

The governing body for Graduate Medical Education is the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC).  This group meets quarterly, and is responsible for establishing and implementing policies and procedures regarding the quality of education and the work environment for residents in all programs.

These policies and procedures are distributed through the Policy Manual, and include:

  • Stipends and position allocation
  • Appropriate communication with program directors
  • Resident duty hours
  • Resident supervision
  • Communication with medical staff
  • Curriculum and evaluation
  • Resident status
  • Oversight of program accreditation
  • Management of institutional accreditation
  • Oversight of program changes
  • Oversight of reductions and closures

Membership of the GMEC includes the Designated Institutional Officer,  Program Directors, and Residents.  Others are welcome to attend, as non-voting members.

Institutional Commitment

As a part of its mission to educate and develop exemplary physicians, the College of Human Medicine recognizes the need for and benefits of graduate medical education.  The College is committed to the sponsorship of graduate medical education programs believing that such programs enhance medical student education, furthers our mission in the provision of quality care, responds to the needs of our communities and ensures the training of future generations of health care professionals. The presence of quality GME programs enables the recruitment and retention of high quality individuals interested in furthering and improving health care delivery.  Graduate Medical Education programs play an integral part of the ability of the College of Human Medicine to meet and further its purposes consistent with the philosophy, mission and goals of the Institution.

The mission of the College of Human Medicine in Graduate Medical Education is to provide Institutional Sponsorship to (or to be affiliated with) high quality programs of Graduate Medical Education in those primary and specialty care disciplines relevant to the College’s mission.  Such Graduate Medical Education Programs will be accomplished in concert with Major Participating Institutions and other health care organizations and educational institutions in the communities affiliated with the College.

To accomplish this mission:

  • The College sponsors graduate medical education programs that meet the health care needs of the people of the State of Michigan.
  • The College ensures that all residency programs for which MSU/CHM is the Sponsoring Institution meet or exceed the Institutional and Program Requirements promulgated by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and its individual Residency Review Committees.
  • The College strives to support programs that are national models of excellence capable of providing future leaders in medical education, research and patient care
  • The College's programs facilitate residents' professional, ethical, and personal development.
  • The College maintains a Graduate Medical Education Committee which will oversee the conduct and management of all programs for which MSU/CHM is Sponsoring Institution.
  • The Graduate Medical Education programs of the College are conducted under the leadership of its Dean or as delegated to the Designated Institutional Official who will also serve as Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education.
  • The College supports programs which assure the safe and appropriate care of patients and the progression of resident physician responsibility consistent with each physician’s clinical experience, knowledge and skill.
  • The College provides a scholarly environment for the programs for which it serves as the Institutional Sponsor. Faculty engage in scholarly activity including research and will make available to resident physicians opportunities to participate in and learn from the scholarship of the medical community.
  • The College provides committed and competent professionals to the teaching faculty of its Institutionally Sponsored GME programs.  Members of the teaching faculty are appointed and selected for their professional abilities and commitment to teaching, medical education, patient care, and the scientific and humanistic bases of medicine.
  • The College commits to providing the necessary educational and human resources to support GME in partnership with its major participating institutions.

The College of Human Medicine is committed to excellence in the Graduate Medical Education Programs with which the College sponsors or is affiliated.