2023-24 College Advisory Council (CAC) Minutes


Voting Members: Scott Counts (Chairperson), Natoshia Cunningham, Kathleen Gallo, Jon Giolitti, Shawn Jobe, Nicole Jones, Jordan Knepper (Vice-Chair), Michael Lewis, Morteza Mahmoudi, Claire Margerison, Ripla Arora (Sub for Stacey Missmer), Thomas O’Halloran, Rob Malinowski (Sub for Stacey Pylman), Shilpa Kavuturu (Sub for Ade Olomu), Indhu Rammohan, Bendu Sherman

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Jamie Alan, Susan Barman, Kathleen Oberst, John Fitzsimmons, Connie Currier, Rebecca Schein, Kathleen Gallo

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Ryan Doyle

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Andrea Wendling, Lori Dykstra

Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley


Voting Members: Rob Quinn, Christian Kolacki, Cheryl Rockwell, Kabelo Thusang, Orthopedics Rep TBD, Psychiatry Rep TBD

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): David Barondess

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Twynette Mixon, Karen Kelly-Blake, Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests:

  1. Call to order

    1. The meeting was called to order at 1:06 pm.

    2. Quorum met; 16 of 22

    3. Informal introductions of new and old CAC members

  2. Approval of agenda

    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.

    2. Agenda approved by majority consent.

  3. Approval of minutes - May 15, 2023; Attachment A

    1. No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.

    2. Minutes approved by majority consent.

  4. Introductions and orientation to CAC

    1. Robert’s Rules; Attachment B

      1. Basic guide and introduction to parliamentary procedures for how the meetings will run.

    2. Roles of steering committee Attachment C

      1. Reviewed positions of the CAC Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary.

    3. Show Teams channel for materials. (Allison will share her screen)

      1. Overview of where to access CAC meeting materials and updates via Teams.

  5. Remarks/updates

    1. Chair

      1. Welcomed to new members. General order for CAC meetings is to follow Robert’s Rules for the structure of the CAC meetings. Please raise your hand on zoom or use the chat option if you have something to share. As Allison mentioned, please use the Teams group to access materials. Encouraged attendees to use the CAC Take-away sheet (in Teams) to take notes and report back to your units. Reminder if you are a voting member and not able to attend you need to find a delegate to attend the CAC meeting in your place. CAC is about shared governance so please share what is talked about here with your areas, but you can also bring concerns from your department to the CAC as well.

      2. Awards nomination change – FYI

        1. During the review of award nominations, it was discovered two nominees were nominated under the wrong categories. The committee recommended the nominators change the categories and they agreed.

      3. New appointments to Admissions Committee – FYI

        1. A member of the Admissions Committee resigned in July 2023. Assistant Dean for Admissions, Dr. Joel Maurer, recommended Dr. Anthony Paganini to fill the vacant seat. The Dean and CAC Steering Committee approved of the recommendation.

        2. Dean Sousa approved Dr. Joel Maurer’s recommendation of Dr. Dave Buzanoski for the admissions committee member appointed by the dean.

      4. Updated health programs faculty promotion guidelines; Attachment J

        1. No changes to the policy that CAC needs to approve, this is another FYI. If you have HP faculty in your department, please share this with them.

    2. Dean

      1. Search Updates

        1. Chair for Anesthesiology – search committee has started meeting to review candidates.

        2. Chair for Physiology – search committee is interviewing candidates on campus.

        3. Chair for C.S. Mott Department of Public Health – search committee is holding screening interviews.

        4. Senior Associate Dean for Research – the search committee has held initial interviews.

        5. Recently completed searches:

          1. Biochemistry & Molecular Biology new chair is Olorunseun (Seun) Ogunwobi

          2. Department of Medicine new chair is Charles (Chaz) Hong.

          3. Neurology & Ophthalmology new chair is Jayne Ward.

      2. Today is day one for new medical students.

      3. We have a group of grants that have come through in the last month are all sizeable and impressive.

        1. Echo grant in Epi

        2. U.54 grant on maternal mortality in OBGYN & Public Health

        3. Rx Kids grant in Public Health

      4. Work continues for the creation of the six new departments with Henry Ford. The departments will go up before the Academic Senate in September, and if approved will go before the Board of Trustees in October.

      5. Shared Discovery 2.0 planning and work is underway to review the curriculum from the work done in 2019.

      6. Doug Meijer Medical Innovation Building is open, and the search continues to find people to be in that space.

      7. Anticipating a groundbreaking for the new Flint space in November, but details are TBD.

      8. The search for the founding director for the Henry Ford Cancer Center is down to two finalists.

  6. Approval of guests and ex-officio non-voting members; Attachment D

    1. Voice no vote

    2. No objections

    3. Approved by consent.

  7. Approval of faculty voting list; still finalizing list. Approval is tabled for September meeting.

    1. Approval of voting rights for CAC members who do not have automatic voting rights.

    2. Rob Quinn, Christian Kolacki & Kabelo Thusang.

    3. No objections.

    4. Approved by consent.

  8. Election of new Steering Committee members

    1. Chair

      1. Dr. Scott Counts is nominated to continue to serve as chair for CAC. Dr. Counts accepted the nomination, no other nominations were made. Formal motion made to nominate Dr. Counts as Chair, seconded. No discussion. Motion carries unanimously to elect Dr. Counts as Chair.

    2. Vice-Chair

      1. Dr. Jordan Knepper is nominated to continue to serve as vice chair for CAC. Nomination is seconded, no other nominations were made. Motion made to nominate Dr. Knepper as vice-chair, seconded. No discussion. Motion carries unanimously to elect Dr. Knepper as vice-chair.

    3. Secretary

      1. Nicole Jones volunteers to serve as secretary. No other nominations were made. Dr. Jones provided an introduction and brief discussion of her current role with public health. Motion made to nominate Dr. Jones as secretary, seconded. Motion carries unanimously.

  9. New business

    1. Promotion criteria for Henry Ford researchers – requested by N. Parameswaran; Attachments F

      1. Henry Ford adjusted their criteria to more align with CHM. The RPT Committee (Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure) voted unanimously to approve this as the promotion criteria for Henry Ford research faculty. Discussion to address any concerns followed.

      2. Motion made for CAC to endorse promotion criteria, seconded.

      3. Motion passed by majority vote.

    2. Approve revisions to Department of Medicine Bylaws; Attachment G

      1. Motion made to approve revisions, seconded. No discussion.

      2. Motion passed by majority vote.

    3. Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs search process – requested per Dean Sousa

      1. Memo to CAC Attachment H

      2. Job description Attachment I

      3. This process has been used by the college before and approved by the CAC.

        1. No discussion or questions.

      4. Motion made to approve the search process, seconded. No additional discussion. Motion passed by majority vote.

  10. Comments from the floor

    1. Clarification again on voting rights.

    2. Request on behalf of Pine Rest to look into voting rights to be given to a representative there. Chairperson Counts recommended to email the CAC Steering Committee to follow up.

  11. Adjournment

    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.

    2. Meeting ended at 1:58pm.


Voting Members: Scott Counts (Chairperson), Hua Xiao (sub for Kathleen Gallo), Jon Giolitti, Shawn Jobe, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Jordan Knepper (Vice-Chair), Michael Lewis, Morteza Mahmoudi, Claire Margerison, Stacey Missmer, Thomas O’Halloran, Ade Olomu, Stacey Pylman, Cheryl Rockwell, Bendu Sherman

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Jamie Alan, David Barondess, Kathleen Oberst

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Twynette Mixon, Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Andrea Wendling, Wanda Lipscomb, Lori Dykstra

Staff: Allison Tilma


Voting Members: Rob Quinn, Christian Kolacki, Natoshia Cunningham, Kabelo Thusang, Kathleen Gallo, Indhu Rammohan, Orthopedics Rep TBD, Psychiatry Rep TBD

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Connie Currier, Rebecca Schein, Susan Barman, Kathleen Gallo

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote):

Standing Guests: Geri Kelley

  1. Call to order

    1. The meeting was called to order at 1:01 pm.

    2. Hua Xiao attending for Kathleen Gallo

    3. Quorum met; 15 of 22

  2. Approval of agenda

    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.

    2. Agenda approved by majority consent.

  3. Approval of minutes – August 21, 2023; Attachment A

    1. No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.

    2. Minutes approved by majority consent.

  4. Remarks/updates

    1. Chair – Dr. Scott Counts

      1. Light agenda today

      2. Disappointing news last week with announcement from the MSU football program. Encouraged members to read email from Interim President Woodruff sent earlier in the day (9/18/23).

      3. Focus on the positives for the college; work is moving forward on the strategic plan and grand challenge for health equity, the six new proposed departments are on the agenda to be approved by the Faculty Senate tomorrow (9/19/23).

    2. Dean

      1. Addressed news from the football program in Dean’s update and Town hall.

      2. Guest writers are being recognized in the Dean’s Update this month for Women in Medicine and will eventually be on the town hall.

      3. Searches and New Chairs

        1. Welcomed Dr. Chaz Hong as Chair for Department of Medicine. A welcome reception is scheduled for 9/20/23.

        2. The search for PSL chair continues.

        3. Candidates are being scheduled for campus interviews for the founding chair position for CS Mott Department of Public Health.

        4. The chair search for anesthesiology has begun.

        5. The search for a new Senior Associate Dean for Research is scheduling finalist for interviews next month. Following the filling of this position the searches for the two associate deans positions will begin.

      4. Grant news

        1. Celebrated the release and renewal of the ECHO grant with Dr. Jean Kerver as the PI. It is 26 million dollars looking to connect the environment with child health outcomes.

        2. Miracle, which is, Chris Meghea and Jennifer Johnson is, I think, 25 million dollars looking at disparities in maternal health. Another part of a national NIH effort.

        3. The renewal of the All of Us Grant, which is a 90 million dollar effort will be announced in the near future.

        4. RX Kids crossed 40 million dollars two weeks ago and that’s 180 million dollars’ worth of awards.

      5. This weekend is alumni weekend for homecoming with events in Grand Rapids and East Lansing.

      6. CHM is also working on a conference for medical students with the University of Buffalo and AAMC on public health approaches to gun violence to be held in remembrance of the February 13th shooting at MSU.

  5. Update for CHM Senior Associate Dean for Research; Dr. Stacey Missmer

    1. Dr. Missmer is the CAC rep on the search committee.

    2. The committee is made up of a variety of constituencies; a medical student, a PhD student, a senior administrative staff representative and associate dean, two chairs, and another a professor.

    3. The committee was responsible for finalizing the job description that was posted and also created the rubric to evaluate the paper forms that came in so set minimum requirements were made before looking at any applications.

    4. Five applications were received and based on the rubric, three were moved forward to 90-minute interviews with the search committee.

    5. The interviews included standardized questions and it was prioritized to keep them uniformed amongst all three interviews. We're taking this very seriously, (as are the applicants) that this is an internal search, so everyone is known, and so keeping things as standardized and equal as possible was very important.

    6. The details from the interviews will be written up in a report for Dean Sousa. All three interviewees are now moving forward to stakeholder interviews.

    7. Stake holders include medical students, faculty chairs, research office staff, other members in the Dean's office, and the chief financial officer, the Henry Ford health Systems research related leaders, research teams from the three other health colleges, the hospital or partner organization research leads, the Vice President for Research and OHS office. The dean will meet with each candidate on a separate day.

    8. Question about having standardized rubric for the stake holder interviews:

      1. The search committee is not dictating a detailed rubric. However, we are going to be advising each of the stakeholder groups to keep things as uniform across the 3 interviewees as possible. There is also an evaluation rubric that the search committee created that that has minimum questions for feedback, but the stakeholders can expand upon them if desired. The questions are basically strengths, weaknesses, and enthusiasm for this person in this leadership role. And what really needs to be a very inspirational role on top of the nuts and bolts of the responsibilities.

  6. Fall Faculty meeting

    1. Potential dates held are Nov. 1 or Nov. 7, 2023. No preference between the two dates was provided. Times for the meeting were mentioned and considered. Historically, the fall faculty meeting was later allowing clinicians to attend but cutting into personal evening time, and the spring faculty meeting was held in the afternoon so as not to take personal evening time. No specific preference was identified for either time option.

    2. CAC Chair discussed setting annual meeting times to help with future planning for schedules. No input was offered, and the topic was tabled for another meeting.

    3. Topics:

      1. Strategic Plan & Grand Challenge updates.

      2. Update on big research awards.

      3. Cancer center director search, HF merger, implementation.

      4. Six new departments that should be approved by then.

        1. Discuss the implementation plan of the new departments and process.

    4. Invite Dr. Beauchamp for faculty meeting and October CAC meeting.

      1. Would like him to talk about the search for the Cancer Center Director and the vision for the cancer center, with the merger.

    5. Tabling discussion of potential name change due to new president search.

  7. Approval of faculty voting list; Attachment B

    1. Edits were requested to members in the OMERAD section and updates were made in real time.

    2. Motion made to approve the list of voting right requests for non-prefix faculty, seconded.

    3. Motion passed by majority vote.

  8. New business

    1. None presented.

  9. Comments from the floor

    1. No comments offered.

  10. Adjournment

    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.

    2. Meeting ended at 1:42pm


Elected Members: Rob Quinn, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Christian Kolacki, Claire Margerison, Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Ade Olomu, Thomas O’Halloran, Kabelo Thusang, Stacey Missmer, Jill Moschelli, Shawn Jobe, Cheryl Rockwell, Kathleen Gallo, Farha Abbasi, Morteza Mahmoudi, Jordan Knepper (Vice-Chair), Scott Counts (Chairperson), Indhu Rammohan, Jon Giolitti, Bendu Sherman

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Rebecca Schein, Susan Barman, David Barondess, Kathleen Gallo

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Twynette Mixon, Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran

Staff: Allison Tilma


Elected Members: Michael Lewis, MD

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Jamie Alan, Connie Currier, Kathleen Oberst

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote):

Standing Guests:  Andrea Wendling, Wanda Lipscomb, Lori Dykstra, Geri Kelley

  1. Call to order
    1. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.
    2. Quorum met; 21 of 22 attending

  2. Approval of agenda
    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
    2. Agenda approved as presented.

  3. Approval of minutes – September 18, 2023; Attachment A
    1. No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
    2. Minutes approved as presented.

  4. Remarks/updates
    1. Chair, Dr. Scott Counts
      1. No real updates to share. Wanted to note to the committee that Jeff MacKeigan is here to talk about the Cancer Center Search and looking down to agenda item VIII to finalize the faculty meeting topics, the discussion of those topics is in the September meeting minutes.
    2. Dean, Dr. Aron Sousa
      1. No new information that hasn’t been heard or read somewhere. Quick recap includes:
        1. Flint Journal Building groundbreaking, scheduled for November 21 with a town hall format/feel.
        2. Celebrate U54 MIRACLE grant with PI’s Chris Meghea and Jennifer Johnson
        3. Near the end of the search process for the Senior Associate Dean for Research.
        4. CS Mott Department of Public Health search is having the fifth candidate interview this week, then the committee will move to the next steps.
        5. Looking to move forward on the search for the Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs.
        6. Last week was the inaugural Ambassador Peter Secchia talk, which is a lecture series supported by a gift from Peter in his will that we we're not expecting. It was a great event.
        7. Working his way through all the departments to attend a faculty meeting in each one.
        8. Working on visiting other CHM campuses; Midland last week, Traverse City next week.
        9. The resolution for the six new departments is on the schedule for the October 27 Board of Trustees meeting. We are expecting their approval without any issues.
        10. The Fall Faculty meeting is coming up in a few weeks.
        11. Our reception celebrating faculty & staff success is at Cowles House this week.

  5. Update on Cancer Center Search, Jeff MacKeigan
    1. MacKeigan was one of the Co-Chairs for the search committee and provided an update to the committee and answered questions about the search. An offer has been extended and negotiations are currently ongoing.

  6. Update on the work of the Dean's Support Staff Advisory Committee (DSSAC), Lori Dykstra
    1. Lori was not at the meeting. This topic was tabled for the November meeting.

  7. Discuss slate of recommended clinicians for Assoc. Dean for Clinical Affairs search committee
    1. Dean Sousa requested four nominations and will select two for the search committee.
    2. Only three were provided, one more is needed.
      1. No objections to current nominations
    3. A final nomination was made to provide Dean Sousa with four choices.

  8. Finalize Fall Faculty meeting topics.
    1. Meeting confirmed for 5pm on November 1 via Zoom.
    2. No feedback was provided from individual departments.
    3. Topics to cover:
      1. Recognize award recipients (update from Scott)
      2. Detroit building update from Dick Temple
      3. Strategic Plan & Grand Challenge updates.
      4. Update and recognition on big research awards.
      5. Cancer center director search, HF merger, implementation.
      6. Six new departments that should be approved by then.

  9. New business
    1. A question was raised regarding the search for the chair position for the department of anesthesiology. As it is a smaller search, it is not required to be widely posted. It is being announced internally and only MSU candidates will be considered.

  10. Comments from the floor
    1. No comments offered.

  11.  Adjournment
    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded. The meeting ended at 1:31pm.


Elected Members: Rob Quinn, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Christian Kolacki, Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Ade Olomu, Stacey Missmer, Jill Moschelli, Shawn Jobe, Bryan Copple (Rep for Cheryl Rockwell), Kathleen Gallo, Farha Abbasi, Morteza Mahmoudi, Scott Counts (Chairperson), Bendu Sherman

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Jamie Alan, Connie Currier, Kathleen Oberst, Susan Barman, Kathleen Gallo

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle,

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Andrea Wendling, Wanda Lipscomb, Kim Sapkowski (Rep for Lori Dykstra)

Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley

Guests per agenda: Caryl Sortwell, Dick Sadler


Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Claire Margerison, Thomas O’Halloran, Kabelo Thusang, Cheryl Rockwell, Jordan Knepper, Indhu Rammohan, Jon Giolitti

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): David Barondess, Rebecca Schein

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Twynette Mixon, Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests: Lori Dykstra

  1. Call to order
    1. The meeting was called to order at 1:04 pm.
    2. Quorum met; 15 of 22 attending.

  2. Approval of agenda
    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
    2. Agenda approved as presented.

  3. Approval of minutes – October 16, 2023; Attachment A
    1. No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
    2. Minutes approved as presented.

  4. Remarks/updates
    1. Chair
      1. Review of agenda and acknowledgement of guests who will be speaking.
      2. Holiday season can be chaotic, but we should take time to look inward and be thankful and spread gratitude.
    2. Dean
      1. Search updates
        1. Dr. Nara Parameswaran accepted position of Senior Associate Dean for Research.
        2. Applications are open until Nov. 30, 2023 for an Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. The HR portion is being taken on by Dr. Carol Parker.
        3. Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs has first meeting coming up in December.
        4. The committee for the Associate Deans for research positions are reviewing applications.
        5. In the final interview stages for the chair for the CS Mott Dept. of Public Health.
      2. Noted mention of special Dean’s Town Hall tomorrow (Tuesday, November 21, 2023) for the virtual groundbreaking of the expansion of the Flint Journal Building.
      3. Giving Tuesday is also tomorrow and focusing on students with two funds (alumni scholarship for MDs, and another is support for MPH students)
      4. Tetrad is going strong and encourage departments to advertise opportunities to work with other collaborators.
      5. Changes in MSU Leadership – Melissa Woo retiring in two weeks from Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Information Officer. Thomas Glassmacher will serve in that role as interim.
      6. Presidential search is moving along and one name is out there for a candidate from North Carolina Chapel Hill, but nothing has been offered.
  5. Update on move for UTSF (union of tenure-stream faculty); Dr. Caryl Sortwell, Dr. Dick Sadler
    1. There is an organizing committee of about 50 faculty members working to build support for a faculty union for tenured faculty.
    2. The establishment of a faculty union can serve as a counterbalance to administrative powers, and can collectively advocate for faculty interests, wages, benefits, working conditions, and protect academic freedoms.
    3. Conversations over the past two years have revealed faculty members feeling helpless, disappointment, embarrassment, anger and some have become disengaged. The Faculty Senate has tried to advocate on behalf of faculty, but there are limits of that advisory relationship.
    4. Creation of a faculty union would give faculty an equal footing to meet the administration on making decisions at MSU.
    5. As of today, there is over 49% of tenure system faculty that have signed cards in support of a union. Only 60 more signatures are needed to reach a clear majority to propose the bargaining unit to the university.
    6. Then the following process would include a third party operator to determine the unit is reasonable under the Public Employee Relations Act. After the union is recognized, they can formally establish membership, elect officers, create bylaws and the constitution. Following that would be to determine priorities through meetings, and surveys and form the bargaining team to prepare to negotiate the first contract. The process described is estimated to take another whole year (into December 2024).
    7. More information is available: https://www.utsfmsu.org/.
    8. The union would be associated with the National Education Association (NEA) and Michigan Education Association (MEA).
    9. The UTSF would not include HP faculty.
      1. There is already a union for non-tenured faculty (UNTF), but HPs are not included. (Per UNTF contract article 1, V.G, “Excluded are All Faculty in the colleges of Human Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Nursing, and Veterinary Medicine who as a part of their assignment are engaged in the direct provision of medical services.”

  6. LCME Report; Dr. Andrea Wendling
    1. CHM received the final letter from LCME and there is a lot of work to do to improve on over the next year. LCME has scheduled a video site visit for the Spring of 2025 as a follow up site visit.
    2. CHM has a consultative visit with two secretaries of LCME to review CHM’s action plan and make sure the college is moving in the right direction.
    3. Areas LCME wants CHM to work on are:
      1. Policies – having them formally written or re-written and approved.
      2. Strategic Plan – CHM is already putting a lot of work into this and LCME acknowledged the work but wants to see the progress made when they return.
      3. Interim positions – at the time of the visit there were enough interim positions to cause concern and they would like to see people hired into those roles.
      4. Student Affairs – concerns were shared that this portion of the medical school was not strong enough or specifically have enough positions to support the students.
      5. Student Research Opportunities – LCME acknowledged a new program was in place, but it was not long enough for students to feel it is useful.
      6. Student mistreatment – significant concern for CHM
        1. At the time of graduation report higher rates of mistreatment than other students in the nation. These are things like public humiliation, sexist remarks, racist remarks. CHM has put energy into trying to understand where these things are happening and to do more education of our faculty, both implicit bias training but also leadership and bystander training and think about how we can improve our learning environment.
      7. Clear out & make more spaces available to students in other places. (Other campuses?)
      8. Language and wording from clinical departments on how requirements for clerkships are communicated to students.
      9. Basic science curriculum – students expressed dissatisfaction and the curricular team has spent time on this for ECE students and LCME wants that work to continue.
      10. Basing our curriculum and how it’s reviewed – we were using our C 3 documents to review our curriculum and they want to make sure that the whole curriculum flows from the program objectives.
      11. In general, LCME felt the students expressed dissatisfaction with how responsive CHM is to their feedback – steps are being taken to address and follow on this.
      12. Scheduled time – students are dissatisfied with the amount of scheduled time they have in the curriculum, especially during first and second year.
      13. Under the student affairs umbrella – career advising, financial aid & debt management.
        1. MSU financial aid had problems with reimbursements and responsiveness right before LCME visit.
        2. More debt management counseling and a curriculum financial wellbeing for students.
        3. Ideally, decrease student debt levels.
        4. Increase student wellness and well-being programs and make sure students have access to mental health providers when needed.
    4. This list is what will be worked on for the next year to 18 months.
    5. Questions/feedback
      1. Acknowledged doing research with students can be challenging due to lack of time they are free or have available in the curriculum and addressing realistic expectations of what research can be accomplished in the given time frame.
        1. Dr. Wendling agreed on the challenges and elaborated on the research matching program to match student researchers to research mentors based on student skills, time, and interest levels.
      2. Addressing being more responsive to students, have other social media avenues been considered?
        1. Yes – but when attending the Dean’s Student Advisory Council, the students recommended a suggestion box that they can always see inside of and have updates on the suggestions or problems that were brought up. This might be something possible to have on JIT.
      3. What is the budget allocation and realignment to make sure these things are done.
        1. Dr. Wendling has provided a preliminary budget to Dean Sousa for review. Dean Sousa also shared that the LCME improvement expenses would be a top priority for the fall plan.
      4. Will the basic science departments be engaged in the curriculum development?
        1. Yes. There is a very good draft that was created with a lot of collaboration and input but was put on hold for LCME work. The initial goal timeline of having the entering fall 2024 class on the new proposed curriculum wasn’t going to work and has now been pushed back to the fall 2025 entering class. But we can’t wait until fall of 2025 with addressing the LCME concerns so some changes are being worked into curriculum earlier.
      5. Along the lines with basic sciences – are there plans to hire more basic scientists at any of the campuses?
        1. At this time, it isn’t known – it comes down to where the money is. It is likely that if we need significant more basic science resources we would turn to the departments.

  7. Strategic plan update; Dr. Carol Parker
    1. Presented the plan and updates at the fall faculty meeting. Most changes were wording or phrases to better clarify the goals.
    2. The plan is primarily the same and is very ambitious.
    3. Right now the plan is being reviewed for what it will take to meet the goals and what can be done with existing resources and estimating additional cost over the next seven years. Then this will be reviewed by the Dean and CFO for their feedback and next presented to the strategic plan steering committee.
    4. Will probably have another update for the committee in January 2024.

  8. Update on the work of the Dean's Support Staff Advisory Committee (DSSAC); Kim Sapkowski
    1. Sharing of the subcommittees and goals for the year.
      1. Governance Sub-Committee – 1) review the bylaws for DSSAC and 2) write out a voting process for community staff and all campus members.
      2. Communications Sub-committee – 1) produce three newsletters (sent out in Oct. 2023, Jan. 2024 and April 2024). 2) Be available for the committee leadership should they want to share something big.
      3. Recognition Sub-Committee – 1) Adjust the staff award process and timeline and to expand it by including community staff. 2) Ensure the bylaws reflect those updates.
      4. Staff Engagement Sub-Committee – 1) Plan and carry out one community service-related project annually. 2) Hoping to get the DSSAC scheduled for rotating in-person meetings once a year at different campuses.

  9. New business
    1. No new business offered.

  10. Comments from the floor
    1. No comments offered.

  11. Adjournment
    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded. The meeting ended at 1:58pm.

Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Rob Quinn, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Christian Kolacki, Claire Margerison, Kip Bohnert, Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Ade Olomu, Keith MacRenaris (Sub for Thomas O’Halloran), Kabelo Thusang, Stacey Missmer, Jill Moschelli, Shawn Jobe, Cheryl Rockwell, Lee Cox (Sub for Kathleen Gallo), Farha Abbasi, Jordan Knepper (Vice Chairperson), Scott Counts (Chairperson), Bendu Sherman, Indhu Rammohan, Jon Giolitti

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Rebecca Schein, Susan Barman, Connie Currier, Kathleen Oberst,

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Twynette Mixon, Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Andrea Wendling, Wanda Lipscomb, Lori Dykstra

Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley

Guests per agenda: Jack Lipton

Elected Members: Morteza Mahmoudi

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Jamie Alan, David Barondess, Kathleen Gallo

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote):

Standing Guests:

  1. Call to order
    1. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm.
    2. Quorum met; 21 of 22 attending.

  2. Approval of agenda
    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
    2. Agenda approved as presented.

  3. Approval of minutes – November 20, 2023; Attachment A
    1. No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
    2. Minutes approved as presented.

  4. Chairperson Counts announced and introduced Kip Bohnert, PhD. He will serve as the Epi & Bio voting representative while Claire Margerison (voting member) is on sabbatical.

  5. Remarks/updates
    1. Chair
      1. Thanks to everyone for their time and service on committees. It is much appreciated.
      2. Hopefully everyone has a nice and restful holiday break.
    2. Dean
      1. Fall semester ended last week. Thank you to all for work with the students and teaching.
      2. Flint Journal Building construction has started. Expected completion is May 2025.
      3. The Dean’s Office is working on gathering information for the Fall Planning document.
      4. Search Updates:
        1. Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs is underway.
        2. Interim Assistant Dean for Admissions is underway.
        3. Two Associate Deans for Research searches are ongoing.
        4. Continuing Chair searches for Anesthesiology and Physiology.
      5. LCME virtual plan meeting is scheduled for May 2024. Goal is to have all action plans available by then to address LCME concerns from March 2023 visit.
      6. A closer look is being taken at budget work within the college.
      7. The new MSU president (Kevin Guskiewicz) begins March 4th and will begin with a listening tour of all the colleges. Hoping to get in-person visits scheduled for the president at Grand Rapids and Flint campuses, in addition to East Lansing.

  6. Mid-year reports from university committee reps
    1. Scott Counts - Faculty Senate
      1. Main point for CHM is the Faculty Senate endorsed proposals to create new CHM departments: Otolaryngology, Pathology, Radiation Oncology, Urology, Dermatology, and Neurosurgery (joining Anesthesiology). (BOT approved these at their Oct. 2023 meeting.)
      2. Three other endorsements were made this fall:
        1. Comprehensive climate survey to asses campus climate and culture
        2. Calling on BOT Chairperson Vassar to resign or on the BOT to remove them as chairperson and Governor to remove them from MSU BOT.
        3. Proposal to create a new COM department of PA Medicine.
      3. Dedicated Faculty Senate email created: facultysenatechair@msu.edu
    2. John Fitzsimmons - Academic Governance
      1. Unable to present at current meeting.
    3. Rebecca Schein – Curriculum
      1. Decided over the summer that, along with Graduate Studies, we are the final arbitrators for all new course programs, which takes about 2 months off the whole process.
      2. Public Health named department so now all classes have the PH code (instead of HM).
      3. The oral maxillary facial surgery (OMFS) Agreement with Henry Ford was finalized, so two courses were approved that will help transition students who are now getting able to skip their first year of medical school because they completed dental school.
      4. Approval was given for a new wilderness for state course, addiction medicine course, and a nonclinical elective for students as well as a Perry operative trauma elective.
    4. Jamie Alan - Faculty Affairs
      1. Course Courtesy Fee - A cost analysis is still being done.
      2. Professionalism - We have made suggestions to the faculty rights and responsibilities document. This hasn’t been updated since the 80s! This is undergoing a review by general council.
      3. Faculty raise memo - The faculty raise memo is being discussed tomorrow (12/19) and will be presented to the faculty senate in January 2024
      4. Process of advocating for faculty raises - The budget subcommittee is examining various ways to advocate for faculty raises.
      5. Benefits - In collaboration with the faculty healthcare council we are examining dental benefits and prescription benefits (specifically coverage for GLP-1 agonists and other pharmaceuticals for the treatment of obesity).
      6. Fixed-term faculty promotion and reappointment processes - In collaboration with FASA, the committee assembled a special subcommittee to recommend best practices (university wide). The work will begin in Jan 2024.
      7. Emeritus policy changes - The committee gave input on this policy.
      8. Travel policy - The committee is working with relevant offices at MSU to examine reimbursement of travel- specifically the use of an uber etc. to get to the airport or train station.
      9. Safe Environment Task force - The committee provided input on the penultimate draft.
      10. Pregnancy, childbirth, and pregnancy-related conditions - UCFA will work with other relevant university committees to provide input on this policy.
      11. Please send any questions/comments/concerns to the UCFA chair Jamie Alan at alanjami@msu.edu.
    5. Susan Barman - Faculty Tenure
      1. Shared what the responsibilities are and are NOT for the University Committee on Faculty tenure.
      2. Reviewed requests for extension of tenure clock for several faculty.
      3. Updates on items of importance from academic governance
    6. David Barondess - Graduate Studies
      1. Only met once, summary of the most relevant outcomes:
        1. Anatomy presented 6 requests.
          1. Mostly having to do with pre-requisite language changes and/or credit hour issues and/or curriculum realignment issues.
        2. Epi/Biostats
          1. Changed the name of Epi 812 from Causal Inference to Foundations of Population Health. These changes reflect the expertise of a new course instructor and better alignment with the curriculum.
          2. Changed (removed) one pre-requisite for Epi 836 (Practicum in Epidemiological Methods) that was obsolete.
        3. Public Health presented 3 requests …
          1. Proposed a new course PH 102 (Social Justice and Determinants of Health) for undergrads.
          2. Proposed a new course PH 103 (Social Justice and Health Equity-Global Perspectives) for undergrads.
          3. Presented an updated grading system (from pass-no pass to a numerical grade) for PH 825 (Transition to Graduate-Academic Writing).
    7. Connie Currier - International Studies & Programs
      1. The committee has not met this semester so there is no update.
    8. Kathleen Oberst – Libraries
      1. Newer committee to University Council representation as of July 1, 2023.
      2. Main focus so far is re-evaluating spaces used to shift from singular function to house collections and physical items to prioritizing people, connections, and programs.
      3. Working with public safety for door locks and recommendations on cameras and other measures, goal to balance privacy with patron safety
    9. Kathleen Gallo - Undergraduate Education
      1. Summary: UCUE approved changes in admissions requirements for two programs; creation of a new minor, creation of two new BA’s; and moratoria on admission to 3 linked Bachelors/Masters programs.
      2. More relevant, perhaps to CHM CAC members:
        1. Regular business included the approval of phaseout and discontinuation of 3 non degree prehealth programs (students had less success than counterparts with traditional majors).
        2. Student Perceptions of Learning Environments Policy (SPLEP) and procedures document was approved by the administration in spring 2023; this is the SIRs replacement. Colleges should have provided the name of a representative for SPLS College/Dept. Liaison Group, Official launch was Fall 2023.
        3. UCUE unanimously endorsed the report of the Joint Subcommittee on the Calendar which supports the recommendation by the Office of the Registrar to begin the spring semester one week later than the current spring 2024 schedule beginning with the spring 2025 term.
        4. New subcommittee to consider creation of Bachelor of General Studies primarily intended to serve individuals “some college, no degree”; possibly other constituencies.

  7. New MSU president - Kevin Guskiewicz
    1. Starts March 4th, 2024
    2. As mentioned earlier will be visiting colleges to conduct listening sessions.
    3. CHM is working to have him visit the Grand Rapids & Flint campuses in person.

  8. New departments and academic governance
    1. Bylaws will be coming with-in the next year.
    2. Process for inaugural chair searches will likely happen one at a time.

  9. New business
    1. No new business offered.

  10. Comments from the floor
    1. Thanks from Dr. Wendling for emergency vote for appointment process for interim admissions director.

  11. Adjournment
    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded. The meeting ended at 1:52pm.

Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Rob Quinn, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Kip Bohnert, Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Thomas O’Halloran, Kabelo Thusang, Stacey Missmer, Jill Moschelli, Shawn Jobe, Cheryl Rockwell, Kathleen Gallo, Farha Abbasi, Morteza Mahmoudi, Jordan Knepper (Vice Chairperson), Scott Counts (Chairperson), Bendu Sherman, Indhu Rammohan, Jon Giolitti

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Susan Barman, David Barondess, Connie Currier, Kathleen Oberst, Kathleen Gallo

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Twynette Mixon,

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Andrea Wendling, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Lori Dykstra

Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley

Guests per agenda: Joan Ilardo, Eric Finegood, Norm Beauchamp

Elected Members: Claire Margerison

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Rebecca Schein, Jamie Alan

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests:

  1. Call to order
    1. Meeting called to order at 1:03pm.
    2. Quorum met with 20 of 22 attending.
    3. Noted for records, with the appointment of Dr. Ade Olomu to the Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs, she moves to an ex-officio standing guest. The Department of Medicine will need to provide a substitute while Dr. Olomu is in the Interim Associate Dean position.

  2. Approval of agenda
    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
    2. Agenda approved as presented.

  3. Approval of minutes - December 18, 2023; Attachment A
    1. No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
    2. Minutes approved as presented.

  4. Remarks/updates
    1. Chair
      1. Welcome to guests, Dr. Joan Ilardo and Dr. Eric Finegood
      2. Dr. Beauchamp will be joining the meeting to give an update on OHS and answer questions.
    2. Dean
      1. Welcome to Dr. Ade Olomu as Interim Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Development
      2. Congratulations to the LANAMA (Latin American and Native American Medical Association) for being named Midwest Chapter of the Year for 2024 by the Latino Medical Student Association (LSMA).
      3. Congratulations to Dr. Kent Key on receiving an Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award.
      4. In partnership with AAMC and the University at Buffalo, MSU CHM hosted the Remembrance Conference in memory of MSU’s shooting from Feb. 13, 2023.
      5. Last week was the launch party for the Rx Kids program in Flint.
      6. The Blue Ridge Rankings came out and the college moved up from the low eighties to 69th.
      7. Next week the dean is traveling to Florida for meetings with donors and the following week will be in Chicago with CHM students doing alternative spring break work on the west side of Chicago.

  5. Associate Dean for Research Development; Dean Sousa
    1. Attachment B
    2. The proposal, per suggestion from the search committee, recommends changing the search from looking for a general associate dean for research and associate dean for research analytics to an associate dean for research analytics and an associate dean for research development.
    3. Discussion of how the changes would impact the research department.
    4. Motion made to accept the position change, seconded.
      1. Resolution approved by majority vote. (19 present at time of voting; 18 approved, 1 abstained)

  6. OHS update; Dr. Norm Beauchamp, EVP
    1. Congratulations and recognition to CHM for having a fantastic year for the college and representing the University.
    2. Recognition of Interim President Theresa Woodruff and Dr. Tom O’Halloran for supporting health sciences.
    3. Incoming MSU president, Dr. Kevin Guskiewicz (starts on March 4, 2024) is an experienced leader and a supporter of the health colleges, and the current work being done.
    4. Dr. Beauchamp explained the purpose of his visits to individual departments is to discuss the Henry Ford partnership and how it affects the health colleges and clinical work.
      1. The partnership isn’t an acquisition, doesn’t change who employers are won’t change the authority of the chairs or their deans to set the academic mission.
      2. The partnership is a way to protect MSU’s clinical practice.
      3. He felt with his role in OHS, it was his charge to find a partner who saw the importance of co-investing in academic medicine.
      4. This helps cover funding gaps and provides academic opportunities for students in areas of medical specializations which need individual departments.
    5. The question was asked how this impacts the clinical practice of faculty and if they will be required to practice at other clinical sites. Dr. Beauchamp’s response is that working in another area is not an obligation but could be looked at as an opportunity. It is a decision for a discussion by the faculty member, chair, and dean.
    6. Another question related to naming of practices and branding was raised, and if COM and CON were also going through the same integration with Henry Ford. Dr. Beauchamp assured it is all the health colleges that are integrating with Henry Ford. As for naming and branding, it is still being discussed depending on location and what is agreeable to the local area. MSU and Henry Ford are both big brands and want to be respectful of each other and other partners in the Lansing area.

  7. CHM Honorifics Committee Update; Dr. Ilardo & Dr. Finegood
    1. Introduction of Drs. Ilardo and Finegood as co-chairs.
    2. Wanted to attend CAC to provide update and raise awareness for the committee.
    3. Review of members and charges of the committee.
    4. The committee works closely with the OHS Honorifics Coordinator.

  8. Forming CAC Awards Sub-committee
    1. Three voting members required to review award submissions.
    2. Self-nominations for reviewers were requested. As no one spoke up it was requested members email the steering committee if interested on serving on this committee.
    3. CAC reps need to go back to their departments and encourage submitting nominations for faculty awards.

  9. Spring Faculty Meeting
    1. Date confirmed for Tuesday, April 23, 5-7pm via zoom.
    2. Agenda items/topics to discuss.
      1. Invite Norm Beauchamp & Steve Kalkanis or other henry ford partner to talk about vision and where partnership is going.
      2. From Nara – Structure of Research Department
      3. Thinking ahead to fall faculty meeting to have update from each new department.

  10. New business
    1. No new business presented.

  11. Comments from the floor
    1. Dr. Abassi inquired about the Dean’s Town Hall on Free Speech at CHM and the upcoming meeting for students that evening. Dr. Sousa shared that everything went smoothly, and no concerns were received following the town hall.
    2. No further comments were offered.

  12. Adjournment
    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
    2. The meeting ended at 2:00 pm.

Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Rob Quinn, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Kip Bohnert, Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Heather Laird-Fick, Kabelo Thusang, Stacey Missmer, Jill Moschelli, Shawn Jobe, Cheryl Rockwell, Kathleen Gallo, Farha Abbasi, Morteza Mahmoudi, Jordan Knepper (Vice Chairperson), Scott Counts (Chairperson), Bendu Sherman, Indhu Rammohan, Jon Giolitti

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Rebecca Schein, Jamie Alan, Kathleen Oberst, Kathleen Gallo

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Twynette Mixon, Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Andrea Wendling, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Lori Dykstra

Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley

Guests per agenda: Amber Heard-Booth

Elected Members: Thomas O’Halloran

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Susan Barman, David Barondess, Connie Currier

Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote):

Standing Guests: Nara Parameswaran

  1. Call to order
    1. Meeting called to order at 1:02pm.
    2. Quorum met with 19 of 22 attending.
  2. Approval of agenda
    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
    2. Agenda approved as presented.
  3. Approval of minutes – February 19, 2024; Attachment A
    1. No objections raised or changes requested, motioned to approve.
    2. Minutes approved as presented.
  4. Remarks/updates
    1. Chair
      1. Heather Laird-Fick is attending to represent the department of medicine.
      2. Reminder if you are unable to attend a CAC meeting you need to still send a representative for your department in your place.
      3. Please submit nominations for replacements to CHM committees. Nominations are due by April 12, 2024.
      4. Reviewing the importance of the Awards Sub-Committee and encouraging others to volunteer to serve on the committee.
    2. Dean
      1. Friday was Match Day and 98% of CHM folks were placed.
        1. Thanks to all who helped with the match process for our students.
      2. Search Updates
        1. Physiology Chair & Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs both have finalists interviewing this week.
      3. President Guskiewicz visited students and faculty in CHM last week.
        1. Thanks to Sue Barman for leading student group.
        2. He is expected to visit Grand Rapids and Flint as well.
      4. At the next CAC meeting the search proposal and position description for a new Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs will be presented to the council for a vote.
      5. It is CHM’s 60th anniversary this year. There will be about 12 town halls dedicated to the development and history of the college. Live (in-person) town halls will be held at all eight campuses over Fall 2024.

  5. AAMC Faculty and Staff engagement survey; Dr. Carol Parker
    1. CHM is using a survey from AAMC to help gather feedback from faculty and staff to help gather data for the strategic plan.
    2. The survey is 100% anonymous and AAMC will process results and send back to the college.
    3. The surveys will be open from April 2 through May 17.

  6. Admissions committee requesting changes; Dr. Amber Heard-Booth
    1. The Admissions Committee would like to increase the number of faculty members serving on the committee (from 15 to 20) to help spread out the work more and shorten the service term from three years to two years.
    2. Adding members and changing the term are both changes to the CHM Bylaws and need CAC’s approval, then the CHM faculty approval.
    3. The committee would also like to change the time of the meetings, but that is not governed by the CHM Bylaws.
    4. CAC discussed the changes and are receptive to them.
      1. Motion made to endorse the requested changes, seconded.
      2. Motion passed unanimously (19 votes all in favor)
    5. Dr. Heard-Booth will provide a document to the council with the exact changes to the bylaws before the next CAC meeting (April 15). The intention is for CAC to vote on the changes, then, once approved, will be presented to the faculty for a vote at the Spring 2024 faculty meeting.

  7. Elections for CHM Committees & CAC reps
    1. What to do about nominees without approved voting rights?
      1. If a faculty member has any appointment percentage in CHM, they can be considered to serve on a CHM committee.
      2. After discussion, the CAC will review the ballot before it is sent out to the college faculty to ensure all nominations have approved voting rights.
      3. Action item: The Dean’s Office will provide the CAC with a written procedure for nominees to be reviewed and endorsed.
  8. Forming CAC Awards Sub-committee
    1. Three voting members required.
    2. No voting members volunteered.

  9. Spring Faculty Meeting
    1. April 23, 5-7pm
      1. In the interest of DEI it was brought to the council’s attention that this date is the start of Passover.
      2. Action item: The Dean’s Office will look at schedules to identify a new date.
    2. Agenda items/topics to discuss
      1. Updates from all CHM committees
      2. SDC 2.0 (Robin DeMuth/Andrea Wendling or their surrogates).
      3. From Nara – Structure of Research Department
      4. Invite Norm Beauchamp & Steve Kalkanis or other henry ford partner to talk about vision and where partnership is going.
      5. Review of recent high level new hires, plans for searches, people in interim positions, and what the org chart looks like.
      6. Mention CHM Commencement (May 4, 2024 at 1:00pm)

  10. New business
    1. No new business presented.

  11. Comments from the floor
    1. No additional comments were offered.

  12. Adjournment
    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
    2. The meeting ended at 2:02 pm.


Elected Members: Michael Lewis, Rob Quinn, Nicole Jones (Secretary), Christian Kolacki, Kip Bohnert (for Claire Margerison), Natoshia Cunningham, Stacey Pylman, Heather Laird-Fick, Thomas O’Halloran (joined late), Kabelo Thusang, Stacey Missmer, Shawn Jobe (joined late), Cheryl Rockwell, Kathleen Gallo, Farha Abbasi (joined late), Morteza Mahmoudi, Jordan Knepper (Vice Chairperson), Scott Counts (Chairperson), Bendu Sherman, Jon Giolitti

Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): Rebecca Schein, Jamie Alan, Connie Currier, Kathleen Gallo
Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote): Karen Kelly-Blake, Ryan Doyle, Twynette Mixon, Joseph Junewick

Standing Guests: Aron Sousa, Carol Parker, Nara Parameswaran, Wanda Lipscomb, Ade Olomu, Kim Sapowski (for Lori Dykstra)

Staff: Allison Tilma, Geri Kelley


Elected Members: Jill Moschelli, Indhu Rammohan
Ex-Officio Representatives (per bylaws): John Fitzsimmons, Susan Barman, David Barondess, Kathleen Oberst
Ex-Officio Division Representatives (approved per vote):
Standing Guests: Andrea Wendling, Lori Dykstra

  1. Call to order
    1. Meeting called to order at 1:03pm
    2. Quorum met with 17 of 22 attending.
    3. Three additional members arrived after the meeting started.

  2. Approval of agenda
    1. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
    2. Agenda approved as presented.

  3. Approval of minutes
    1. March 18, 2024; Attachment A
    2. No objections raised, motioned to approve.
    3. Minutes approved as presented.

  4. Remarks/updates
    1. Chair
      1. Thanks to everyone for making the members of their departments aware of the committee nominations and award nominations.
    2. Dean
      1. Graduation is coming for Masters, PhD and MD students.
        1. 99% of MD graduates have a job
      2. Upcoming meeting with LCME Secretariat to go over action plan CHM received for citations from last spring’s visit.
      3. Celebrating CHM’s 60th anniversary year with various town halls focused on early founded departments and campus visits.
      4. Board of Trustees approved the research building for Detroit.
        1. It will be 335,000 square feet and $335 million dollars and is a building that will have a private institute in it. About half of it will be filled with researchers who already exist based out of Henry Ford and we are continuing to recruit researchers for the other half.
      5. The Flint Journal building expansion is coming along and will open in about 13 months.
        1. The feds provided CHM with $572,000 to help us close the final gap on technology and furniture and that’s in addition to the 3.4 million in MEDC funding thanks to Senator Cherry, which will help bring that building in very much on budget and on time.
      6. Remind everyone about awards and encouraging CAC members (other than the steering committee) to serve on the awards review committee.

  5. Approval of search process for Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs search
    1. Attachment B – Memo to CAC, with summary of position and search process
    2. Attachment C – ADFA posting
    3. The dean answered questions from the committee about the search process.
    4. The chair requested a motion to vote to approve of the proposed search process.
      1. Motion made, Seconded. No additional discussion was necessary from the committee.
      2. Motion passed unanimously.

  6. Approval of proposed bylaw changes for the Admissions Committee; Attachment D
    1. The chair requested a motion to endorse the changes of the bylaws to send new language to CHM faculty for final voting approval.
      1. Motion made, Seconded. No additional discussion was necessary from the committee.
      2. Motion passed unanimously.

  7. Elections for CHM committees & CAC reps
    1. Reviewing ballot of CHM committee nominations.
    2. Seeking CAC approval for additional college level voting rights for two nominees.
      1. Motion made, Seconded. No additional discussion was necessary from the committee.
      2. Motion passed unanimously.
      3. Action item: Allison to email CHM about nominations still open and request final submissions by Friday. Voting will be sent out the following week.

  8. Awards Sub-committee
    1. Chair Counts asks CAC members for volunteers to serve on CAC Awards Review sub-committee.
      1. Dr. Karen Kelly-Blake and Dr. Natoshia Cunningham volunteered to serve on the sub-committee.

  9. Spring Faculty Meeting – overview of the agenda.
    1. New date: Monday, May 6 2024, 5-7pm via Zoom
    2. Agenda items/topics to discuss
      1. Updates from all CHM committees (per bylaws)
      2. SDC 2.0 (Robin DeMuth/Andrea Wendling or their surrogates).
      3. From Nara – Structure of Research Department
      4. Invite Norm Beauchamp & Steve Kalkanis or other henry ford partner to talk about vision and where partnership is going.
      5. Review of recent high level new hires, plans for searches, people in interim positions, and what the org chart looks like.
      6. Mention CHM Commencement (May 4, 2024 at 1:00pm)

  10. New business
    1. No new business presented

  11. Comments from the floor
    1. Dr. Olomu encouraged faculty and staff to complete the survey that was sent out.
    2. Allison reminded CAC members whose service is ending to connect with their chairs for re-appointment or initiate a department election for a new CAC representative.

  12. Adjournment
    1. Motion made to adjourn, seconded.
    2. Motion passed unanimously.
    3. Meeting ended at 1:38pm.