2018 College Advisory Council (CAC) Minutes


Voting Members Present: F. Abbasi, J. Alan, A. Bernstein, A. Bozoki, A. Chamdin, H. Chen, M. Franco, V. Johnson-Lawrence, J. Kepros, H. Kim, C. Matisoff, M. Morishita, K. Racicot, J. Reynolds, E. Shapiro, A. Weber
Ex-Officio Members Present: H. Barry, N. Beauchamp, K. Elisevich, B. Forney, S. Lin, A. Mansour
Guests and Staff:  G. Kelley, F. Peterson

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the November meeting were approved as written.

Briefing from the Dean

The Board of Trustees approved establishment of a new Department of Orthopedic Surgery.

The BOT also approved advancement of final discussions on the proposed Public Private Partnership (P3) between MSU and a for-profit industry partner. In response to questions, the dean further explained that the P3 is a mechanism to generate new resources to support existing needs and to facilitate growth and expansion. The premise is that an industry partner, chosen through the MSU competitive bid process, will fund and construct a new building on the 4.5 acres of MSU-owned property adjacent to the MSU Grand Rapids Research Center; a parking garage will also be constructed. Revenue will be generated through lease payments to MSU on the land and a share of the lease revenue generated.  Considerable donations to fund programs and work in therapeutics and diagnostics have been committed, as well as a $30M grant from state. This is the first time the university has engaged in this type of venture and if successful as planned, it is possible that this mechanism will be used in other university locations. 

Groundbreaking for a new McLaren hospital on land purchased from the MSU Foundation took place earlier on December 17. Dean Beauchamp spoke at the event representing the health college in his role as associate provost.

Conversations with Sparrow Hospital continue to be reaffirming and supporting. The college has capacity and need to partner will several hospitals.

Spectrum Hospital will be a partner in expanding the new BioPark in Grand Rapids (site of the P3 venture). The new Spectrum CEO is in place and the college is actively looking for ways to more effectively align efforts. Spectrum provides $2M/year to support collaborative research.

The dean asked for insights and thoughts about the $500M fund for survivors and drawbacks of discontinuing the Healing Assistance Fund ($10M). Discussion took place with committee members suggesting ways to reflect the values of the college and show that the CHM community cares about the victims. The dean encouraged members to send additional thoughts.

A Detroit family enthusiastic about supporting work in cognitive decline has committed $2M to establish an endowed professorship in Alzheimer’s Disease in the Department of Translational Science and Molecular Medicine (TSMM). TSMM is doing excellent work in this area.

Faculty Affairs & Development Update

H. Barry provided an update on the five year review of department chairs. The university requires the five-year review but is silent on the way to conduct it. The college established a brand new approach and implemented it for the first time in the fall of 2018. The process involved review teams with two senior leaders in the college (clinical and basic science), an emerging leader from within the college, and two or three members of the department under review. The college and the department provided the review teams with data/metrics, surveys of faculty, staff and learners. Review teams could then gather supplemental data and conduct interviews of people within the departments. Review teams were asked to assess the health of department and chair’s role in overall success. Meetings with department chairs to go over reviews and discuss next steps will take place after the first of the year. Modifications to the process were made to address concerns of labor intensiveness and to standardize some functions of the review teams. Also, a few items to enhance section on financial management will be added. It became apparent that the review must be started earlier to meet the deadline for the raise process. Dean Beauchamp praised the efforts of H. Barry and others involved in the process. A template of the report will be forthcoming to CAC members.

A report of the CHM Professionalism Task Force was also provided by H. Barry. The task force is meeting regularly and learning through community norms efforts, diversity and inclusion efforts, and people doing similar work. It is moving forward with recommendations that may have policy implications. For example, implementing the use of professional and unprofessional behavior in annual review and/or RPT process. The MSU Academic Advancement Network (AAN) created a subgroup of Council of Faculty Affairs and Development Deans from across campus to meet and find out what is going on around campus and where is there synergy.

Clinical Update

H. Kim provided an update on the clinical efforts of the college. Slides from the update are attached to these minutes. Highlights are as follows:

  • Re-implemented process to achieve 100% adherence to Chaperone and Consent-to-Treat Policies.
  • MSU Primary Care Integrated Practice and its financial support ended June 30, 2018; Departments implemented actions to promote sustainability, including relocation of General Medicine practice to share space with Medicine Specialties.
  • Actual FY18 clinical practice proceeds exceeded FY18 budget by $2.47 million and FY17 actual by $1.82 million.
  • Common compensation plan for CHM and COM faculty with clinical practices is being proposed based on a typical “XYZ” model, with goals to increase consistency of base salaries, permit flexibility for chairs and promote success of the organization.
  • H. Kim encouraged CAC members to reach out to him with ideas at hkim@msu.edu.

Old Business

Award Categories—Review Over Break

The Awards Subcommittee recommended adding 4 new award categories, which were presented at the November meeting. The subcommittee tweaked the criteria on the final proposal to be sent after the current meeting and reviewed over the break. The new award categories will be voted on at the January meeting. There is also a recommendation to change “Distinguished” to “Outstanding” on the title of the CHM Distinguished Faculty Award to follow suit with the change at the university level. The university changed the name of the award a few years ago to keep the “Distinguished” title only for the “University Distinguished Professor.”

Debrief Fall Faculty Meeting

Committee members shared impressions about the new format and concluded that the meeting went well. The dean incorporated many of the questions submitted by CAC into his talk allowing him to give broad updates, while covering highlights of the remarkable work going on in detail. Having time for a prepared response was advantageous and showed members of departments that submitted topics were heard. The discussion portion was well received, however, an idea for next time is to intersperse the discussion into the talk. The dean could pause and open the floor up for some discussion before continuing to the next topic.

Dean Beauchamp commended CAC members for a good job getting engaged regarding format of the faculty meeting and encouraged them to speak at the next faculty meeting about what the CAC itself is doing, driving, and prioritizing. They should formulate and update attendees on CAC initiatives, including those the college is trying to lead. Consensus was that the awards ceremony was wonderful and well done.

While the meeting was well attended, greater attendance is hoped for in the future. Discussion took place about how to achieve that. While better marketing and meeting specifics are helpful, nothing is more compelling than CAC representatives’ personal encouragement/recruitment of their faculty colleagues’ attendance.

Voting Rights

Clarification was offered about what is happening around voting rights for non-prefix faculty. The subcommittee (A. Bernstein and M. Petroff) will meet after the break, however neither of them is from a department that regularly awards non-prefix appointments. Since non-prefix appointments occur primarily in clinical departments that are dependent on non-MSU-employed faculty to train students around the state, the subcommittee needs to include a representative from one of the clinical departments. B. Forney noted that Family Medicine and Pediatrics have the largest numbers of non-prefix faculty and suggested that a representative should come from one or both of those departments. M. Morishita will talk to the Family Medicine chair to see what he recommends. The Department of Pediatrics is also encouraged to provide representation; subcommittee representatives do not need to be CAC members.

New Business

Spring Faculty Meeting

The meeting is usually held at the end of April or the first part of May. It should occur before May 15, which is the last day of work for people on academic year appointments. The CAC will suggest the best time range and then J. Roy will identify dates the dean is available.

Faculty Concerns/Issues

Discussion took place regarding the new East Lansing income tax that will be assessed to everyone who lives or works in the city of East Lansing. A question was asked as to whether there is concern that this will hinder recruitment. Over 20 cities in Michigan already levy income tax (like the majority of cities, East Lansing will use the standard rate of 1% on residents and 0.5% on non-residents), so it is not anticipated that this alone will impact our ability to recruit. The Controller’s Office is sending email notifications to all employees requesting that you review your city of residence on file with MSU to confirm that your withholding will be at the appropriate resident or non-resident rate. These notifications should not be ignored.

Next meeting

January 21, 2019


Voting Members Present: F. Abbasi, J. Reynolds, J. Kepros, M. Morishita, E. Shapiro, A. Bernstein, H. Chen, H. Kim, M. Petroff, A. Weber, M. Franco
Ex-Officio Members Present: V. Johnson-Lawrence, A. Mansour, L. Fleck, S. Lin, A. Sousa, B. Forney 
Guests and Staff:  G. Kelley, F. Peterson, W. Esselman

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the October meeting were approved as written.

Academic Affairs Update

A. Sousa offered encouraging information about the Shared Discovery Curriculum and the late clinical experience. Students are outperforming in shelf-exams. Data for the second progress reports of the semester are being collected.

Day 1 of the Covey workshop is scheduled for December 6 and 7; Day 2 will be held in January. There are approximately 25 people attending each session.

Graduate Medical Education (GME) – Signed contact for Sparrow sponsorship of most residencies. Surgery and Critical Care were added to the list. Working on implementation of those. Internal medicine will not transition until June.

Old Business

Expanding Award Categories

The awards subcommittee looked into adding four categories and have decided on the following.

  • Junior Faculty Mentoring Award (1 award).
  • Early Career Excellence Award (2 awards). No distinction between categories. Decision to be made across the spectrum.
  • Research Excellence Award (2 awards). Decision to be made across the spectrum.
  • Outstanding Curriculum Contribution (1 award). Focus on innovative techniques across the curriculum.

The subcommittee has developed criteria for each proposed award and is working on final editing. They are open to further suggestions and additional subcommittee members. Discussion took place regarding acknowledging basic science, the decision to make no distinction between clinician or PhD (it is up to the nominator to decide which award the person would be best suited for), and timing of the process. The subcommittee will share a draft of the proposal to add the four new awards to committee members for feedback before asking for formal CAC approval at an upcoming meeting.

Voting Rights

Much discussion took place regarding voting rights for the non-prefix (non-MSU employed) faculty as they currently make up 40% of the total voting pool. Some committee members feel that they would like more justification for why each person should be provided voting rights rather than the department simply identifying them as being non-prefix faculty. B. Forney pointed out that in order to be granted non-prefix status, the faculty member has had to apply for that status and has had to be deemed to meet eligibility criteria.

A. Sousa and B. Forney were on hand to offer a historical background and explain current processes. Some discussion areas were 1) acknowledgment of a set of existing criteria and process for assigning the non-prefix designation, 2) college administration’s appreciation for the time devoted to CHM and desire that residency-associated faculty to feel they are part of the department/college--part of an academic institution, and 3) individuals must have college voting rights to serve on college committees, and 4) the Student Grievance Panel comes from voting faculty list and eliminating the non-prefix faculty would greatly reduce that pool.

A motion to form a subcommittee to further explore this issue was approved. Volunteers for the subcommittee are Peggy Petroff and Alison Bernstein; because non-prefix faculty are not appointed in their departments but are important to the clinical departments, they will solicit volunteers from the clinical departments to serve on the subcommittee. Eligibility criteria for voting rights and guidelines for the CAC to use to assess requests for voting rights will be explored.

New Business

Agenda and Format for Fall Faculty Meeting

Discussion took place regarding the format of the meeting. Members read through the list of questions submitted and decided on main themes to propose. Those will inform the dean’s update/State of the College. Chosen themes were: 1) Finances (compensation), 2) Culture of Safety, and 3) Communication/Transparency. The full list of questions will be shared with the dean and dean’s team. H. Kim volunteered to generate three questions to be given to the dean before the meeting.

Research Update

W. Esselman reported on recent hiring. The college will soon have 17 Global Impact Initiative (GI2) hires and expects about 20 total before the end of the initiative. As part of a tremendous effort to pull in good candidates and increase the research standing of the university, the GI2 initiative was put in place by President Simon and Vice President Hsu to hire 100+ STEM plus medicine folks on campus. The funds have mostly run out. CHM GI2 hires have approximately $30M in grant money. Using the initiative, which requires a startup funding split of 20% CHM/80% VP, CHM has been able to bring in people and populate GRRC & IQ.

The new Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building (ISTB) on Service Road will be completed next summer.

The research office is providing pre-award work for grants for almost all departments in the college, as well as COM and Nursing. The pre-award work is predominately beneficial to those departments that are not research-intensive. There are now four people doing the pre-award work, and the office submitted almost 400 grants this past year. Staff members are becoming experts and are very efficient. It is expected pre-award services will be extended to the Department of Epidemiology soon.

Faculty Concerns/Issues


Next Meeting: December 17, 2018


Voting Attendees: F. Abbasi, J. Alan, A. Bernstein, A. Bozoki, L. Cabrera, A. Chamdin, H. Chen, J. Kepros, R. Malinowski, M. Morishita, K. Racicot, J. Reynolds, A. Weber
Ex-Officio Attendees: H. Barry, N. Beauchamp, J. Fitzsimmons, L. Fleck, J. Johnson, V. Johnson- Lawrence, A. Mansour
Guests and Staff:  A. Avellino, G. Kelley, F. Peterson

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the August meeting were approved with a change to the list of attendees.

Establishment of Joint Department of Orthopedics

A. Avellino provided information about his background and his current MSU positions. In addition to being the assistant provost for student wellness, health, and safety and the chief medical officer for MSU HealthTeam (soon to be MSU Health Care), he is serving as the interim director of athletic medicine.

He presented information about the establishment of a Department of Orthopedics. Handouts of the slides were distributed in advance of the meeting and a handout (attached to these minutes) was provided at the meeting. Discussion took place and included the following.

  • This would be a joint department between CHM and COM; COM would be the administrative lead.
  • Having an established department will provide for checks and balances necessary for a culture of safety.
  • Having an established department will offer a path for career advancement for orthopedic surgeons.
  • The new chair would develop strategy for growth (e.g. trauma, oncology).

A motion to support the establishment of a joint Department of Orthopedics was put forth and approved.

Faculty Representative from the University Steering Committee

As a University Steering Committee member, J. Johnson provided information about opportunities for faculty participation in university decision making. The entire list is provided on a handout (attached to these minutes) that was distributed at the meeting. The handout will also be sent to all CAC members electronically so they can share the information in their units. Dr. Johnson says, “Please share this with your faculty and encourage them to speak up and get involved.”

Dr. Johnson informed CAC members about access Steering Committee members have to high- level administration (president, provost, BOT members) and encouraged them to reach out to administration either directly or through Steering Committee members/others with their suggestions and comments. Bringing possible solutions to identified problems is most helpful.

She encouraged faculty to speak up, as there is an unusual opportunity for change in the university at the moment and many important decisions will occur over the next year. She told CAC members that the presidential search chairs are working hard to try to provide avenues for faculty, staff, and student input into the process. J. Johnson can be reached at jjohns@msu.edu.

Briefing from the Dean

Dean Beauchamp provided updates on the following topics.

  • Leadership Roles in Academic Governance. Appreciation was extended to the CAC elected officers and to faculty serving on university committees.
  • Resources. 
    • Highlighting funded grants to form connections in GR and EL to secure additional resources is ongoing. Funded grants – the great work faculty do – serves as a marker of past success and promise of future success. Geri Kelley compiled the list of funded grants for a recent event, which referenced how MSU is a catalyst for collaboration. It was well received by people interested in donating to MSU.
    • CHM Senior Director of Development. Stephane Stotenbur was recently recruited by CHM for the positon as director. She is beginning to meet with faculty groups about raising money.
    • Through the CHM Advancement Office, the Empower Extraordinary Campaign has surpassed the $99.5 M goal and raised $100.2 M. Funds will support student scholarship, research, and expanded facilities.
    • Establishment of an Independent Practice Plan—MSU Health Care. The MSU HealthTeam will be reorganized as a separate 501(c)(3) organization. This will allow MSU Health Care to form joint ventures with a broader set of other health care entities, enabling additional support for all three missions: clinical, educational, and research. Additionally, MSU Health Care can now work with medical practice partners including area hospitals, health systems and other health-related entities. The university will be the parent organization of MSU Health Care, which will have its own management structure and governing. The former HealthTeam was too small and generated inadequate revenue. It couldn’t participate in value-based contracting. The new practice plan will allow more competition and the opportunity to raise more money.
  • A weekend retreat, organized by L. Kuczajda, was held including representatives from MSU and McLaren to explore ways to partner across two systems. The retreat was well-received and successful.
  • Affiliation Agreement. The college is maintaining and strengthening its relationship with Sparrow and will be signing off on a new affiliation agreement.
  • Industry Partnerships. The college is preparing to establish public/private partnerships (P3’s) to support research and education. An RFP (request for proposal) for the GR Innovation Park has gone out. In P3’s, a developer (the private entity) funds the construction of the building and then leases it back to MSU (the public entity). Then after a period of 10-20 years, the building is turned over to MSU. This is a new model for MSU and has been approved by the Board of Trustees.
  • Diversity and Inclusion. The dean attended a special event where CHM students hosted the Latino Medical Student Association Midwest Regional Leadership Conference. Dr. Lynn Munoz gave an incredibly inspiring

Access for Athena EMR

Discussion took place regarding medical student access to Athena EMR. The CAC believes that accessing patient records is an important part of a student’s education and that should be made possible. Clarification on the access issue is needed as there are a range of experiences. Some departments may have paid for their students to have access. Dr. Andrew Zwyghuizen could be asked to share the policy and could be invited to next meeting to report on the status.

Research Topics for McLaren

Department chairs are involved with discussions regarding possible research topics. Point people are Andrea Amalfitano and Anna Moore.

Faculty Affairs and Development Update

H. Barry provided the following update regarding reappointment, promotion, and tenure (RPT) actions.


Promotion to Associate Professor

Promotion to Professor


Not Approved


Not Approved


Not Approved

Tenure System





No cases put forth.




Health Programs






No cases put forth.




Fixed Term






No cases put forth.

*Faculty member requested early promotion and it was recommended that the case be considered at the usual time.

A new process is in place for a five-year review of departments. Four departments (PSL, TSMM, Peds., Emergency Med.) are currently being reviewed. H. Barry explained that the review involves teams reviewing different aspects of department functions and generating a final report to the dean. The report will be used to make decisions about reappointing chairs and will provide rigorous feedback that will help them be successful. The teams are reviewing several data sources: surveys completed by faculty, staff, and learners; financial reports; research activity; department generated activity reports, etc. Completing the process the first time has identified additional data needs, including metrics that ought to be collected on an annual basis.

A team of individuals has been exploring ideas to further develop leaders in the college. They are piloting a training workshop for Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The goal is to effect culture change across the college that would make decision-making and processes more effective. Chairs may be asked to nominate faculty and key staff for the workshop as it rolls out to a larger audience.


CAC Secretary—Karen Racicot

It was announced that K. Racicot accepted the nomination for the position of CAC secretary extended at the August meeting. A motion to approve her appointment as CAC secretary was put forth and approved.

Award Selection Approval

The Awards Subcommittee presented recommendations of award recipients. Discussion took place and the recommendations were approved. Recipients will be publicly announced just before the Fall Faculty Meeting and will be recognized at the event.

Discussion took place regarding expanding award categories. It will be a topic on the agenda of an upcoming meeting. It was also recommended that procedures for the nomination process be clearer.


Agenda and Format for Fall Faculty Meeting

Members of CAC Steering Committee (chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary) proposed a modification to the format of the Fall Faculty Meeting where there are less prepared remarks and more of a town hall where questions are submitted in advance. Dean Beauchamp agreed to try the new format. Discussion took place regarding a poll to faculty asking for questions for the dean and asking what they want to see out of the CAC. Also, CAC members will be asked to contribute to agenda topics.

Faculty Concerns/Issues: None

Next Meeting: October 15, 2018


Voting Attendees:  F. Abbasi, J. Alan, A. Bozoki, L. Cabrera, H. Chen, M. Franco, J. He, J. Kepros, H. Kim, R. Malinowski, M. Morishita, Petroff, J. Reynolds, E. Shapiro, A. Weber
Ex-Officio Attendees: N. Beauchamp, K. Elisevich, J. Fitzsimmons, L. Fleck, B. Forney, , V. Johnson-Lawrence, A. Mansour
Guests and Staff:  G. Kelley, F. Peterson, J. Roy

Introduction/Purpose of CAC

Council members were welcomed by Dean Beauchamp, who offered his views on shared governance. He believes that everyone has a role by working together as partners to make sure the best decisions are made. Members introduced themselves. 

The primary purpose of the College Advisory Council is to serve as a channel of communication between the college faculty and the dean, and to serve as a means of participation by faculty and students in the policy making of the college.

Dean Beauchamp reviewed the welcome information, including duties of the officers. It was explained that the council has gone to a model where the chair, vice-chair, and secretary form a steering committee that works with the dean to come up with the agenda. The steering committee functions without much differentiation between roles, and individual tasks are not onerous.

Election of Officers

Officers for the 2018-19 academic year were elected as follows:

  • Chair: Andrea Bozoki
  • Vice Chair: Farha Abbasi

Karen Racicot from the Grand Rapids campus was nominated to serve as secretary. As she was not present, council members elected her pending her acceptance of the nomination. It was decided that A. Bozoki and B. Forney will contact her.

An update to the election procedure for next year was noted. The procedure will be to distribute the list of voting and non-voting members along with steering committee job descriptions to the CAC representatives two weeks before the meeting to garner interest in serving on the steering committee.

Briefing from the Dean

Dean Beauchamp highlighted the following items.

  • Culture of Safety. Reorganization and coordination of care between the three medical colleges and the HealthTeam to make sure a tragedy doesn’t happen
  • Acting Chief Compliance Officer Professor Nick Wittner has been appointed to lead the university’s new Office of Enterprise Risk Management, Ethics and Compliance. Created at the request of the MSU Board of Trustees, the office is intended to ensure the university’s adherence to policies as well as legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Financial Sustainability. Multi-factorial involving partnering with health systems to increase scale to have more lucrative contracts. Change from pay for volume to pay for value.
  • Student Debt. Established a task force to look into ways to help. Will schedule a presentation to the CAC at an upcoming meeting.
  • Shared Discovery Curriculum (MCE). Is in middle stage. There is an opportunity to provide feedback and request resources. Dr. Sousa will update the CAC about the curriculum at an upcoming meeting.
  • Research and Innovation (salary savings). Have gone to a system with our three most research-intensive units that allows them to retain more funding so they can invest in new initiatives. Must be clarity around expectations. Win-win.
  • Industry Partnerships. Find novel ways to form partnerships. Establishing public/private partnerships at no cost to university—funded by external partners. Trying innovative models without adding to debt or organizations. Will schedule presentation to the CAC about the research funding at an upcoming meeting.

Annual Agenda Review

B. Forney informed members that visits from individual CHM standing committees to provide updates at CAC meetings are being scheduled. Also, college representatives to university committees will report on their university committee’s activities. Members were asked to provide suggestions for topics or people they would like to hear from to better enable them to fulfill their advisory role to the dean. Suggestions included:

  • Mental health of medical students (included substance abuse) – what is being done to address these issues.
  • Creating a more safe and diverse environment, particularly “outside the walls of MSU” since students spend significant time in office and hospital settings in the communities.
  • Updates on Sparrow, Spectrum and McLaren (including new CEO’s, new hospital on campus, safety for students with new Culture of Safety at MSU); suggestion also made to hear from speakers from the actual hospital.
  • Fundraising and philanthropy status and planning.
  • Financial update from CFO.
  • Common Compensation (Kevin McMahon) - overview beginning of year/update later in year.
  • Clinical update (Hyung Kim).
Fall Faculty Meeting

Discussion took place regarding having award recipients recognized at the Fall Faculty Meeting instead of waiting until the spring meeting. This is in addition to the introduction of new faculty. Members agreed there would be time for both items, and a motion to move awards ceremony to fall was accepted. Members were encouraged to send additional topic ideas to CAC Chair A. Bozoki and B. Forney.


Recognizing the excellent work people are doing is important to the college. Traditionally, the awards process is started in the fall. Because the deadline for university-wide awards is early October, it has been suggested that the process begin in the spring instead. Nominations can be collected and college award recipients chosen in the spring. For those chosen to be forwarded for appropriate university award consideration, nominators would then they have over the summer to put the nomination packet together.

The following people agreed to serve as the awards subcommittee for 2018-19: L. Fleck, J. Reynolds and A. Weber. Nomination packets will be available to the full committee for review and comment. The subcommittee, however, will conduct a thorough review of the packets and present recommendations at the September 17 meeting. CAC members were asked to remind units to submit award nominations.

Discussion about unit-level award committees took place. CAC members were encouraged to discuss with their department the idea of establishing an awards committee and commit to working with their unit leader(s) to have a way to identify people who should receive awards.

Academic Affairs Update


Faculty Affairs and Development Update


Faculty Concerns/Issues


Next Meeting: September 17, 2018


Attendees:  H. Azhary, A. Bozoki, A. Chamdin, T. Chassee, H. Chen, J. Ilardo, H. Kim, M. McLeod, C. Palmer, K. Racicot, B. Schutte, E. Shapiro, A. Weber
Ex-Officio Attendees:  N. Beauchamp, M. DeLano, B. Forney, W. Lipscomb, J. Johnson, A. Mansour, R. Miksicek, A. Sousa
Guests:  G. Kelley


Review/Approval of Minutes

  • February meeting minutes approved.

Campus Research Space Planning Study

  • Steering Committee had first meeting with the consultants – CoArchitects
  • Launched first step of the process which is Envision>Measure>Imagine>Iterate>Enable>Document.
  • The university has identified 17 buildings to be studied/assessed and IPF has provided information on them.
  • Meetings are beginning with each individual college asking for info on current areas of research, 5-10 year plans and goals, aspirations, barriers to getting there (eg, GMP, BSL-3 labs, greenhouses, etc).

Dean’s Update

  • Sparrow negotiations have been ongoing to ensure support for the academic mission of the college.
  • Discussions with McLaren regarding academic partnerships.
  • OIE Office and due process was discussed.
  • Chaperone policy is making good progress.
  • New organization structure efforts to date were shared. HealthTeam Chief Medical Officer has been hired with plans to hire a Chief Nursing Officer.
  • HP reappointment process was discussed, specifically regarding effort allocation to research/scholarly activity. Scholarly activity is required for HP promotion, but there should be expectations for product (publications, funding, etc) commensurate with the percentage effort allocated over the appointment period.  Dean Beauchamp questions reappointment when there has been effort allocated but no scholarly product reported; he requested feedback from CAC members.  Most agreed that product should be an expectation, but others noted that effort indicated on the reappointment form does not necessarily correlate with, or result in, protected time for research/scholarly activity.    CAC is charged with taking the idea of “protected time”, what that means, how it is accomplished, back to their departments for discussion and bring input back to the April CAC Meeting.

Academic Affairs Update

  • Match data compiled by Dr. Lipscomb was presented and attached. In sum, 163/170 students (96%) secured a residency placement; this figure is in line with the national average.
  • Students who didn’t match are being assisted with next steps.

DSAC Update 

  • Medical Student Michael Baumgartner presented an update from the Dean’s Student Advisory Group. DSAC is made up of a total of 12 students from each year of medical school who meet with the dean monthly to discuss student topics and events. Group is also in charge of distributing funds requested for student events throughout the year.
  • DSAC is currently looking for ways to increase research opportunities for students.

College Name Discussion

  • Dean requested feedback from each unit regarding the college name. Each unit represented at the meeting presented feedback.  Consensus was most opposed the change; concerns raised included a lack of sufficient information, cost of making the change, and questioning why change the name now.


Next meeting will be Monday, April 16, 2018.


Attendees:  H. Azhary, A. Bozoki, A. Chamdin, T. Chassee, H. Chen, J. Ilardo, H. Kim, M. McLeod, C. Palmer, K. Racicot, B. Schutte, E. Shapiro, A. Weber
Ex-Officio Attendees:  N. Beauchamp, M. DeLano, B. Forney, W. Lipscomb, J. Johnson, A. Mansour, R. Miksicek, A. Sousa
Guests:  G. Kelley


Review/Approval of Minutes

January meeting minutes approved. 

Department of Surgery Bylaws Review

  • Mansour presented updated bylaws for the MSU Department of Surgery. The updates were noted and questions were answered. CAC approved the bylaws for the MSU Department of Surgery.

Dean’s Update

  • Beauchamp discussed the chaperone policy that is being considered as a college-wide policy to protect students, patients, and faculty.
  • Beauchamp described his new role as Associate Provost and Assistant Vice President for Health Affairs. The plan is to change the reporting line for the HealthTeam as well as all three health colleges.  Avellino’s roles as Assistant Provost for Student Health, Wellness and Safety and MSU HealthTeam Chief Medical Officer were also explained.
  • Beauchamp opened the discussion on the proposed name change of the College of Human Medicine. Dean charged the CAC to create a process to organize how CHM should ask the faculty for their input in the name of the college.  The CAC steering committee will develop a plan.  Beauchamp requested results by the next MSU Board of Trustees Meeting on Friday, April 8.
  • Miksicek indicated three reasons for making a name change to an institution:
  • The “world” in which the institution operates has changed and institutions can benefit from a change of name to remain current and to reflect new or different priorities, challenges, and opportunities that previously didn’t exist in the new environment in which the institution finds itself.
  • The institutional mission has evolved over time and a change of name is justified to reflect a new set of institutional goals in the present, compared to those that have existed in the past.
  • A name change can also be part of a strategic reorganization or realignment that involves planned initiatives or expanded operations, so that the name more accurately reflects where the organization sees itself going rather than the enterprise space in which it has historically operated.

Academic Affairs Update

  • Council on Diversity and Education will meet February 19.
  • MCE & ECE just finished their exam suite. MCE is ahead of legacy curriculum.

Faculty Senate Committee Update

  • Ilardo advised the CAC that the Faculty Senate committee held a vote of the faculty to decipher the confidence in the MSU Board of Trustees. Faculty Senate consists of 70 voting members, 65 were in attendance, 61 voted no confidence, 4 voted with confidence. 
  • Agenda for the February 20th meeting of the Faculty Senate was reviewed with the CAC. Copy attached.
  • Ilardo discussed her statement to the Faculty Senate and will distribute to the CAC.
  • Question raised asking who can remove the Board of Trustees. All Board members are subject to recall as elected officials.


Next meeting will be Monday, March 19, 2018.


Attendees:  H. Azhary, A. Bozoki, A. Chamdin, S. Counts, T. Chassee, H. Chen, J. Ilardo, H. Kim, C. Palmer, K. Racicot, D. Stahl
Ex-Officio Attendees: N. Beauchamp, H. Barry, J. Johnson, A. Mansour, R. Miksicek, A. Sousa
Guests:  G. Kelley


Review/Approval of Minutes

December meeting minutes approved. 

Dean’s Update

  • Michael Herbert named CEO of the MSU HealthTeam. He has extensive experience in organizational alignment.
  • Laura Freilich, MD, was elected as an at-large member of the HT Executive Board.
  • Medical school deans in Michigan will meet with MDHHS to discuss behavior health, opioid addictions, and other issues. This is the first in a series of meetings on this topic.  (Jennifer Johnson will send the report to the CAC on the Opioid Study.)
  • Tom Mee, CEO of McLaren Greater Lansing, stepped down from his role.
  • Student Debt Task Force has been established and met twice. Group is working on ideas to decrease medical student debt.

Academic Affairs Update

  • End of the legacy curriculum for pre-clerkship realm.
  • Sparrow GME discussions are ongoing. Discussions on budget cuts between MSU and Sparrow.
  • Council on Diversity and Education (CODE) meeting is scheduled for January 16.

Faculty Affairs and Development

  • Barry reported that the RPT committee has reviewed the 1st round of tenure system reappointments. Approximately 20 faculty across tracks are up for review this year.
  • New procedure for faculty in the RPT process was discussed regarding faculty member requesting a meeting with the RPT committee before reappointment decision is made.
  • ELAM program – chairs have been asked to identify potential candidates to be nominated for this program.
  • The Clinician Educator Mentoring Program is now available statewide and is open to faculty at the rank of assistant professor in the Health Programs or fixed term systems and to those who hold a non-prefix appointment in the clinical/adjunct system.

Student Research Presentations

  • Ilardo reported on the student research survey. Summary slides are attached. 
  • Discussion related to a statistician for student research.
  • Survey will be re-distributed to faculty to try to increase response rate.

Faculty Concerns/Issues

  • Suggestion made to invite the HealthTeam CEO to attend CAC meetings on a periodic basis.
  • Discussion ensued related to faculty clinical time and what that looks like for all CHM clinics.


Next meeting will be Monday, February 19, 2018.