Graduate Studies Committee

Elected Members Department Term Expires Term
Connie Currier Charles S. Mott Department of Public Health 8/15/2025 1st term
Anthony Paganini Physiology 8/15/2025 1st term
Daniel Vogt Pediatrics & Human Development 8/15/2025 2nd term
Hui Xu Pharmacology & Toxicology 8/15/2025 1st term
Appointed Member
Kristen Upson Epidemiology & Biostatistics 8/15/2025 1st term
Graduate Student Representative
Nabasmita Talukdar 8/15/2024
Ex-Officio Members with Voice but no Vote
Andrea Wendling Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
David Barondess Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs
David Barondess (term is 2022-2025) CHM Rep. to the University Committee on Grad. Studies
Rebecca Schein (term is 2021-2024) CHM Rep. to the University Committee on Curriculum
Noah Lubben CHM Rep for Council of Graduate Students


Scheduled quarterly or as needed.


  • The term of office for members will be two years.
  • Ex-officio members can serve as voting members. Once their term as a voting member is over, they become an ex-officio member.
  • The minutes are prepared by Lisa Galbavi, Administrative Assistant to the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

CHM Bylaws, page 18: The Committee on Graduate and Undergraduate Studies shall be composed of four (4) faculty members elected at large, one (1) faculty member appointed by the dean in consultation with the College Advisory Council, and one (1) graduate student enrolled in a graduate degree program in the College elected by their peers. The College representative to the University Graduate Council will be an ex officio, non-voting member, but may be given the voting franchise by committee. The charge to the Committee on Graduate and Undergraduate Studies shall be to serve as a forum for the generation, receipt, and discussion of policy recommendations regarding graduate and undergraduate education programs and courses of the College, and to advise the dean on these matters. The committee shall exercise the faculty's delegated authority to review and approve or reject all changes in the graduate and undergraduate curriculum degree requirements and graduate and undergraduate cognate course programs of the College.