Curriculum Committee


Fourth Tuesday of each month from 1-3 p.m., Zoom.
Staff support provided by Lisa Galbavi


  • The term of office for members will be three years.
  • Members may not serve on a standing committee for more than six consecutive years.
  • Ex-officio members can serve as voting members. Once their term as a voting member is over, they become an ex-officio member.
  • See CHM Bylaws for committee description and composition
Elected Members Department Term Expires Term
Cindy Arvidson, PhD Microbiology 8/15/2025 2nd term
Laura Freidhoff, MD OMERAD 8/15/2026 1st term
Daniel Isaac, MS, DO Medicine 8/15/2026 1st term
Megan Quinlan, MD Family Medicine 8/15/2025 1st term
Len Fleck, PhD*
OMERAD 8/15/2025 2nd term
*Filling one year for A. Thompson-Busch. Then a new term member will be elected
Appointed Members
Modupe Awonuga, MD Pediatrics 8/15/2026 2nd term
Sumugdha Rayamajhi, MD Medicine 8/15/2025 1st term
Student Representatives
Thomas Kelbel – LCE 8/15/2025
Cordelia Tuan – LCE 8/15/2025
Elected Curricular Design Group Members
Migdalisel Colon-Berlingeri, PhD – MCE
Physiology 8/15/2027 2nd term
Katherine Keller, DO – Intersessions - Chair
Dean’s Office 8/15/2026 1st term
David, Scheeres, MD – LCE Surgery 8/15/2025 1st term
Ryan Tubbs, PhD – ECE
8/15/2027 1st term
Ex-Officio Members with Voice but no Vote
Andrea Wendling, MD Senior Associate Dean, Academic Affairs (Executive Vice Chair)
Jennifer Edwards-Johnson, DO, MPH
Associate Dean, Community Academic Programs
Wanda Lipscomb, PhD Associate Dean, Student Affairs
Robin DeMuth, MD Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education
Heather Laird Fick, MD, MPH Assistant Dean, Accreditation and Program Evaluation
Amber Heard-Booth, PhD (Interim) Assistant Dean, Admissions
Brad Riley, MD Assistant Dean, Clinical Experiences
Jon Gold, MD Director, CHM Academy
Currently Serving as voting member Director, Intersessions
Helga Toriello, PhD
Kimberly Mitcham, DO Director, Late Clinical Experience
Currently Serving as voting member Director, Middle Clinical Experience
David Buzanoski, MD Rep. of the Community Assistant Deans
Amy Greenberg, MEd Rep. of the Evaluation/Faculty Development Program
Rebecca Schein, MD (term ends spring 2024) CHM Rep. to the University Committee on Curriculum