Meeting minutes are detailed below. Click the heading to view that month's minutes.


Present: Julia Terhune, Tae Blair, Carol Parker, Rachael Vatesse, Claire Timmer, Gessika Johnson, Nashay Ruis, Heather Soule, Lindsay Metiva, Makela Grohman, Shaquandra Robinson (Quan), Kimberly Pulka (Kim), Elizabeth Stanton (Liz)

Regrets: Steven Edwards (Steve), Grace Yoder, Angela Curtis,

Member Changes: Kaitlyn Watson and Tracy Olson are unable to participate in the committee this year.

Welcome and Introductory Activity: Introduce yourself and identify what can below can or would you try to change in self.

  • Four topics, selecting one and explain why it interest you.
    • Activism & Social Justice
    • Event Planning
    • Team Building
    • Independent Project

Key Take Aways:

  • First note that all of the approaches we shared in interest above and our reasons are appropriate - so bring your ideas. So be mindful of your own lens.

Carol Parker Presentation of AAMCE Support Staff Report

  • Focus on the Data of the presentation – Staff perceptions
  • Strategic Planning is approaching their survey from the bottom-up approach, historically it was from the top down. Focusing on 4 categories (research, health, staff and student success)
  • Survey results are varied and rollout will be over time.

What do we work on this year?

  • Staff Burnout
  • Mentoring
  • Harassment Prevention
  • Meeting strategic plan in communications

Key Take Away:

We (university) need to recreate a structure and what that will look like

What is the charge of the DSSAC: We are the voice for the CHM Staff as it relates to the 4 Sub Committees and its charge and then reports back to the Dean, who in turn will provide us with the resources. Identifications of Sub Committee:

  1. Governance: (Co-Chair Rachael and Gessika) Kim, Julia, Heather
  2. Communication: (Co-Chair Liz and Tae) Kim Pulka
    1. The DSSAC communication subcommittee is meeting the goal area for the strategic plan for the Staff and Faculty.
  3. Awards: (Co-Chair Lindsay and Makela) Quan, Angela Grace
  4. Staff Engagement: (Co-Chair Quan and Liz) Gessika, Rachael, Claire, Nashay, Karla

Logistical Planning

As mentioned, we want to work on some things this year in our charge that focuses on two things in our logistics: Mentoring and Harassment Prevention

Co-Chairs reach out to the sub-committee members to meet within the next 30 days.

  • Goal: Have a discussion that can create space for:
    • Mentorship
    • Harassment Prevention
  • What action steps can you take with your sub-committee?

 Next Meeting: 3rd Week of Month (1:15 – invite to follow)             


Julia Terhune, Heather Soule, Shaquandra Robinson, Lindsay Metiva, Angela Curtis, Rachael Vattese, Nashay Ruis, Kimberly Pulka, Grace Yoder, Carol Parker, Claire Timmer, Liz Stanton


Gessika Johnson (no longer MSU employee – removed from list serve(s), Steve Edwards, Karla Cody(our of country – returning soon)


OIE Announcement

December 19th, OIE Meeting

October 22nd, Deans Strategic Planning meeting, Julia as advocate for staff

Carol – HR classification, your rights and information

Co-Chairs Update:

  1. Governance: employee understand protection and HR are on their side. Educate about their role as larger, working to employer staff, webinar and working with other committee, awards – adding mentorship – job compensation, guideline for informal or formal.
  2. Awards: met with previous awards committee, reached out to Allison Tilma on Awards ceremony and what is needed (no date for ceremony yet) adding group award or new award, including mentorship in award. Awards has access to email.
  3. Communication: sharepoint cleanup for members, newsletter where all voices are included, communicating with all sub committees on their projects, sharing newsletter as it unfolds.
  4. Staff Engagement: to meet in future – key role in the education and dissemination of this information.

Charge: Staff Engagement to meet before October, Governance and Awards joint meeting and opportunity

Member Activity:

Program, ie grant, goal (Hypothesis) creation, expectation.

Create (1) Theme (2) – what would be true for a successful mentorship program

  • Success stories
  • People who have been mentored, become mentors
  • Clear process for new hire to get a mentor
  • Participation numbers
  • Clear evaluation process
  • Feedback mechanism
  • Training platform for mentors
  • Yellow objective
  • Green subjective
  • Substantive

Staff Sentiment Survey: Have a conversation on what kind of mentoring one would like to have (What do people really want)

What type of mentorship do you want to receive at CHM, some examples are:

  • Mentorship from other mothers
  • Mentorship from a flexible platform, zoom (communication modality)
  • Mentorship on applications
  • What department do you need mentorship in
  • What role do you need mentorship in or situations
  • How do you deal with a difficult situation or conversation or staff within unit or out
  • How do we talk to people who are need to protect them self in context
  • Career path and training and focus

Charge: Instruction with survey creation and to contribute

Carol: Talking about questions and how we approach it differently and of personal interest. Maybe have a lunch and learn to have a bigger discussion.

Lunch and Learn: Committee to show up and staff invited.   Give varying dates/times

Charge: Staff Engagement get ahold of Carol to work on Lunch and Learn and provide information to Media and Communication


Next Meeting: October 17, 1:15pm


Angela Curtis, Nashay Ruis, Tae Blair, Heather Soule, Grace Yoder, Kim Pulka, Liz Stanton, Julia Terhune


Carol Parker, Rachael Vettese, Claire Timmer, Steve Edward has left committee

  1. Staff Engagement
    1. Activities
    2. Cheers Committee – Ashlee Overbeck
      • GR not in Lansing
      • L&L with Dr. Parker 10/21
      • Work with Communication with flyer and distribution.
      • Cheers Chapter in Lansing
        • Invite people to Cheer meeting
        • Qualtrics to EL/Flint people who may be interested, staff?
        • HR onboarding to be a part of Cheers committee.
  1. Communication
  2. Committee meets each month or as needed
  3. Minutes are stored in SharePoint, communication subfolder
  4. Awards
  5. Need to brainstorm for this year and next year.
  6. What does it look like integrating mentorship into awards. A broader statement: “How does this mentor to you, or how is they viewed as a mentor to you”.
  7. Those nominated need a letter of support, add a question there.
    1. Have you seen this person take an active role?
    2. Should this be a criteria?
    3. Some do not think it should be a part of questionnaire, rather how do you view this person as a mentor.
  8. Governance want to change the criteria and bring to the committee to vote.
  9. Need to review the process and cross reference with bylaws.

Chair Update:

               Meetings with the Dean – November, last half hour of meeting, 1:30 – to end of meeting.

  1. Question: how have meetings run in past.
    • Chair would ask Dean what he expected of us
    • Question left it wide open, attendance at townhall, committee, additional 1000.00 to awards, a lot of good things.
    • With the dean presence along with our positions at the DSSAC committee what would we like to discuss
    • Mentorship is only available at L&L, other opportunities need to be considered. Funds for L&L and that’s a positive
  2. Lunch and Learn
  • Funds secured for Grand Rapids, Flint and East Lansing
    • Encourage staff engagement.
    • What type of things can we do
  • How can we think about the engagement and their involvement?
    • L&L and meal vouchers
    • Think about the green checks for being involvement.
    • L&L and other ways to collect data, survey.
  • Julia, Let’s have the whole of the committee be on the L&L planning meeting on 10/21.

Adjourn 2:15pm

Nex Meeting: November 21 at 1:15pm


Tae Blair, Karla Cody, Angela Curtis, Makela Grohman, Kimberly Pulka, Quan Robinson, Nashay Ruis, Heather Soule, Liz Stanton, Julia Terhune, Claire Timmer, Rachael Vettese, Grace Yoder, Carol Parker

Special Guest

Aron Sousa

November 21, 2024 1:15 to 2:15 p.m.

  1. Welcome and Subcommittee Presentations
    1. Awards: Propose New Language for the nomination forms
      • Stacie Adams for Qualtrics will update
      • Formal vote: Tae and whole of committee
    2. Staff Engagement Additional meeting, 1st week in December to meet, put in chat
      • Ideas for mentorship, logistical and practical steps.
      • Staff engagement as a whole Cheers
      • Mentorship
      • Consider sharing with your unit opportunities to get involved
    3. Flint Department Awards Ceremony and Dean’s Reception
    4. Internal dept awards: Day of Celebration, all types of awards; dept, promotion, and exceptional staff, and retirees; catered, cake
    5. Ideas: Dept recognition event: Bowling, awards reception

Dean’s Update:

  • Midland 12/10, last day celebrating 60th
  • Next year Ribbon cutting
  • Clinical integration with Henry Ford
  • Scientist: how do we hire, building next to HF
  • Hire in Flint
  • 1964 Project, hired first person

Dean’s Charge to Committee - College needs from staff: skills and communication, website/newsletter, events, L&L skills might be of interest to staff. What will it look like in the college to develop the program


  1. Reminder of December 19 Meeting—HR Presentation

Open Forum


  • Send a message to Co-Chairs of who you would recommend to the committee
  • No bylaw additions, need to consider update
  • Committee’s need more people to support


2:15      Adjournment

Thursday, December 19, 2024

1:15 to 2:15 via Teams

All Committee Meeting

Attendees: Julia Terhune, Tae Blair, Angela Curtis, Claire Timmer, Karla Cody, Nashay Ruis, Kimberly Pulka, Shaquandra Robinson, Grace Yoder, and Heather Soule


  1. Welcome and Updates from Subcommittee
    1. Staff Engagement Valentines Project
      1. Claire gave an update that we have chosen to do valentines day cards in three nursing homes (GR/EL/Flint). We are working on identifying the nursing homes and will have tables set up in each three locations for staff to decorate valentines day cards with crafts. Then the week before valentines day we will deliver the cards to the three nursing homes.
        1. Claire to add the CHM logo
        2. Claire to run flyer by Amy Neinhouse for approval before it goes out
      2. Kimberly said that this will go out to staff in a newsletter on January 6th
    2. Awards Update
      1. Angela brought up a few questions:
        1. Do we allow staff who have received this in previous years. Julia said that there is no policy on this currently. Julia asked Heather to bring this up in a Governance Committee meeting. Julia suggested bringing it to a vote in January, and suggested the process be to do an anonymous Qualtrics survey and everyone on the committee could submit and then we can have a formal vote at our January meeting.
        2. Confirming that we should only have people nominated who work at CHM
        3. Decision was made to keep the question on the nomination form regarding relationship to nominee. Discussion around if we need a policy around nominating household members. Julia will add this to the Qualtrics survey.
        4. Going to the Dean about more money: suggestion was made for a new employee award, do we want to ask for more money for our current awards. Tae suggested asking for money for a new award. Angela suggested let’s think through what type of award we want to do, which their committee will work on. Discussion around the timeline of the awarding process. Last year it was March 15-April 15.
        5. Angela reviewed the added verbiage for award criteria- email to Staci Howard. We reviewed the current Qualtrics form. Sentence added at the end for questions to contact our committee. Grace mentioned that updates are going to occur on the website and Grace said they will keep us posted.
      2. Governance Update
        1. Julia noted that Governance hasn’t met so they don’t have any updates
      3. Communication Update
        1. Kim mentioned with the website updates that they will eventually need bios from everyone
        2. December holiday newsletter went out
  • The proposed date for the February newsletter is 2/20. This will give us time to include the outcomes of the valentines card project. Please submit updates for the newsletter by 2/10 unless someone needs more time.
  1. Reorganizing to SharePoint. Kim said that the main proposed idea they have is: on the main page to have each sub-committee folder and then within each folder broken down by year.
  2. A special announcement will go out on 1/6 regarding the valentines card project.
  3. Kim asked when we want the membership survey to go out. Julia noted that this is next on the agenda.
  1. Lunch and Learn Updates
    1. Review of the December 3, 2024 Meeting
    2. Survey for Interest
      1. Heather presented the Qualtrics survey where it is at this time. Julia asked that we add an introduction to the survey at the beginning (what the survey is about, what is in response to (the previous survey from DSSAC where we asked about interest), and that we are moving forward in the Spring with opportunities to develop skills, build relationships, etc., but to do this we are trying to catalog the needs/wants from staff. Julia also asked that we add that the survey is anonymous.
      2. Julia asked that we add the skills: event planning, team development, writing skills, creative skills (Canva/photographer/etc.), and hospitality/outreach.
  • Kim asked that we rephrase the last two questions to be less direct sounding to be more so are you interested...
  1. Heather really appreciated the feedback and talked through the thank you message at the end of the survey
  2. Heather will share with Julia and they will make the edits. Then they will send it to the team to collaborate on.
  1. January Plans
  2. Communication Subcommittee needs for L&Ls
  1. Rescheduling HR Presentation for February
  2. Request from Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Staff Committee (Heather)
    1. Heather shared that she was asked to be a bridge between the CQI committee and DSSAC. Heather shared that CQI is working on transition to students (tracking them through the whole process and communication between the areas), standardization across the board (staff training). Heather said it is important to share what is going on with each committee so we are not duplicating work and we are building off of each other. Heather is willing to be the link between the two committees. Kim shared that they can chat about this at their next communications meeting. Discussion around inviting them to a future DSSAC meeting.
  3. Closing
    1. Julia thanked everyone for their time and work
    2. Claire will get the flyer approved by Amy N.
    3. Julia will send the Qualtrics link for the committee to give feedback on
    4. At the end of the first full week of January we will make the decision to send that out


Julia Terhune, Tae Blair, Liz Stanton, Rachael Vettese, Grace Yoder, Angela Curtis, Shaquandra Robinson, Heather Soule,


Claire Timmer, Karla Cody, Kim Pulka, Makela Grohman, Lindsay Metiva, Nashay Ruis,


  1. Subcommittee Updates:
    1. Staff Engagement Subcommittee *Special Valentines announcements*
      1. Evaluation plan/write up
        1. Quan: trifolds and supplies ready
        2. QR code for website on Trifold cloth banner
        3. Card Prep Extension for GR, Claire talk to us to have supplies until the 12th– Potluck for staff to support.
        4. Financials, outcome and photo and testimonials to dssac by 2/19 to be presented on 2/20 dssac monthly meeting.
        5. Valentines Flyer to go out 2/16 5:00pm to all staff.
      2. Pictures: staff filling out and nursing home and testimonials
    2. Awards Subcommittee *Questions and answers about application*
      1. Qualtrics results from DSSAC responses
        1. Question: can we remove primary college, she thought the nominator could be anyone outside of chm, can they be outside of chm? Yes, it could be true. Nominee should be from chm. We need to have a conversation as a committee reviewing the applications.  Do we keep the college of the nominator – is it a gain or not? Keep off, if it is not going to change outcomes, keep it off. Will remove.
        2. Added, changed wording. Exhibits professionalism, positivity and leads by example (role-model/mentor) - Remove Role-Model/Mentor
        3. Awards Questionnaire for 2025: Survey sent in December by Chair, please complete in next couple days and prepare report for Awards.
    3. Communications Subcommittee
      1. Push newsletter for January out to week of the 15th
        1. Potluck in GR on 2/12
        2. Send Sub Committee Updates by 2/5 for next distribution, extend to 2/15, for Valentine Card Thank you from DSSAC.
    4. Governance Subcommittee
      1. no announcements, meeting next week
      2. Definitions: what are the actual definitions
      3. Increase in committee members, elections and future conversations
      4. What if a subcommittee lead steps down is that a re-election or a group decision, Secretary, re-elect, Chairs (if both unable) re-elect, unsure of treasurer (no treasurer on committee currently) - all other subcommittees discuss and bring to Chairs.
  1. Mentorship Program
    1. Survey - February, vote on February 20th, take next month and edits
    2. Next steps, April L&L
  2. February Updates
    1. Valentines' reminders
    2. Upcoming meeting—HR Presentation
      Tuesday reminders: award survey reminder, report to awards by end of next week, one-month timeline and bio next week.
  1. Notes: Bio on Website, send to Julia

Adjourn 2:03pm

Next Meeting: February 20, 2025, 1:15pm

Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 1:15 to 2:15 p.m.

Attended: Liz Stanton, Julia Terhune, Rachael Vettese, Kim Pulka, Quan Robinson, Heather Soule, Angela Curtis, Makela Grohman, Nashay Ruis, Claire Timmer

Regret: Carol Parker, Tae Blair

Guest Speaker: Central Human Resource (CHR) representatives: Courtney Hanneman, Cheleane Corkley

Agenda Items:

  1. Subcommittee Announcements:
    1. Governance: Changes to Bylaws
      1. Deep dive on language, members, what to do with new members
        1. Changes for vote on language for next month
      2. Awards: Award Survey Out
        1. Awards email went out, additional one to be sent from DSSAC email
        2. Nomination, considering previous awards and new member award: March Agenda item
      3. Staff Engagement: Valentines Outreach
        1. Valentines delivered from (3) campus locations, GR, EL and Flint
          1. All Nursing homes enjoyed and appreciated the valentines
          2. Pictures and shout outs to be in February Quarterly Newsletter
          3. Financials complete and submitted to Trisha Maxwell for reconciliation.
          4. Reported: Staff enjoyed the event program
        2. Communications: Updates
          1. Next Distribution, 2/28
            1. Subcommittee deadline 2/25. Whole of committee to review
          2. Communicating to the wider staff – Who is funding; ie from the Dean’s office – to be voted by whole of committee at later time.

 CHR – ppt presentation

    1. Records: E-file after 2016, prior both e-file plus physical files; some slides discussed:
      1. Exclusions Files, Supervisor Files, Dept File, CHR request for files, RSVM & Title IV summary, OIE, Employee/Hire Mgr Request for document, Disciplines file
      2. Send emails of inquiry to or review the following links:
  • Question: Can employee request their files from their supervisor files: Must be requested thru FOYA.


Charge for Next Meeting:

Awards Committee: Additional Discussion of awards report, previous and new member

Governance: Changes on language vote for next month

Communication: Communication for Wider Staff on who is supporting or funding programs


Next Meeting: March 20th, 2025 at 1:15pm