ADM-8 Media Contact

Effective Date: 5/10/2010
Last Revised: 1/17/2025
Responsible Party: Senior Marketing & Communications Officer
Persons Affected: All College of Human Medicine Faculty, Staff, Students


Effective and accurate communication with the media is critical to the College of Human Medicine’s ability to carry out its mission and promote continued public support. It is important to always present the college and MSU accurately and in the best possible light. When information or news is released or provided about the college, every effort must be made to avoid misinterpretation or confusion. This policy provides guidelines for faculty and staff who are contacted by the media or desire to initiate contact with media.


2.1 News media: reporters from any type of media outlet, including but not limited to, press, magazine, radio, broadcast, digital and internet
2.2 Senior Communications & Marketing Officer: Amy Nienhouse
2.3 Senior Public Relations Manager: Emily Linnert
2.4 Communications Office: Senior Marketing & Communications Officer and Senior Public Relations Manager
2.5 UCAM: University Communications and Marketing
2.6 UCAM Director of Public Relations: Sydney Hawkins


3.1 The College of Human Medicine Communications Office is the point of contact for
reporters from any form of media. Reporters are asked to contact the Communications Office directly.

3.2 Faculty and staff are not authorized to initiate contact with members of the media or to invite members of the media into university buildings, including the Secchia Center, the Grand Rapids Research Center and the Flint Journal Building, without approval from the Communications Office. Likewise, requests from members of the media seeking comment from, or interview with, any College of Human Medicine faculty or staff must be referred to the Communications Office.

3.3 Professional communicators will assist with arranging an interview or other opportunity to respond to media requests. They will also provide guidance for talking points and best practices or provide assistance with redirecting media requests to the appropriate source. Notification of any subsequent change to the agreed-upon arrangement for interview or response, including date, time, location, topic or additional interviewees must be sent to the Communications Office.

3.4 Reporters/photographers with cameras or recording devices of any kind are strictly prohibited from university buildings unless accompanied by the college Senior Marketing & Communications Officer or Senior Public Relations Manager, or the UCAM Director of Public Relations. This includes the College of Human Medicine’s buildings off the main campus: the Secchia Center, Grand Rapids Research Center and Flint Journal Building. This is particularly critical for anatomy or animal research labs/facilities.


If you are contacted by the media seeking comment or requesting an interview:

4.1 Refer the person to the Communications Office immediately.

4.2 Collaborate with and accept advice from the professional communicators who will assist with talking points and best practices.

4.3 Remember that when you respond to media requests, you may be assumed to be representing or responding on behalf of the college or university. Unless you are specifically authorized to do so, be clear that you are providing your personal opinion or insight and not that of the college or university, or, if you are speaking for another organization that you represent, be certain to clearly identify who you are representing.

4.4 Never discuss with members of the media legal issues, personnel issues, questions that involve college or university integrity or are particularly controversial or sensitive, or a campus crisis or emergency. If asked to provide information or a comment on these matters, do not say “no comment”; reporters will quote you as having said “no comment.” Rather, say: “I don’t have all the facts to answer that question accurately; I am happy to help connect you with the college Communications Office.” Take down the reporter’s name/number/email and contact the Senior Marketing & Communications Officer or Senior Public Relations Manager.

If you observe a security breach, that is, observe a reporter or photographer in an MSU building not accompanied by the Communications Office or other MSU Communicator:

4.5 Immediately contact MSU Police in East Lansing or, in Grand Rapids or Flint, immediately contact the respective building’s Security Manager or security desk.


1.0 - 5/10/2010 
2.0 - 1/1/2017 - Revised by Geri Kelley - Revision to include more definitions and off-campus buildings
3.0 - 11/2/2023 - Updated titles and contact names
4.0 - 1/17/2025 - Updated titles and contact names