
Valerie Garcia | vagarcia@msu.edu
LCE clinical liasion:
Decker Brianna | deckerb8@msu.edu
Vice President:
Nathan Meram | meramnat@msu.edu
Co-Event Coordinator:
Niharika Chinta | chintani@msu.edu
Event Coordinator:
Theresa Nguyen | nguy1410@msu.edu
community coordinator:
Maria Obeidat | obeidatm@msu.edu
Lindsey Jurecki | jureckil@msu.edu
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group Grand Rapids(LMIG)
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group Grand Rapids (LMIG)
National Organization (organization that is affiliated with a national membership organization)
Mission: The Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine is dedicated toward delivering evidence-based education regarding the benefits of lifestyle modifications and preventative care on public health outcomes. This includes nutrition, sleep, exercise, stress management, and preventative care measures. This interest group will provide lectures, workshops, and demonstrations to explore the scope of Lifestyle Medicine and to benefit the collective wellness of the medical student body.
- Website: https://lifestylemedicine.org/
- Email: colli997@msu.edu
- Social Media: Instagram: @msulmig
Faculty Advisor:
Carolyn Vollmer, MD| carolyn.vollmer@corewellhealth.org
Campus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Brittney Collins | colli997@msu.edu
Vice President:
Alex Ky | kyalexan@msu.edu
Gabby Young | youngga3@msu.edu
Ainslie Johnson | john8127@msu.edu
Social Media Manager:
Fern Vichaikul | vichaiku@msu.edu
Event Coordinator:
Valerie Garcia | vagarcia@msu.edu
Outreach Chair:
Adetola Ojo | ojoadeto@msu.edu
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group East Lansing (LMIG)
Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group East Lansing (LMIG)
National Organization (organization that is affiliated with a national membership organization)
Mission: Help students interested in primary care to create a meaningful change towards lifestyle medicine during their medical education.
- Website:
- Email: lifestylemedicinemsuflint@gmail.com
- Social Media: @lifestylemedicinemsu on instagram
Faculty Advisor:
Sara El-Sayed, Physician| sara.elsayed@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing
President/Officer:Mona Fouladinejad | fouldine@msu.edu
Vice President:
Sydney Hudock | hudocksy@msu.edu
Brianna Sholte | sholtebr@msu.edu
Jesus Dorado | doradoma@msu.edu
Mental Health and Nutrition Coordinator:
Bijaya Dhungana | dhungan3@msu.edu
Military Medicine Interest Group (MMIG)
Military Medicine Interest Group (MMIG)
College of Human Medicine only Organization/Group (organization that only exists in the college)
Mission: The purpose of the Military Medicine Interest Group is to create a TriService community of HPSP scholars, prior military and prospective medical students, and current/former active duty physicians with the mission of providing resources and guidance to those in the process of becoming physicians in the United States military. From navigating student HPSP obligations and the JSGMESB match process, to fostering longitudinal peer-to-peer mentorship, leadership, and professional development opportunities, the group aims to support those seeking to excel as both physicians and officers.
- Website:
- Email:
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Lawrence Hall, MD| halllaw@msu.eduCampus: All
President/Officer:Erika Rapp | rapperik@msu.edu
Vice President:
Joshua Rabotnick | rabotni2@msu.edu
Rachel Armstrong | armst444@msu.edu
Dylan Bilicki | bilickid@msu.edu
MSU CHM OB/GYN and Women's Health Interest Group (OBWHIG)
MSU CHM OB/GYN and Women's Health Interest Group (OBWHIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The MSU CHM OB/GYN and Women's Health Interest Group connects students who have an interest in OB/GYN, reproductive and fertility medicine, pelvic surgery or any other related field with resources and events that allow them to explore these fields. We aim to provide exposure and to educate students on issues pertaining to women's health, including but not limited to reproductive and sexual health.
- Website:
- Email: msu.gr@gmail.com
- Social Media: Instagram: @msuchm_obwhig
- Linktree: @msuchm_whig
Faculty Advisor:
Lindsay Snyder, MD| lindsay.snyder@spectrumhealth.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
Co-executive:Allison Cropsey | cropseya@msu.edu
Adetola Ojo | ojoadeto@msu.edu
Macy Mitchell | mitch875@msu.edu
Shruti Khandai | khandais@msu.edu
Erica Gumkowski | gumkowsk@msu.edu
Mackenzie Kalchik | kalchik5@msu.edu
Neurosurgery Interest Group (NSIG)
Neurosurgery Interest Group (NSIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: To spread knowledge, fervor, and encouragement about the field of neurological surgery, making it more approachable and accessible to all students, with a focus on mentorship, research, and community engagement.
- Website:
- Email: nsigmsu@gmail.com
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Sutton Williams, PhD| will3506@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing & Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Macy Mitchell | mitch875@msu.edu
Deondra Montgomery | montg353@msu.edu
LCE Liaison:
Simran Bhogal | sbhogal@msu.edu
LCE Liaison:
Dylan Bilicki | bilickid@msu.edu
OB/GYN and Women's Health Interest Group (OBWHIG)
OB/GYN and Women's Health Interest Group (OBWHIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: OB/GYN and Women's Health Interest Group connects students who have an interest in OB/GYN, reproductive and fertility medicine, pelvic surgery or any other related field with resources and events that allow them to explore these fields. We aim to provide exposure and to educate students on issues pertaining to women's health, including but not limited to reproductive and sexual health.
- Email: East Lansing: whig.msu@gmail.com
- Social Media: Instagram: @msuchm_obwhig
Faculty Advisor:
Anita Avery, MD| averyani@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing
President/Officer:Mahnoor Khan | khanmeis@msu.edu
Vice President:
Farhan Khan | khanmirz@msu.edu
Lanah Almatroud | almatro3@msu.edu
Event Coordinator:
Zoee Harris | harriszo@msu.edu
Social Media Outreach:
Caitlyn Babi | babicait@msu.edu
MSFC Liaison:
Angela Montoya | amontoya@msu.edu
MSFC Liaison:
Riley Mackay | mackayca@msu.edu
OB/GYN Interest Group: Flint Medicine
OB/GYN Interest Group: Flint Medicine
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The purpose of Obstetric and Gynecology (OB/GYN) Interest Group: Flint Medicine is to:
- Provide a community of peers that are interested in pursuing a career in Obstetrics and Gynecology and any other subspecialities within the field.
- Create opportunities for networking with peers, clerkship directors, program directors and current residents or alumni within the field.
- Coordinate and involve members in programming surrounding success in the OB/GYN clerkship, residency application preparation and interviews, networking, advocacy, and community service.
- Website:
- Email: https://msu.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/obgynflintmed
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Mischa Pollard, MD| pollar20@msu.eduCampus: Flint
President/Officer:Gabrielle Ezell | ezellga1@msu.edu
Jailyn Hicks | hicksjai@msu.edu
Ophthalmology Interest Group (OIG)
Ophthalmology Interest Group (OIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The Ophthalmology Interest Group (OIG) is dedicated to exploring the field of ophthalmology as a surgical subspecialty and providing students with the opportunity to learn about residency and career options.
- Email: oig.msu@gmail.com
- Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/msu_oig/
Faculty Advisor
Julie Conley, MD| Julie.conley@helendevoschildrens.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
Matthew Vos | vosmatth@msu.edu
Ramsha Rizvi | rizvisy6@msu.edu
Vice President:
Alec VanderLugt | vand1176@msu.edu
Vice President:
Jessica Henry | henryje6@msu.edu
Sooin Choi | choisooi@msu.edu
Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group – Grand Rapids (OSIGGR)
Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group – Grand Rapids (OSIGGR)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The Orthopaedic Surgery Interest Group serves to provide medical students with the opportunity to learn more about the field of orthopaedic surgery and its sub-specialities. Our goal is to provide early exposure to orthopaedics through education from practicing orthopaedic surgeons and through learning about the process of becoming strong residency applicants.
- Website: https://msuortho.notion.site/MSU-Ortho
- Email: gr@gmail.com
- Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/msuchm.osig
Faculty Advisor:
Tyler Madden, MD| maddentyler93@gmail.comCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Faris Jafri | jafrifa1@msu.edu
Vice President:
Evan Sidebotham | sideboth@msu.edu
Mentorship Coordinator:
Humza Bhatti | bhattih1@msu.edu
Program Coordinator:
Nebiyat Girma | girmaneb@msu.edu
Research Coordinator:
Sahil Jha | jhasahil@msu.edu
Alex Driessche | driessc2@msu.edu
Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group – East Lansing (OSIGEL)
Orthopedic Surgery Interest Group – East Lansing (OSIGEL)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: To provide learning and networking opportunities for students interested in orthopedic surgery. 2) To provide opportunities for mentorship both among fellow students and orthopedic residents/attendings.
3) Host events intended to explore the field of orthopedics.
4) Share connections to those in the field and research opportunities.
- Website: N/A
- Email: N/A
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Toufic Jildeh, MD| jildehto@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing
President/Officer:Taylor Wesley | wesleyta@msu.edu
Nadeed Sadique | sadiquen@msu.edu
Doyle Ford | forddoyl@msu.edu
Laura Gjidoda | gjidodal@msu.edu
Jon Novosel | novoselj@msu.edu
Pediatrics Interest Group (PIG)
Pediatrics Interest Group (PIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The mission of the Pediatric Interest Group is to provide educational opportunities for medical students who may be interested in pursuing a career in pediatrics. We hope to provide opportunities to engage with pediatric professionals, explore what opportunities exists in the pediatric field, and create a positive impact specifically among the pediatric community.
The Pediatric Interest Group at MSUCHM is geared towards providing opportunities for medical students to become introduced to the specialty of pediatrics and the care of children and young adults. Students will have the chance to attend lectures on topics of special concern to the pediatric population, to network with pediatricians, and to volunteer at events to serve children and their families in the community.
- Email: pedsigmsu@gmail.com
- Instagram: MSU CHM PIGS (@msuchmpigs)
Campus: East Lansing
Faculty Advisor:
Jonathan Gold, MD| goldj@msu.eduPresident/Officer:
Ramsha Rizvi | rizvisy6@msu.edu
Vice President:
Karen Encalada | encalad3@msu.edu
Campus: Grand Rapids
Faculty Advisor:
Lisa Lowery, MD| lisa.lowery@helendevoschildrens.orgPresident/Officer:
Andrea Bell | bellan14@msu.edu
Sooin Choi | choisooi@msu.edu
Christopher Dabish | dabishc1@msu.edu
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Interest Group (PMRIG)
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Interest Group (PMRIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: To provide educational opportunities and practical experiences within the specialty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation to increase exposure to the medical student community.
- Email: msupmrig@gmail.com
- Instagram: @msupmr_ig
Faculty Advisor
Kyle Josephson, MD | Kyle.Josephson@maryfreebed.comCampus: Grand Rapids
Thomas Kelbel | tkelbel@msu.edu
Vice President:
John Jakubowski | jakubo42@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Matt Vos | vosmatth@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Bharath Yalavarthi | yalavar4@msu.edu
Plastic Surgery Interest Group (PSIG)
Plastic Surgery Interest Group (PSIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: Our mission is to provide students with educational and mentorship opportunities in the field of plastic surgery. We aim to involve students in the community and provide them with research opportunities along with a platform to interact with faculty, residents, and alumni who have successfully matched into plastic surgery. Our ultimate goal is to equip students with the tools necessary to become competitive applicants.
- Email: SperatiJ@msu.edu
- Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/MSUPlastics/
Faculty Advisors
Terri Zomerlei, MD| tzomerlei@gmail.comCampus: Grand Rapids
Jamie Sperati | SperatiJ@msu.edu
Hanna Pfershy | pfershyh@msu.edu
Lasya Marla | marlalas@msu.edu
Hamed Moshref | moshrefh@msu.edu
Zeinab Mhanna | mansizei@msu.edu
Abraham Jaafar | jaafarab@msu.edu
Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network (PsychSIGN)
Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network (PsychSIGN)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network is a working group to foster the involvement, organization, and implementation of student psychiatry interest groups at individual medical schools throughout North America. The group functions as a central hub for the exchange of ideas, information, and resources for student coalitions in psychiatry. It also promotes the discourse for psychiatric education in the medical school community and for advocacy and justice in mental health as an integral part of health overall.
- Website: http://psychsign.org
- Email: Psychiatry Student Interest Group
- Instagram: @psychsign_msuchm
- Facebook: @MSUCHMPsychSIGN
Faculty Advisor:
Samuel Lin, MD| samuel.lin@pinerest.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
President/Officer:Gabby Young | youngga3@msu.edu
Vice President:
Michelle Tsai | tsaimic4@msu.edu
Vice President:
Andrew Harris | harr2000@msu.edu
Public Relations Chair:
Nayna Rath | rathnayn@msu.edu
Radiology Interest Group (RIG)
Radiology Interest Group (RIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: The radiology interest group exists to foster collaboration and education of medical students interested in radiology. We aim to connect students interested in radiology with radiologists in order to help students understand what it takes to be a successful radiologist. Educational experiences for medical students on radiology topics expanded upon from traditional medical education is a key part of our mission.
- Website:
- Email: msuchmrig@gmail.com
- Social Media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/msuchm_rig
Faculty Advisor:
Andrew Woodrow, M.D.| woodrow1@msu.eduCampus: Grand Rapids,Grand Rapids - LCE
President/Officer:Jacob Charron | charron8@msu.edu
Vice President:
Chloe Binando Scott | binandos@msu.edu
Kelsey Lawrence | lawre388@msu.edu
Alexandra Charron | charro13@msu.edu
Lucy Xu | xulu2@msu.edu
Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society Chapter at Michigan State University (RJOS MSU)
Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society Chapter at Michigan State University (RJOS MSU)
National Organization (organization that is affiliated with a national membership organization)
Mission: RJOS is an organization dedicated to promoting gender diversity and equality in the field of orthopedics. Our chapter at MSU serves as a supportive network to break barriers and inspire the next generation of women in orthopedic surgery.
- Website: https://www.rjos.org
- Email: rjosmsu@gmail.com
- Social Media: Instagram:
- https://www.instagram.com/rjosmsu/
- https://www.instagram.com/rjosmedstudents/
- https://www.instagram.com/ruthjacksonortho/
Faculty Advisor:
Sheeba Joseph, M.D.| josephs7@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing, Flint, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids - LCE, Henry Ford-Detroit, Lansing, Midland, Southeast MI, Traverse City, Upper Peninsula
President/Officer:Nidhi Patel | patel101@msu.edu
Vice President:
Alexandria Case | alcase@msu.edu
Research Chair - Title Distributed by RJOS Regional Leadership:
Aghdas Movassaghi | movassag@msu.edu
Programming & Events Chair - Title Distributed by RJOS Regional Leadership:
Chole Tucker | tucke192@msu.edu
Professional Development & Mentorship Chair - Title Distribution by RJOS Regional Leadership:
Nebiyat (Nebi) Girma | girmaneb@msu.edu
Professional Development & Mentorship Chair - Title Distribution by RJOS Regional Leadership:
Marissa Borgert | borgertm@msu.edu
Public Relations & Networking Chair - Title Distributed by Regional Leadership:
Hamdan Shems | hamdansh@msu.edu
Public Relations & Networking Chair - Title Distributed by Regional Leadership:
Victoria Aquillino | aquili17@msu.edu
Sports Medicine Interest Group (SMIG)
Sports Medicine Interest Group (SMIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: Sports Medicine is not limited to one specialty and the goal of the Sports Medicine Interest Group (SMIG) to help students explore those options and learn how they integrate care together. Whether your interest is in surgery, physiatry, family medicine, internal medicine, pediatrics or emergency medicine, there is opportunity to further your training through sports medicine. We look to provide opportunities to learn about sports medicine specialities, how those specialities interact with each other and athlete health and safety.
- Website:
- Email: deandarb@msu.edu
- Social Media:
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Jacob Reisner, DO| Jacob.reisner@corewellhealth.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
Co-president:Darby Dean | deandarb@msu.edu
Thomas Kelbel | tkelbel@msu.edu
Christopher Dabish | dabishc1@msu.edu
Alex Driessche | driessc2@msu.edu
Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)
Student Interest Group in Neurology (SIGN)
College of Human Medicine only Organization/Group (organization that only exists in the college)
Mission: The purpose of SIGN is to introduce medical students to the field of neurology by bringing them together with fellow students with similar interests through discussions by neurologists, patient presentations, seminars, journal clubs, learning materials, and arranged shadowing of neurologists in the workplace. Medical students become aware of opportunities, and participate in activities, related to the field of neurology, including opportunities for research, creating a new generation of neurologists and AAN members.
- Website: https://www.aan.com
Faculty Advisor
Christopher Morgan, MD| christopher.morgan@trinity-health.orgCampus: Grand Rapids
Executive Board Member:Emily Ulrich | ulriche1@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
John Jakubowski | jakubo42@msu.edu
Executive Board Member:
Luka Batt | Battluke@msu.edu
Urology Interest Group (UIG)
Urology Interest Group (UIG)
College of Human Medicine only Organization/Group (organization that only exists in the college)
Mission: The MSU College of Human Medicine Urology Student Interest Group (USIG) aims to provide its members ample, collaborative opportunities to learn about the diverse array of clinical, surgical, and research opportunities that one can experience in pursuing a career as a Urologist. We aim to engage with a multitude of local Urologists and through other learning opportunities outside of the classroom to help MSU CHM students to better understand the daily obligations of this field. USIG aspires to foster interest and excitement toward Urology amongst College of Human Medicine students.
- Website:
- Email:
- Social Media: Instagram: @msu_usig
Faculty Advisor:
Brian Lane, MD, PhD, FACS| brian.lane@spectrumhealth.orgCampus: Grand Rapids, Southeast MI
President/Officer:Valerie Garcia | vagarcia@msu.edu
Vice President:
Andrew Harris | harr2000@msu.edu
Vice President:
Sydney Ladas | ladassyd@msu.edu
Vascular Surgery Interest Group (VSIG)
Vascular Surgery Interest Group (VSIG)
Medical Specialty Interest Group (organization that aligns with a specific medical specialty)
Mission: To promote vascular-related research and service activities to students earlier in their medical career, provide students with early exposure to surgery, and assist students as they seek valuable career mentorship.
- Website: https://sites.google.com/msu.edu/vsigmsuchm/home
- Email: vsigmsuchm@gmail.com
Faculty Advisor:
Judith Lin, MD | linjudit@msu.eduCampus: East Lansing
President/Officer:Kareem Siada | siadakar@msu.edu
Vice President:
Yasin Farhan | farhanya@msu.edu
Nadeed Sadique | sadiquen@msu.edu
Michael Pellizzari | pellizz5@msu.edu
Outreach Coordinator:
Shewar Ibadat |