Mistreatment FAQs

To learn more about how we handle mistreatment cases and learn about what does and does not constitute mistreatment, check out each section below.

  • How do I report mistreatment?

    Please report mistreatment using the Speak Up form. If you have questions or concerns you want answered prior to making a report, please use the Questions and Comments form.

  • Who Can Report Mistreatment?
    Anyone can report mistreatment to LEC; learners, faculty, staff members, hospital staff, anyone. You can report either anonymously or with your contact information so LEC can follow up with you.
  • Is it acceptable to make an anonymous report?

    Yes. If you choose to remain anonymous and/or not permit contact for conversation, you may limit the options available for resolution of your concern. Anonymous reports may help assess and improve the learning environment.

  • Why Wouldn't I Report Anonymously?
    There are a number of benefits to reporting with your contact information, although of course you’re always welcome to report anonymously. If you leave us your contact information, we can:
    • Reach out to you with questions and to learn more about the incident
    • Learn who else we should talk to, who might have witnessed the incident or been subjected to similar behavior in the past
    • Answer your questions about the process
    • Keep you in the loop as the case progresses
    • Let you know when action has been taken and the case is closed
    Remember that LEC does not share your identity with anyone without your permission. Just because LEC knows who you are doesn’t mean anyone else ever has to.
  • Could a de-identified report somehow reveal who I am? I might be the only person in my community with a particular problem.

    No. Information may be used in a report only if it is sufficiently de-identified and/or in an aggregated group of sufficient size to maintain anonymity. If a student gives explicit permission for the information to be shared in appropriate settings to improve the learning environment, the information will be de-identified and used prior to aggregation to ensure resolution or improvements may proceed.

  • I Report Mistreatment Days Ago. Why Haven't I Heard Back From You?
    If you reported that you personally experienced mistreatment and left us your contact information, we’ll be reaching out to you as soon as we can. Sometimes we get multiple reports a day, and we might get backed up. If you reported the mistreatment of someone else, we’ll reach out to that person first to make sure we have their permission to move forward with the case. If you reported anonymously, of course, we can’t contact you.
  • Does telling the College of Human Medicine Learning Environment Committee put the college or MSU on "Notice" about my problem?

    No. Any formal action is completely separate from contact with the Learning Environment Committee. As an informal resource, the Learning Environment Committee does not initiate or participate in any formal adjudicative or administrative procedures. The Learning Environment Committee may be helpful in identifying who within the college or university you must notify directly.

  • How can I get support on personal issues?

    One way to initiate support for personal concerns not consistent with the “Reasons to Contact” section is to contact the Director of Student Health and Wellness at (517) 353-9010, and offices in Room A-112W Clinical Center in East Lansing and Room 624 Secchia in Grand Rapids or the Assistant Director of Student Counseling & Wellness at (616) 234-2739, Assistant Director of Student Counseling & Wellness, Room 624 Secchia Center. If you are in doubt, please contact the Student Resolution Advocate to help you sort it out.

  • Is there a difference if I discuss a sexual assault with the College of Human Medicine Learning Environment Committee or the MSU Ombudsperson?

    Yes, while university protocols allow the MSU Ombudsperson to honor requests for absolute confidentiality from an adult victim of sexual assault, the College of Human Medicine Learning Environment Committee must adhere to MSU’s Title IX and Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy reporting mandates.

  • Should I report witnessed mistreatment of another student?

    Yes. Your report will help College of Human Medicine assess and improve the learning environment for everyone.

Remember that all actions, including feedback, improvement plans, or any disciplinary actions come from your supervisor, not from LEC. LEC is responsible for collecting and substantiating reports, managing data and tracking trends, and ensuring that response is consistent across the entire SOM. LEC has no authority or power to take action, which is the responsibility of supervisors. Thus, it is them, never LEC, who will provide feedback, establish improvement plans, engage disciplinary pathways, or any other responses to substantiated incidents.