Grant Writing Bootcamp
Wed, March 12, 2025 - Wed, April 2, 2025 at Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building
This bootcamp offers valuable guidance to help you craft strong grant proposals, boosting your chances of securing funding for your research projects. You'll also have the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of grantsmanship and ask questions related to the grant submission process. At the end we will have a discussion panel with MSU faculty with a proven track record of securing funding who will share their experiences both as grant recipients and as reviewers.
This event is for researchers, faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students and anyone writing or planning to write grants.
February 19th, 3–5pm | Session 1: What is A Grant?
February 26th, 3–5pm | Session 2: Administrative documents. Pre-award team Consultation
March 5th, 3–5pm | Session 3: Science documents: Abstract, Narrative, Specific Aims, Innovation
March 12th, 3–5pm | Session 4: Science documents: Research Strategy
March 19th, 3–5pm | Session 5: Resubmission and Renewal
March 26th, 3–5pm | Session 6: Post-award team Consultation
April 2nd, 3–5pm | Session 7: Grant review
Sessions are facilitated by Anna Moore, PhD, associate dean for research development. Guest speakers from the Office of Research include Catherine Grysiewicz, leader of the pre-award team, and Teresa Thomas, leader of the post-award team.
Registration is required to attend this free bootcamp. Sign up for individual sessions or the entire series. A virtual option (Zoom) will also be provided.
Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building
First Floor Conference Room (1404)
766 Service Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824
Questions? Contact Jennifer Bunge.