Dean's Support Staff Advisory Committee

The Michigan State University College of Human Medicine (MSUCHM) Dean’s Support Staff Advisory Committee was established in April 2019 so that permanent full-time and part-time MSUCHM support staff can bring pertinent issues affecting MSUCHM’s operations to its dean for prompt discussion and resolution. Send any questions or reach out the committee at




  • Committee Bylaws

    1.0 | Purpose

    The Michigan State University College of Human Medicine (MSUCHM) Dean’s Support Staff Advisory Committee (DSSAC) was established in April 2019 to provide a direct conduit and representation that enable MSUCHM support staff a mechanism to bring pertinent issues affecting MSUCHM’s business and operations to the Dean’s office for timely discussion and resolution.

    2.0 | Charge

     2.1  The Committee is charged with the following:

    2.1.1  Communicating the Committee’s purpose to all MSUCHM support staff and developing the means for MSUCHM support staff to communicate ideas and concerns to the Committee.

    2.1.2  Soliciting and representing ideas and input from MSUCHM support staff for discussion with and advising the MSUCHM dean and on matters brought to the attention of the Committee.

    2.1.3  Selecting and summarizing issues for presentation to the MSUCHM dean for discussion and resolution.

    2.1.4  Developing, proposing, and communicating solutions for resolving pertinent issues to MSUCHM support staff.

    2.1.5  Seeking feedback from MSUCHM support staff when the Committee and the MSUCHM Dean have agreed on a mutually beneficial solution to an issue.

    2.1.6  Recording and cataloging the solution for review and access by current and future MSUCHM support staff. 

    3.0 | Limitations

    3.1  No action on the part of the Committee and/or the MSUCHM Dean is intended to supersede MSUCHM support staff rights and obligations available through their particular bargaining units, MSUCHM, and MSU. Any action on the part of the Committee and/or the MSUCHM Dean is intended to address and resolve issues before they reach a point which requires the assistance of a bargaining unit or MSUCHM administration. 

    4.0 | Composition of Committee, Committee Member Terms, and Committee Vacancies

    4.1  With a focus on achieving a fair representation of the diversity of MSUCHM support staff, the Committee will decide the number, composition, and selection of Committee members through its voting membership.

    4.2  he Committee will be composed of approximately 15 MSUCHM full-time/part-time support staff from the MSUCHM East Lansing, Flint, and Grand Rapids locations. However, there may be years where fewer than 15 members could be serving due to committee members departing CHM or MSU, lack of interest in serving on the committee, or any other unforeseen circumstances. The selection committee ensures to maintain committee representation from the APSA, APA, and CT unions, as well as representatives from a variety of CHM departments and Dean’s office units.

    4.3  For regular Committee membership, a member’s term of commitment begins on July 1, ending on June 30 of the final year of the term. Membership requires a two-year term commitment.  Members wishing to serve additional terms must reapply.

    4.4  Two Co-Chairs and Secretary will be selected, and each will serve 2-year terms:

    4.4.1  Ideally, the co-chairs will serve off-setting terms, so there is ease in transition, but these bylaws are not intended to enforce that rule, merely use it as a best practice.

    4.5  Should a Committee member resign or is otherwise unable or unwilling to fulfill the term of service, the Committee may select an interim Committee member to serve until the vacancy is filled through the Committee’s selection process, which selection is then subject to approval by the Committee in accordance with Section 6.0.

    4.6  60 days before the expiration of a Committee member’s term outlined in Subsection 4.3 or upon a vacancy occurring as described in Subsection 4.5, the Committee shall notify MSUCHM full- and part-time staff of the opportunity to apply for and serve on the Committee subject to the Committee’s selection process.

    4.6.1  Subject to additional contents as determined by the Committee, the notification shall minimally:  Contain a brief description of expectations if an applicant is selected to serve on the Committee.  List the expected term of service by the applicant.  Require the applicant to explain his or her qualifications and interest to serve on the Committee.  Describe the selection process and provide a set date by which a decision will be made.

    5.0 | Committee Meetings

    5.1  The Committee will convene as necessary to establish and develop strategies for meeting objectives - but not less than once per month.

    5.2  The Committee Co-Chairs shall be responsible for calling to order and selecting the meeting dates and locations, as well as preparing and sending a meeting agenda to Committee members at least 1 day in advance of the meeting.

    5.3  Any Committee member may submit a request for a meeting to address a matter which he or she feels is in need of immediate attention, subject to the Committee Chair’s review and approval which shall not be unreasonably withheld.

    5.4  Any Committee member may submit an item for an agenda prior to the meeting or move to amend the agenda at the start of a meeting.

    5.5  All Committee meetings will be recorded and/or documented by the Committee Secretary (meeting minutes), who in turn will disseminate a draft of the meeting minutes to the 1) Committee leadership team for review and correction as necessary and 2) the MSUCHM Dean’s Office solely for the purposes of reviewing the accuracy of comments and/or information attributable to the MSUCHM Dean. A copy of the meeting minutes approved by the Committee will be preserved by the Committee Secretary in a location accessible by the full Committee and MSUCHM staff.

    6.0 | Committee Voting

    6.1  2/3 of the committee must be present to have a quorum to take action at any meeting.

    6.2  The matter to be addressed and subject to a vote must be noticed in accordance with Section 5.

    6.3  After a request to speak has been raised to the Committee Co-Chairs, a Committee member may have up to 5 minutes of uninterrupted time to address the matter to be voted upon.

    6.4  After any Committee member has had the opportunity to address the matter to be voted upon in accordance with Section 6.3, the Committee Co-Chairs may open the matter for general discussion.

    6.5  Upon motion of the Committee Co-Chairs, the matter may 1) be tabled for further consideration and discussion by the Committee or 2) put forth for a simple majority vote by the attending Committee members.

    6.5.1  A 2/3 majority vote by the full Committee is required for a matter which limits the right or participation of or involvement by any Committee member.

    6.6  The Committee Secretary shall note the Committee decision and include a descriptive summary of Committee comments, discussions, approvals, and objections (i.e., name of Committee member and his/her condensed comments).  

    7.0 | Committee Communications

    7.1  The Committee will approve a Committee member responsible for internal and external communications on its behalf.

    7.2  For internal Committee communications, the approved Committee member will be responsible for drafting, distributing, and storing all internal Committee communications in an area accessible to all Committee members, including but not limited to meeting minutes, proposed Committee documents, and survey results.

    7.3  For communications from the Committee to the MSUCHM community (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, Committee news), the approved Committee member will be responsible for drafting the proposed communication and submitting it for review and comment by Committee members sufficiently in advance of distribution.

    7.3.1  In the event a simple majority of the Committee members cannot agree on the proposed external communication, the matter will be submitted to the Committee Co-Chairs for a final determination with input from the Committee members.

    7.3.2  In the event of a dispute related to the proposed communication and the Committee Co-Chairs’ determination, a Committee member may request a meeting under Section 5.0 and a formal vote by the Committee under Section 6.0.

    8.0 | Amendments

    8.1  Any Committee member may submit a proposal to amend the bylaws as an agenda item for consideration during a Committee meeting that has been scheduled in accordance with Section 5.0.

    8.2  The proposed amendment shall be subject to Committee members' approval in accordance with Section 6.0.

    8.3  Any approved amendment shall be merged with the bylaws with reference to the date the amendment is effective.

    updated 05/24/2023

Committee Members

In 2018, Tae joined the Division of Public Health in Flint. She is the Executive Assistant to Wayne McCullough, PhD, Interim Director. She enjoys working with and supporting the talented and diverse faculty and staff. While she is a Wisconsin native, she is a proud MSU mom. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her two adult children and granddaughter; and attending cultural and live sporting events. Her hobbies include calligraphy, sewing and loves a creative challenge.

Julia is the Communication Manager for Academic Affairs and Admissions. Previously she was the Assistant Director of the Leadership in Rural Medicine Programs and worked at MSU Extension prior to that role. She also taught Communication at Alma College as a full time Instructor and Adjunct. Her current role within the College is to work with Admissions to help tell our story to our next class of MDs and to work with Academic Affairs to better organizational communication at the College. She is currently in her PhD Program at MSU’s College of Communication Arts and Science: Media and Information Program. When she is not working or in school, she enjoys time with her family, sewing, cooking, and traveling.

Kimberly is a Research Assistant I with the Pediatric Public Health Initiative’s Nutrition Team at the College of Human Medicine Flint campus. Her role focuses on the implementation and evaluation of a fruit & vegetable prescription program operating in Flint’s largest pediatric and OB/GYN clinics. Kimberly applied to DSSAC for the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues from all campuses who are dedicated to creating a supportive and welcoming environment for all support staff. In her free time, Kimberly enjoys perusing Flint eateries; staying active with soccer, tennis, and weightlifting; and spending quality time with friends and family.

Heather, a College of Nursing alumna, serves as a Standardized Patient Educator in simulation at the College of Human Medicine. In this role, she works with the simulation team to leverage simulation-based learning with a focus in medical science, effective patient interactions and incorporating best practice into patient care techniques. She brings over two decades of nursing experience from diverse clinical settings along with a dedication to deliver exceptional patient care, enhance patient care processes through quality improvement initiatives, and advance healthcare education. Driven by a deep commitment for continuous improvement, her focus on fostering excellence and innovation in medical simulation reflects her passion for improving medical education and healthcare outcomes. Outside of simulation she spends her time with family surrounded by nature as much as possible.

Rachael joined the College of Human Medicine as the Admissions Officer for the Office of Admissions in February 2020. She has two Bachelor’s degrees. One in Human Development/Social Relations and another in Religion with a minor in Jewish Studies from Kalamazoo College. Rachael received a Master’s in Student Affairs Administration from Michigan State University in 2018.  Prior to CHM, Rachael worked at several universities as a Residence Hall Director. As an Admissions Officer, Rachael oversees admissions operations, screens medical school applications, and manages the Interview Day process for medical school applicants. When she is not working, Rachael enjoys spending time with her family, taking walks with her dogs, cooking, and reading.   

Grace is a Human Resources Professional for the College of Human Medicine in Grand Rapids. She started her journey with Michigan State University in October 2018. Grace’s primary responsibilities are coordinating the faculty appointment process for non-MSU-employed faculty. She collects faculty appointment applications, completes faculty appointments transactions, change of statues, and terminations. Along with the East Lansing human resources team, Grace is responsible for the coordination of the university’s annual mass update process for the Grand Rapids, Traverse City and Upper Peninsula communities. Grace also assists with processing various EBS HR personnel transactions and hiring support staff positions.