A report to the College of Human Medicine Student rESOLUTION aDVOCATE does not constitute Notice to the college or the University.
The College of Human Medicine Student Resolution Advocate, as an informal resource, does not arbitrate, adjudicate, formally investigate or participate in any internal or external formal process. Services supplement but do not replace other resources at the College and University. The Student Resolution Advocate remains consistent with the MSRR ARTICLE 5 - ADJUDICATION OF CASES - 5.4. ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTION -5.4.2: If problems arise in the relationship between instructor and student, both should attempt to resolve them by informal, direct discussions. If the problems remain unsolved, the unit administrator and/or the MSU Ombudsman should be consulted. If a problem is still unresolved, either individual may submit a grievance or complaint.
Report of sexual assault, discrimination, or harassment to the College of Human Medicine Student RESOLUTION ADVOCATE is not equivalent to a Complaint under Title IX or MSU’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy. Guidelines for Title IX reporting and MSU’s Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy will be reviewed and followed as indicated with the students.