ADM-4 Dress Code

Effective Date: 1/17/2025
Last Revised: 1/17/2025
Responsible Party: Associate Dean for Administration
Persons Affected: Faculty & staff in all units of the College of Human Medicine Dean's Office


Faculty and staff are expected to always dress in a professional manner, maintaining a neat and clean appearance. This includes wearing clothing that is appropriate for a business setting and avoid clothing that is revealing or contains offensive language or imagery.  Further, clothing should be within acceptable health, safety, and public contact along with ensuring good personal hygiene is practiced. Additionally, all employees are strongly encouraged to wear clearly visible, official MSU identification badges at all times.


1.0 - Effective date: 1/1/13 - Revised by B. Forney - Original
2.0 - Effective date: 5/1/18 - Revised by S. Morgan, B. Forney - Addition of hats and sweatshirts
3.0 - Effective date: 1/17/2025 - Revised by C. Parker and A. Curtis