Aron Sousa, MD, FACP

- Dean
- Executive Dean for MSU Health Colleges
- Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Aron Sousa, MD, FACP, is the seventh dean of the College of Human Medicine, a position he has held for six of the past nine years, including stints as interim dean, 2015-2016 and 2019-2022. In 2024, he was asked to serve as executive dean for MSU Health Colleges.
Previously, in his 13-year role as senior associate dean for academic affairs, Dr. Sousa was responsible for the medical education programs of the college in its seven (now eight) community campuses across Michigan. During that time, he managed the doubling of the college’s class size and converting its two-year, 60 student Grand Rapids campus into a four-year, 350 student campus. He also led the creation of three, two-year clinical campuses in Traverse City, Midland and in Southeast Michigan. Since becoming dean, Dr. Sousa has led the establishment of the college’s eighth community campus in Detroit, at Henry Ford Health, in 2022.
Dean Sousa’s work in medical education includes the design of the college’s innovative Shared Discovery Curriculum, which is characterized by robust clinical experiences in each year of medical school, promotion based on progress testing, and content organized by chief complaint rather than organ system or discipline.
As the leader of the college’s $40+ million expansion in Flint, Dr. Sousa was the PI on the C.S. Mott Foundation grants that led to the college establishing the College of Human Medicine building and the creation of the Charles Stewart Mott Department of Public Health in downtown Flint.
Dr. Sousa received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry and his medical degree from Indiana University School of Medicine. He then served as both a resident and chief resident in internal medicine and completed a primary care fellowship at Michigan State University.
In addition to his role of dean of the College of Human Medicine, Dr. Sousa is a practicing general internist. He looks forward to treating patients and finds great joy and inspiration from teaching residents and medical students.
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