Dean’s Advisory Committee on Diversity Minutes 23-24
The committee shall serve as a collective voice to the dean regarding diversity issues in the college including but not limited to input on LCME metrics, implementation of college diversity climate assessments and surveys, strategies to improve the diversity of faculty and staff to address needs across the mission areas, and of departmental and college metrics for diversity, equity, and inclusion. The group will survey and solicit input from the broad college constituency to improve college climate and culture on a regular basis.
September 2023
Elected Members: Omayma Alshaarawy, Craig Cole, Sabrina Ford, Ade Olomu, Katryna Peacock, Sarah Enlow, Tim Michling, Jasmiyne Hudson, Akhilesh Munagala, Sujay Singh
Ex-Officio Members: Aron Sousa, Wanda Lipscomb, Lisa Lowery Ade Olomu
Staff: Allison Tilma
Elected Members: Farha Abbasi, Malik Khan, Aaron Nichols, Kira Sieplinga, Sean Valles, Liz Stanton, Jonathan Diedrich, Malcom Davis
Ex-Officio Members: Nara Parameswaran- Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 5:34pm.
- The meeting was called to order at 5:34pm.
- Approval of agenda
- No objections raised, motioned to approve.
- Agenda approved by majority consent.
- Approval of minutes – May 15, 2023; Attachment A
- No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
- Minutes approved by majority consent.
- Introductions and welcome of new members; DACD Roster, Attachment B
- Members present took turns introducing themselves to the group.
- Members present took turns introducing themselves to the group.
- Election of new co-chairs. Two co-chair positions are available.
- Current co-chair reviewed the position and responsibilities of serving as a co-chair.
- Nominations were made for the following members:
- Sujay Singh, LCE student representative from Flint
- Dr. Ade Olomu, current co-chair
- Dr. Sean Valles current co-chair
- Nominations were made for the following members:
- Nominations were closed. Motion made to initiate voting.
- There were 10 of 18 voting members present.
- Dr. Ade Olomu received seven (7) votes. [elected]
- Sujay Singh received four (4) votes.
- Dr. Sean Valles received nine (9) votes. [elected]
- Current co-chair reviewed the position and responsibilities of serving as a co-chair.
- New business
- 1964 Request for Proposals; Dean Sousa, Attachment C
- Dean Sousa reviewed the purpose for this proposal process.
- Approved proposals from the previous year were reviewed.
- Dean Sousa requested feedback from the committee if there should be any changes to the program, proposal process, or rubric.
- No changes were suggested.
- Dean Sousa plans to send the request for proposals out to the college in October 2023 with the submission deadline of November 30, 2023.
- The review committee for the proposals will need to be discussed and created at the next meeting.
- Update on DEI work on Strategic Plan; Dr. Carol Parker
- DACD members did a lot of work when they met during their retreat on August 22, 2023.
- A brief overview of the strategic plan was shared for new members.
- At the August retreat the group reviewed goals, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9. These goals covered the pillar areas of Student Success and Healthy Communities.
- At the retreat the group went through the strategies and tactics for each goal and talked about whether those were appropriate or if modifications should be recommended back to the pillar committees.
- Dr. Parker led the committee in review and discussion on goals 5 and 6.
- Goals 4 and 5 are in the Staff & Faculty Success pillar. Goals 6 and 7 are in the Research & Scholarship pillar.
- The committee finished reviewing all the goals in the strategic plan and Dr. Parker will send a new link to the committee with the updated document.
- 1964 Request for Proposals; Dean Sousa, Attachment C
- Comments from the floor
- Tim Michling addressed the need for research information being communicated with different strategies for different stakeholders. He shared he has previous experience with this and is willing to volunteer and assist when necessary.
- Tim Michling addressed the need for research information being communicated with different strategies for different stakeholders. He shared he has previous experience with this and is willing to volunteer and assist when necessary.
- Adjournment
- Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
- Meeting ended at 7:04pm.
- Call to Order
October 2023
Elected Members: Farha Abbasi, Omayma Alshaarawy, Ade Olomu, Katryna Peacock, Sean Valles, Liz Stanton, Tim Michling, Doyle Ford, Michaila Palateer, Jasmiyne Hudson
Ex-Officio Members: Aron Sousa, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Nara Parameswaran
Staff: Allison Tilma
Elected Members: Craig Cole, Sabrina Ford, Malik Khan, Aaron Nichols, Kira Sieplinga, Sarah Enlow, Jonathan Diedrich, Malcom Davis, Akhilesh Munagala, Sujay Singh
Ex-Officio Members: Nara Parameswaran- Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
- The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm.
- Introductions and welcome to new ECE members.
- Doyle Ford – ECE rep from East Lansing campus
- Michaila Paulateer - ECE rep from Grand Rapids campus
- Approval of agenda
- No objections raised, motioned to approve.
- Agenda approved by majority consent.
- LCME review and student mistreatment citation, Dr. Wanda Lipscomb
- Background – AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) conducts annual graduation questionnaires. They use feedback from all over the country and it is a very comprehensive report. The purpose of sharing this is to review the mistreatment policies or negative behaviors experienced during medical school and the sources of negative behavior and how MSU-CHM compares to all other medical schools in the US.
- Dr. Lipscomb walked the group through all the questions and response percentages.
- Dean Sousa pointed out that data indicating that 1% of students reported some given experience in the surveys equates to that experience being reported by approximately 1.5 people, since 144 students responded to the survey.
- The Co-Chairs wanted to discuss about mistreatment and thought it would be helpful for the committee to know what the types of questions were that students are asked about mistreatment. What would be incorporated in that and that's why this information was shared.
- Approval of minutes – September 18, 2023; Attachment A
- No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve, seconded.
- Minutes approved by majority consent.
- Discussion of data shared by Dr. Lipscomb
- This is a matter of what great concern for the college so what do we do about this?
- The question was posed if we know the demographics of our students who completed the survey.
- Of MSUCHM respondents – 144 of 184 students responded:
- 39.4% were men, (by their definition) and 60.6% were women.
- 18.1% Asian, 18.1% African American, 7.7% Hispanic, 56.8% white and 7.1% other.
- Of comparing that to the rest of the country:
- 46.1% were men, and 53.9% were women.
- 26.9% Asian, 7.6%, African American, 10.6% Hispanic Latino, 59.9% white and 4.1% other.
- CHM’s enrollment is not necessarily characteristic of the rests of the country.
- Of MSUCHM respondents – 144 of 184 students responded:
- The remaining time of the meeting was spent discussing student mistreatment and the experience of microaggressions and concerns of how the situations are handled. A few suggestions were made, but no decisions on actions to be taken were made.
- Suggestions included more training for faculty and fellows.
- Encourage folks to check on the students and prompt them on their experiences to help correct them before they are a larger issue.
- There is a fear of not being anonymous when reporting and if there will be any repercussions from speaking up.
- How do we change the culture when we know these comments happen all the time?
- Concern if religion is being captured as part of the demographic data being collected.
- It’s not believed to be documented on the AAMC data, but it is something that we at the college level could be looking at in some kind of systematic way.
- The data collected and shared is only on the school and national comparison from the GQ. There are opportunities to have conversations with colleagues at other schools. This area has become a focus for the medical profession, and everyone is working on it.
- This committee must be a safe place for people to share and have conversation. For this group, any idea you have is a good idea and feel free to share it.
- How are we going to organize our efforts?
- Reporting – how can we help students feel more comfortable reporting? How can it be streamlined?
- Follow-up – how is the follow up with students? A suggestion is to ask the students what they would like the follow up to be before they report. Make sure the students have a clear ides of what the process looks like.
- Prevention – we don’t want the mistreatment to happen in the first place.
- There needs to be a connection between the DACD and whatever group is created to address student mistreatment and student voices need to be included.
- Thank you all for comments and discussion. This topic will continue to be one for future meetings and not solved in one night. It is an important issue that DACD will continue working on.
- Comments from the floor
- No comments from the floor – meeting ran well past 7pm.
- No comments from the floor – meeting ran well past 7pm.
- Adjournment
- Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
- Meeting ended at 7:12pm.
- Call to Order
November 2023
Elected Members: Michaila Paulateer, Doyle Ford, Malcolm Davis, Ade Olomu, Liz Stanton, Sean Valles, Sarah Enlow, Akhil Munagala, Omayma Alshaarawy, Tim Michling, Farha Abbasi
Ex-Officio Members: Aron Sousa, Nara Parameswaran, Wanda Lipscomb, Lisa Lowery, Ade Olomu
Staff: Allison Tilma
Elected Members: Craig Cole, Sabrina Ford, Malik Khan, Aaron Nichols, Katryna Peacock, Kira Sieplinga, Jonathan Diedrich, Jasmiyne Hudson, Sujay Singh
Ex-Officio Members:
- Call to Order
- The meeting was called to order at 5:33pm.
- The meeting was called to order at 5:33pm.
- Approval of agenda
- No objections raised, motioned to approve.
- Agenda approved as presented.
- Approval of minutes – October 16, 2023; Attachment A
- No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
- Minutes approved as presented.
- Select committee members to review 1964 project proposals: Attachment B (1964 proposal sheet)
- Three (3) members from DACD are needed. (Then the Dean will select an additional two (2) faculty members to review submissions)
- Omayma Alshaarawy volunteered.
- Ade Olomu volunteered.
- Sean Valles volunteered.
- Three (3) members from DACD are needed. (Then the Dean will select an additional two (2) faculty members to review submissions)
- Follow up on last meeting’s discussion of student mistreatment.
- Link to recording: 10/16/23 DACD Meeting
- What does the committee want to do or would like to do/how does the college respond better?
- Dr. Lipscomb provided an overview of the information from the LCME regarding student mistreatment numbers at MSU compared to other institutions.
- The college needs to understand where the mistreatment is coming from and have a system in place that really trains people to be consciously aware of it so they can appropriately respond to it.
- Work on things that we can control; Working with our clinical providers, our faculty, our staff, our students, and the places that our students go to make them as safe as possible. We can also work on doing a better job of communicating with people after we've had a report. Keep letting people know that we're engaged. Continue inhouse training on allyship.
- Reiterating the students shared they felt a need for having some sort of faculty mentorship or designated person within the reporting process. Some students didn’t feel encouraged to report and they wanted a contact person or more personalized mechanism for reporting than what is in place.
- Talking a lot about MD student experiences but need to remember to include other CHM students as well. (MPH, post-docs, PhD research scientists)
- Everyone belongs, everyone has a voice.
- The data as we have it now is comparing CHM to the rest of the country, but CHM’s recruiting, admissions and curriculum processes are different from other schools. We could do a better job collecting more specific data from our students.
- Students shared that peers have a perception of lacking power as students and if they do report something it will negatively impact them and their career. We need to overtly address this.
- Stress to students the anonymity in reporting and it isn’t going to come back to negatively affect them.
- Students should feel an environment of trust when reporting mistreatment. An example of a relationship is an MD student and their small group fellow meeting one-on-one.
- More training of faculty might be needed to encourage this relationship.
- It is important for students to know there is somewhere/someone they can go to and have support without the fear of mistreatment. “Someone in their corner.”
- The college should consider how the students benefit from improving the reporting process.
- Dr. Lowery brought up the blue octagon method which was used with students in the past to communicate different avenues of reporting.
- We need to be better with the follow-up and communicating back to the students when something is being addressed, or action is being taken in response to a report.
- Dr. Lowery and others are continuing to do things with faculty fellows so they are more comfortable and able to address incidents of implicit biases when it happens.
- Dr. Olomu shared of learning the four D’s of dealing with microaggressions.
- Directly respond, debate/distract, debrief.
- Student and faculty education of microaggressions and how to address them is important.
- It would be helpful to invite Dr. Wendling to a meeting to listen and contribute to the discussion.
- How do we create something that is systemic and put into the fabric of what we do.
- Dr. Lipscomb will share the PowerPoint or data with Allison to pass along to the committee.
- Dr. Lipscomb provided an overview of the information from the LCME regarding student mistreatment numbers at MSU compared to other institutions.
- How do we get better or different/alternate data to help us do what we want to do?
- This committee could come up with its own survey. Research is driven by the right questions being asked. Survey questions should include more than negative questions, but positive as well. Sometimes it can be helpful to ask often when collecting data.
- Has it been thought about to ask questions about microaggressions along with prompts or surveys that are already given to students seeking their feedback?
- There are lots of different ways we can collect data; focus groups, short surveys (possibly on phones). Possibly issue a survey twice a year at each level of the student experience.
- Dr. Lowery has already done some work with Dr. Emiko Blalock on data collection and potentially has a survey that be added to.
- Invite someone who helped with the previous mentioned survey to come to DACD and talk about the data collected.
- Could more questions be added to feedback surveys that students already have to fill out?
- Gaza discussion – how should the college respond or best support students?
- Dr. Farah Abbasi left early to participate on the panel for an MSU Webinar: The Medical Perspectives on Palestine.
- Dean Sousa elaborated that we know there are folks in CHM and MSU with ties to what is happening. Two parts to the question are 1) In general, is there feedback for how we comment on events in the world, or don’t comment about them? 2) Advice to the dean about how we should be approaching the ongoing violence in Gaza.
- Kind words are not going to hurt. Reaching out to let others know they are supported and cared for by peers. We are one body and when one part hurts, we all hurt.
- Encourage students to reach out or work with other national organizations (AMA), but the college can’t officially protect students from repercussions.
- Be timelier with messaging. College vs University are different.
- You’re never going to be able to please everyone with statements. Providing the safe spaces for conversations or coming together or sharing resources needs to happen as soon as possible.
- Comments from the floor
- No comments were offered.
- No comments were offered.
- Adjournment at 7:04 pm.
- Call to Order
January 2024
Elected Members: Akhilesh Munagala, Doyle Ford, Elizabeth Stanton, Farha Abbasi, Jasmiyne Hudson, Katryna Peacock, Malcom Davis, Malik Khan, Michaila Paulateer, Omayma Alshaarawy, Sarah Enlow, Sean Valles (Co-Chair)
Ex-Officio Members: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Wanda Lipscomb, Lisa Lowery
Guests: Jerry Kooiman, Mark Brieve
Staff: Allison Tilma
Elected Members: Ade Olomu (Co-Chair), Aaron Nichols, Craig Cole, Jonathan Diedrich, Kira Sieplinga, Sabrina Ford, Sujay Singh, Tim Michling
Ex-Officio Members: Ade Olomu
- Call to Order
- Meeting called to order at 5:30pm.
- Meeting called to order at 5:30pm.
- Approval of agenda
- No objections raised, motioned to approve.
- Agenda approved as presented.
- Approval of minutes – November 20, 2023; Attachment A
- No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
- Minutes approved as presented.
- Government Relations with the college – Jerry Kooiman, Mark Brieve; Attachment B
- The main topic of discussion was around being at MSU and CHM during an election year.
- Jerry Kooiman and Mark Brieve shared a document with guidelines for participation in campaign activities and ballot measures that covered what students, staff and faculty can and can NOT do as a member of MSU, and what if anything is permitted.
- Specific questions regarding campaign activity, can be directed to MSU Government Relations at 517-353-9000 or at
- CHM folks can contact Mark Brieve, Director for Community & Government Relations (for CHM) at
- Resources: MSU Freedom of Speech FAQ and Related Resources, Board of Trustees Policy on Facilities Use for Political Activities
- The discussion shifted to other current political topics and activities and what student, faculty and staff involvement can be and what is not allowed.
- ACTION ITEM: DACD members recommended to the dean that it would be useful for this topic to be shared on a Dean’s Town Hall. A second webinar or presentation should also be offered in the evening to be available for students. Additionally, the college needs to share written information for folks to reference. The sooner the college can reach out and communicate about these events is preferred to waiting four to six weeks.
- Dr. Lisa Lowery agreed to take point on organizing the town hall and student discussion.
- Dr. Lowery and Allison will work to find two dates as soon as possible to offer these two opportunities for discussion.
- Update on 1964 projects.
- Proposals are in and assigned to committee members to review. The review committee has not met yet.
- Comments from the floor
- Dr. Farha Abbasi thanked the committee for such a great and meaningful discussion.
- Dr. Farha Abbasi thanked the committee for such a great and meaningful discussion.
- Adjournment
- Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
- Meeting ended at 7:13pm.
- Call to Order
March 2024
Elected Members: Sean Valles, Amber Harris, Farha Abbasi, Akhil Munagala, Jasmiyne Hudson, Jonathan Diedrich, Liz Stanton, Malik Khan, Michaila Paulateer, Omayma Alshaarawy, Sabrina Ford, Doyle Ford
Ex-Officio Members: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Wanda Lipscomb, Lisa Lowery
Guests: Andrea Wendling
Staff: Allison Tilma
Elected Members: Ade Olomu (Co-Chair), Aaron Nichols, Craig Cole, Jonathan Diedrich, Kira Sieplinga, Sujay Singh, Tim Michling, Sarah Enlow
Ex-Officio Members: Ade Olomu, Nara Parameswaran- Call to Order
- Meeting called to order at 5:34pm
- Meeting called to order at 5:34pm
- Approval of agenda
- No objections raised, motioned to approve.
- Agenda approved as presented.
- Approval of minutes
- The January 22, 2024, minutes were not finalized and will be approved at the next meeting.
- There was no meeting in February as the time was used for a webinar discussion open for students, staff and faculty discussing CHM in an election year.
- Update on 1964 projects.
- There were five total submissions, with two outscoring the others.
- The two highest scoring submissions are more expansive than the college can afford.
- Only one of the submissions has been notified and the Dean is talking with folks from that submission to bring the cost down.
- Still having some struggles with securing candidates from 2023 submissions.
- Project ideas might be too narrow and need to consider casting a wider net.
- Recap and discussion of free speech sessions
- Dean’s Town Hall and Feb. 19 session with students
- Discussion and shared info on free speech on campus was helpful and appreciated.
- Any planning for future meeting?
- No planning is necessary for a future meeting, but conversation continued on where free speech can be shared by MSU Med students and what the guidelines are for using public places to share or display information (in East Lansing and Grand Rapids campuses).
- The need for transparency and open communication with the students was strongly expressed.
- Dean’s Town Hall and Feb. 19 session with students
- Support for DACD Committee
- Minutes vs. Notes
- Minutes are necessary per the bylaws and will be shared on the public CHM committee’s webpage.
- The committee agreed keeping the zoom recordings in the committee’s Teams channel will suffice and detailed meeting notes are not necessary.
- What should the committee focus on next?
- Tabled for April meeting.
- Tabled for April meeting.
- Comments from the floor
- Dr. Farha Abbasi shared that she was recently elected to the board of American Psychiatric Association foundation and will serve from 2024-2027.
- Dr. Farha Abbasi shared that she was recently elected to the board of American Psychiatric Association foundation and will serve from 2024-2027.
- Adjournment
- Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
- Meeting ended at 6:54pm.
- Call to Order
April 2024
Elected Members: Farha Abbasi, Omayma Alshaarawy, Malik Khan, Ade Olomu (Co-Chair), Sean Valles (Co-Chair), Liz Stanton, Tim Michling, Michaila Paulateer, Jasmiyne Hudson, Malcom Davis
Ex-Officio Members: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Nara Parameswaran
Guests: Andrea Wendling
Staff: Allison Tilma
Elected Members: Craig Cole, Sabrina Ford, Aaron Nichols, Katryna Peacock, Kira Sieplinga, Sarah Enlow, Amber Harris, Jonathan Diedrich, Doyle Ford, Akhil Munagala, Sujay Singh,
Ex-Officio Members: Lisa Lowery
- Call to Order
- Meeting called to order at 5:34pm
- Meeting called to order at 5:34pm
- Approval of agenda
- No objections raised, motioned to approve.
- Agenda approved as presented.
- Approval of minutes
- January 22, 2024 – No objections raised, or changes requested, motioned to approve.
- Minutes approved as presented.
- March 18, 2024 – No objections raised, or changes requested, motioned to approve.
- Minutes approved as presented.
- Minutes approved as presented.
- January 22, 2024 – No objections raised, or changes requested, motioned to approve.
- Update on 1964 projects.
- For the projects selected last year:
- The search has been restarted in Grand Rapids for the project to do community-based work in the looking at neuro diseases in Hispanic populations.
- It is believed there is a candidate from family medicine being considered for the project to look at health disparities in people from the Middle East and North Africa
- Projects this year
- Both newly selected projects are meeting with the budget office and working to identify PIs.
- Both newly selected projects are meeting with the budget office and working to identify PIs.
- For the projects selected last year:
- Review of the national landscape on DEI
- Dean Sousa - DEI questions from AAMC – COD
- At the AAMC Council of Deans a main discussion point that kept coming up was about questions around diversity, equity and inclusion, or similar programming and how it was a big political topic.
- There were two schools of thought, which is sort of why I want to frame this conversation.
- There was, “Well, we can look at the language in a way that is less likely to draw attention, and put us at risk,” depending on how the next election goes.
- Or no, we should be defending the language because language matters, and you know we should. These are the concepts behind the language, or what we're trying to talk about and do.
- Some of the language changes that were shared were: culture, access and strategic engagement, which was called CASE, just changed their office to community engagement, changed their name to health, equity, and belonging, and one that changed their name to student recruitment and success.
- Sometimes “equity” is a word that has gotten some attention from the same people who are going after “Diversity” or “DEI”.
- There were two schools of thought, which is sort of why I want to frame this conversation.
- By the early fall the college needs to have a plan in place since we don’t know how the elections will turn out or what will happen on the national scene. We need to come up with a strategy and how we should be thinking about these national changes, and how the College should address that.
- Dr. Lipscomb emphasized the importance of focusing on actions rather than just names, highlighting the college's progressive mission and strategic plan as guiding principles.
- At the AAMC Council of Deans a main discussion point that kept coming up was about questions around diversity, equity and inclusion, or similar programming and how it was a big political topic.
- Dr. Valles - Bioethics & anti hate
- There has been a noticeable drop in enthusiasm for DEI work since about the summer of 2020 when it hit its peak, and it has sort of waned since then.
- Folks were starting to chase where they sort of fit into these natural conversations around anti hate and freedom of speech and academic freedom. These are things we were talking about also here, obviously And so the new thing they're most afraid of at the moment isn't sort of the closing of Dei offices. It's sort of like being unprepared to meet the current moment with discourse around Gaza discourse around the election things like that. So these are not unrelated problems. But the that's sort of where their attention has now turned. And so trying to do sort of broadly Dei work in that context is going to require a little bit of pivoting in order to sort of get anything done. But I find it sort of illustrative about sort of where like sort of miscellaneous leadership, from across at sort of like the chair level in medical schools. what their sort of new interest and concerns are. We've had some discussion around the Dei aspects. In the at the Social Mission Alliance Conference. There's constant conversation about it. It seems people are sort of tossing up the same sort of strategies that's have been suggested. Other places you can sort of distribute the work of Dei so broadly across every single part of the college that it's hard to remove it, because everyone is doing Dei work all the time. So it's everyone's responsibility. It's in everyone's job description in the non, meaningless sense. it's sort of woven into the way we do everything into admissions and to research allocations into all the stuff or you can try to have like these sort of concentrate concentrated offices. And if you do are going to have an office of Dei or more than one office of Dei. Then you have to decide whether or not you want to sort of go at it head on, or whether you want to. Sean A Valles: naming into something that sounds more benign, but is really just doing the same sort of work as before. Ade Olomu: Can you call nice with us? Ade Olomu: But it has to add to that. Ade Olomu: There are so many changes. Ade Olomu: many things that I'm moving now, and what's going to happen would depend where I would have the the next President. Ade Olomu: That will determine whether all these things are going to continue or they are going to stop. Aron Sousa: So I I don't know, for Aron Sousa: certainly not for the Council of Deans. There wasn't anybody who actually got up and argued. Aron Sousa: you know. Well, we need to be doing less of this Dei stuff, anyway. Aron Sousa: Well, unlike, I mean there, there are some some significant Aron Sousa: physicians who put together this educate act thing which Aron Sousa: are causing a problem but Aron Sousa: But the nobody in the council, not nobody in the Council of Deans actually. Aron Sousa: I think, wanted, or would get up and say. Aron Sousa: Sorry! Aron Sousa: wanted or would say Aron Sousa: that they, you know, don't want to Aron Sousa: to do this work, but I got the sense that within your organization, Sean, there are actually some people who are arguing. No, no, no! With it we've we're not. We're not in the right place here. Is that true? And what was what's that like. Sean A Valles: It's a, it's an interesting group. It's sort of a cross section of it's it's Mds, it's Phds, it's people. It's high prestige institutions less selective ones. Sort of it's a it's a smattering Sean A Valles: There are not many people who are actively opposing the Ei efforts. There are a couple, but they don't show up to meetings anyways. Sean A Valles: The there had been a discussion earlier that made me think they would have a more direct interest in Dei, which is that a lot of bioethics content has sort of shunted into the Dei space over the years, which is something that suits me just fine insofar as the what what the center I run is named, and what it does Sean A Valles: other people have sort of mixed more mixed feelings about sort of having Dei sort of I think they feel like Dei sort of eating their lunch Sean A Valles: like that. We're teaching ethics, but it's only social ethics or something like that. I don't. I don't know. Sean A Valles: So Sean A Valles: yeah, it's it's interesting to Sean A Valles: to have lack of interest. Be sort of the the thing that's making it harder to get any like momentum around to like writing a new statement together, or something like that. There's just sort of a a lack of enthusiasm around a a aside from trying to be sort of defensive. And so we need to defend against the sort of worried that like Sean A Valles: there, that's bioethic center will become obsolete if they're in having anything to say about sort of like campus prices and things like that. Sean A Valles: It does make for some interesting Sean A Valles: that that was in terms of allies Sean A Valles: like during the writing of of my group statement on Sean A Valles: in response to the Dob's decision. Sean A Valles: It's Sean A Valles: my sort of effort to make it like a sort of social justice focus thing about what are the impacts going to be on communities
- Dr. Lowery – AAMC – GDI Conference and Educate Act
- Dr. Lipscomb - Other AAMC groups
- Dean Sousa - DEI questions from AAMC – COD
- What should the committee focus on next?
- Comments from the floor
- Adjournment
- Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
- Meeting ended at 6:54pm.
- Call to Order