2024 Minutes

The CAC includes one faculty member from each administrative/academic unit of the college, and two medical students and one graduate student, representing different parts of the curriculum. Faculty members are elected for a two-year term by the voting members of the unit. Chairpersons and directors of units are responsible for initiating and supervising, within their respective units, elections in early spring semester with members taking office on August 15. The election procedure is determined by each unit’s bylaws but is limited to eligible internal voting faculty of the college.  In addition to elected voting members, the faculty members representing the college on each university standing committee  serve as ex officio, non-voting members of the CAC and provide a quarterly, or as needed, report of their committee’s activities at a regularly scheduled CAC meeting.  Other ex officio non‑voting members may be added as needed by the CAC and generally include the associate deans for administration, academic affairs, student affairs and faculty development.

  • April 15, 2024

    April 15, 2024


    Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Rob Quinn, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Christian Kolacki, Kip Bohnert (for Claire Margerison), Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Heather Laird-Fick, Thomas O’Halloran (joined late), Kabelo Thusang, Stacey Missmer, Shawn Jobe (joined late), Cheryl Rockwell, Kathleen Gallo, Farha Abbasi (joined late), Morteza Mahmoudi, Jordan Knepper (Vice Chairperson), Scott Counts (Chairperson), Bendu Sherman, Jon Giolitti
    Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Rebecca Schein, Jamie Alan, Connie Currier, Kathleen Gallo
    Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Twynette Mixon, Joseph Junewick
    Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Kim Sapowski (for Lori Dykstra)

    Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley


    Elected Members: Jill Moschelli, Indhu Rammohan
    Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Susan Barman, David Barondess, Kathleen Oberst
    Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote):
    Standing Guests: Andrea Wendling, Lori Dykstra

    1. Call to order
      1. Meeting called to order at 1:03pm
      2. Quorum met with 17 of 22 attending.
      3. Three additional members arrived after the meeting started.

    2. Approval of agenda
      1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
      2. Agenda approved as presented.

    3. Approval of minutes
      1. March 18, 2024; Attachment A
      2. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
      3. Minutes approved as presented.

    4. Remarks/updates
      1. Chair
        1. Thanks to everyone for making the members of their departments aware of the committee nominations and award nominations.
      2. Dean
        1. Graduation is coming for Masters, PhD and MD students.
          1. 99% of MD graduates have a job
        2. Upcoming meeting with LCME Secretariat to go over action plan CHM received for citations from last spring’s visit.
        3. Celebrating CHM’s 60th anniversary year with various town halls focused on early founded departments and campus visits.
        4. Board of Trustees approved the research building for Detroit.
          1. It will be 335,000 square feet and $335 million dollars and is a building that will have a private institute in it. About half of it will be filled with researchers who already exist based out of Henry Ford and we are continuing to recruit researchers for the other half.
        5. The Flint Journal building expansion is coming along and will open in about 13 months.
          1. The feds provided CHM with $572,000 to help us close the final gap on technology and furniture and that’s in addition to the 3.4 million in MEDC funding thanks to Senator Cherry, which will help bring that building in very much on budget and on time.
        6. Remind everyone about awards and encouraging CAC members (other than the steering committee) to serve on the awards review committee.

    5. Approval of search process for Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs search
      1. Attachment B – Memo to CAC, with summary of position and search process
      2. Attachment C – ADFA posting
      3. The dean answered questions from the committee about the search process.
      4. The chair requested a motion to vote to approve of the proposed search process.
        1. Motion made, Seconded. No additional discussion was necessary from the committee.
        2. Motion passed unanimously.

    6. Approval of proposed bylaw changes for the Admissions Committee; Attachment D
      1. The chair requested a motion to endorse the changes of the bylaws to send new language to CHM faculty for final voting approval.
        1. Motion made, Seconded. No additional discussion was necessary from the committee.
        2. Motion passed unanimously.

    7. Elections for CHM committees & CAC reps
      1. Reviewing ballot of CHM committee nominations.
      2. Seeking CAC approval for additional college level voting rights for two nominees.
        1. Motion made, Seconded. No additional discussion was necessary from the committee.
        2. Motion passed unanimously.
        3. Action item: Allison to email CHM about nominations still open and request final submissions by Friday. Voting will be sent out the following week.

    8. Awards Sub-committee
      1. Chair Counts asks CAC members for volunteers to serve on CAC Awards Review sub-committee.
        1. Dr. Karen Kelly-Blake and Dr. Natoshia Cunningham volunteered to serve on the sub-committee.

    9. Spring Faculty Meeting – overview of the agenda.
      1. New date: Monday, May 6 2024, 5-7pm via Zoom
      2. Agenda items/topics to discuss
        1. Updates from all CHM committees (per bylaws)
        2. SDC 2.0 (Robin DeMuth/Andrea Wendling or their surrogates).
        3. From Nara – Structure of Research Department
        4. Invite Norm Beauchamp & Steve Kalkanis or other henry ford partner to talk about vision and where partnership is going.
        5. Review of recent high level new hires, plans for searches, people in interim positions, and what the org chart looks like.
        6. Mention CHM Commencement (May 4, 2024 at 1:00pm)

    10. New business
      1. No new business presented

    11. Comments from the floor
      1. Dr. Olomu encouraged faculty and staff to complete the survey that was sent out.
      2. Allison reminded CAC members whose service is ending to connect with their chairs for re-appointment or initiate a department election for a new CAC representative.

    12. Adjournment
      1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
      2. Motion passed unanimously.
      3. Meeting ended at 1:38pm.
  • August 19, 2024

    August 19, 2024


    Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Crystal Cederna, Claire Margerison, Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Max Tamae Kakazu, Kabelo Thusang, Jose Teixeira, Morteza Mahmoudi, Jordan Knepper, Scott Counts, Ayah Ayesh, Emmett Leddin
    Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Susan Barman, Jamie Alan, Connie Currier, Kathleen Gallo, Kathleen Oberst
    Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Joseph Junewick
    Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Andrea Wendling, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Kim Sapowski (for Lori Dykstra)
    Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley


    Elected Members: Rob Quinn, Mariah Barnes, Thomas O’Halloran, Jill Moschelli, Shawn Jobe, Cheryl Rockwell, Lee Cox, Farha Abbasi
    Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): James Anthony, John Fitzsimmons, Erika Williams, David Barondess
    Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Academic Specialist Rep (TBD)
    Standing Guests: Lori Dykstra

    1. Call to order
      1. Meeting called to order at 1:04pm
      2. Quorum met with 13 of 22 attending.

    2. Approval of agenda
      1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
      2. Agenda approved as presented.

    3. Approval of minutes
      1. April 18, 2024; Attachment A
      2. These minutes were incomplete at the time of the meeting.
      3. The April 18, 2024 minutes will be approved at the next meeting.

    4. Introductions and orientation to CAC
      1. Robert’s Rules; Attachment B
        1. Basic guide and introduction to parliamentary procedures for how the meetings will run.
      2. Roles of steering committee Attachment C
        1. Reviewed positions of the CAC Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.
      3. Show Teams channel for materials. (Allison will share her screen)
        1. Overview of where to access CAC meeting materials and updates via Teams.

    5. Remarks/updates
      1. Dean
        1. Welcome to CAC, this group does important work for the college, thank you for serving.
        2. Last Saturday was the whitecoat ceremony with 189 new medical students.
        3. Last academic year, the six new CHM/Henry Ford departments were approved. Now we are in the business of getting those departments set up and interim chairs appointed.
        4. Henry Ford clinical integration is happening and is a huge amount of work, mostly about the financial relationship between Henry Ford and HCI, and then therefore the funding that goes to the departments and college. There are public documents available to view the work being done and the goal is to work towards a January 1st agreement.
        5. Since the CAC last met, the Board of Trustees members held their annual retreat and summer BOT meeting in Flint. It went well, and the trustees enjoyed their time there.
        6. Last week, the Harris campaign included the nuts and bolts of Rx kids in their economic plan, and we did pretty well overall in receiving funding from the state budget.
        7. Position searches update:
          1. The Physiology Chair search is coming to a conclusion, and we are working with the other colleges, that's Nat Sci and Osteopathic medicine to finish that.
          2. Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs search is in its final phases.
        8. Dr. Norm Beauchamp has left MSU’s Office of Health Sciences. In the interim, Norm Hubbard and I have had the work from that office divided up between us. This is intended to be a six-month transition period, ending in December. I am an Executive Dean, in the provost's office and have some responsibility for the academic world of the Human Health Colleges. Hubbard oversees clinical areas, and the Henry Ford partnership. He and I are sort of working as a dyad across both of those.
        9. The president has created a Health Sciences Council to address the future of the offices of health sciences. There are 12-13 people on the council, including 5-6 deans and a range of other people. More information is available here: https://www.healthsciences.msu.edu/health-sciences-council.
          1. They have 4 goals that they're working on; the strategic direction for health and healthcare at the university, what OHS's structure should be, some research growth goals, and goals for collaboration
        10. It is the 60th anniversary of the college and townhalls are highlighting the history of CHM, founding departments and programs and also visiting our other campuses across the state. https://humanmedicine.msu.edu/about/60th_Anniversary/index.html
        11. The Dean's Advisory Committee on Diversity (DACD) has been running the 1964 project, which is an effort to hire scholars who can advance our diversity, equity, inclusion, and health equity, especially the health equity portion of our strategic plan.
          1. Family medicine is close to landing the first 1964 project hire and there were two other winners this year. Medicine is bringing in somebody to work on health equity next to Dr. Olomo, and then Biochemistry has proposed bringing somebody looking at health, equity and cancer and native populations
          2. In an additional piece the provost has agreed that our 1964 project hires will be counted as 1855 professors and be able to call themselves 1855 professors and be included as a part of that cohort.

    6. Election of new Steering Committee members
      1. Chair
        1. Dr. Scott Counts nominated Dr. Jordan Knepper for CAC Chair. Dr. Knepper accepted the nomination, and no other nominations were made. Formal motion made to nominate Dr. Knepper as Chair, seconded. No discussion. Motion carries unanimously to elect Dr. Knepper as Chair.
        2. Dr. Knepper now takes over running the CAC meeting as the new presiding chair.
      2. Vice-Chair
        1. Dr. Jordan Knepper opens the floor for nominations for the vice-chair position.
        2. Dr. Kelly-Blake nominates Dr. Natoshia Cunningham to serve as vice chair. Dr. Barman seconds the nomination and Dr. Cunningham accepts. No other nominations were made. Motion made to elect Dr. Cunningham as vice-chair, seconded. No discussion. Motion carries unanimously to elect Dr. Cunningham as vice-chair.
      3. Secretary
        1. Emmett Leddin, LCE student rep, self nominates to serve as secretary.
          1. Point of order – the committee discusses what roles students can serve on the steering committee. Secretary is allowed, but due to the necessity of the chair and vice chair positions needing faculty voting rights, students are excluded from those roles.
        2. No other nominations were made. Motion made to elect Emmett Leddin as secretary is seconded. No discussion. Motion carries unanimously to elect Emmett as secretary.

    7. Approval of guests and ex-officio non-voting members; Attachment D
      1. Members will have voice at meetings, but no vote.
      2. Any guest is allowed to attend CAC meetings but will not have a voice unless approved by CAC.
        1. Dr. Brian Johnson is shadowing Dean Sousa as part of the Academic Leadership Fellows program. He will be a regular guest, but not have voice.
      3. Motion made to approve list, seconded. No further discussion. Motion carries unanimously to approve list.

    8. Proposal of always holding future CAC meetings via Zoom, unless otherwise specified.
      1. Chair Knepper agrees with the proposal of Zoom being the default meeting method for all future CAC meetings, unless requested otherwise.
      2. Motion made to approve the proposal, seconded. No further discussion or objections. Motion carries unanimously.

    9. New/Upcoming business for the year
      1. Topics shared with the Dean’s Office for CAC to address during the 2024-2025 academic year.
        1. Student Grievance process – Brought to Allison by Dr. Joan Ilardo.
        2. Recognizing CHM Awards Committee in bylaws as an official sub-committee
        3. Confirming Fall Faculty Meeting date
          1. Dates were proposed, but the steering committee will review possible dates to confirm there are no conflicts with religious holidays.
          2. A brief discussion was held on the times that should be offered, during the business day or after clinics close. The Steering Committee will discuss this further.
        4. Department bylaws likely need to be reviewed and updated
          1. Some copies of department bylaws kept in the Dean’s Office have not been updated in the past five years. CAC reps, please check with their departments on their current bylaws.
          2. Dean Sousa proposes planning to review all the department bylaws in need of updates as a spring semester project.

    10. Comments from the floor
      1. Dr. Counts asked to confirm where the Admissions Committee was with the election of their new members.
        1. The election for new members was held and closes this week. The Admissions Committee Chair was notified, and new members will be contacted in the coming weeks to start their service.

    11. Adjournment
      1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
      2. The meeting adjourned at 2:03pm.
  • September 16, 2024

    September 16, 2024


    Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Rob Quinn, Natoshia Cunningham, Max Tamae Kakazu, Kabelo Thusang, Jordan Knepper, Scott Counts, Ayah Ayesh, Jill Moschelli, Kathleen Gallow (sub for Lee Cox), Mariah Barnes, Ron Chandler (sub for Rob Quinn) Shawn Jobe, Thomas O’Halloran
    Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Connie Currier, Kathleen Gallo, David Barondess
    Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Ariel Cascio, Twynette Mixon (temp for Academic Specialists)
    Standing Guests: Andrea Wendling, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Brian Johnson
    Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley


    Elected Members: Cheryl Rockwell, Lee Cox, Farha Abbasi, Crystal Cederna, Claire Margerison, Morteza Mahmoudi, Emmett Leddin, Jose Teixeira
    Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Susan Barman, Jamie Alan, James Anthony, John Fitzsimmons, Erika Williams, Kathleen Oberst
    Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Ryan Doyle, Joseph Junewick, Academic Specialist Rep (TBD)
    Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, CHM Staff Rep (TBD)

    1. Call to order
      1. Meeting called to order at 1:04pm
      2. Quorum met with 14 of 22 attending.

    2. Approval of agenda
      1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
      2. Agenda approved as presented.

    3. Approval of minutes
      1. April 18, 2024; Attachment A
        1. No objections raised, motioned to approve. The April minutes were approved as presented.
      2. August 19, 2024; Attachment B
        1. No objections raised, motioned to approve. The August minutes were approved as presented.

    4. Remarks/updates
      1. Dean Sousa was unable to attend. He asked for updates to be given from Dr. Andrea Wendling on the LCME progress, Dr. Nara Parameswaran on the GII hires and Dr. Supratik Rayamajhi on hospital conversations.
        1. Dr. Andrea Wendling – LCME
          1. Site visit is coming up in April 2025, shared additional deadlines for materials to be submitted or surveys being done before then.
          2. Some issues from the previous visit were simple fixes, and other issues require a more specific approach.
          3. They are focusing on 8 main areas for improvement:
            1. Career advising, Student research, Communication with students in responsiveness to student concerns, Wellness for students, Basic Science, Strategic plan and CQI process (?) , Financial Aid and debt management, and Mistreatment.
          4. If anyone is asked to help with anything related to LCME, please pitch in and push forward so we are in a better after the site visit in the spring. Now is the time we need people to step in and help and show we’re really good at this.
            1. Areas that most help is needed is for research mentors and people from departments who are willing to talk to students about their own specialties (career mentors).
        2. Nara – GII hires
          1. GII positions are specifically for hiring to the Doug Meyer building in Grand Rapids. If you have any dry lab researchers in your network, share this opportunity with them. There are eight positions available.
        3. Dr. Rayamajhi was unable to attend and will be invited to a future meeting.
      2. CAC Chair
        1. Thank you to those who sent reps if they couldn’t attend. Please try to let the steering committee or Allison know ahead of time if you will have a person filling in for you.
        2. The dean confirmed the date for the CHM Awards & Recognition Ceremony. It will be at Cowles House from 5:30-7:30pm on Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
        3. Fall faculty meeting will be held via zoom from 3:00-5:00pm, on Tuesday, December 3.
        4. Sean Valles will attend a future CAC meeting to talk about the Academic Affairs Committee on Student Mistreatment.

    5. Select/appoint CAC members to a sub-committee for reviewing bylaw changes.
      1. Template form for CHM CAC Bylaw Review; Attachment C
      2. Center for Bioethics and Social Justice have submitted revisions; Attachment D
      3. The CAC is expected to get 6-8 new and revised bylaws throughout the year. This sub-committee will be responsible for thoroughly reviewing the bylaws before they are approved by the CAC.
        1. Jamie Alan has agreed to chair/coach this sub-committee.
        2. The committee will likely meet monthly to review any bylaws that were submitted.
        3. No volunteers stepped forward at the meeting. Interested members should email or contact the CAC Chair or Vice Chair if they want to serve on this committee.

    6. Fall Faculty meeting date approval & agenda.
      1. Date confirmed for Tuesday, December 3, 2024, from 3-5pm. No concerns were raised.
      2. Agenda suggestions
        1. Invite Steve Kalkanis to talk about MSU-Henry Ford clinical integration.
        2. Strategic plan updates (Carol Parker)
        3. LCME (Andrea Wendling)
        4. Highlight CHM Award recipients & promotions.
        5. Send any other topic suggestions to Allison or the steering committee.

    7. Student update – Emmitt Leddin
      1. Emmitt was unable to attend and will provide his update at a future meeting.

    8. Comments from the floor
      1. By the next meeting there should be bylaws from at least one new department to be reviewed.

    9. Adjournment
      1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
      2. The meeting adjourned at 1:33pm.