Give Green Day 2024

Mon, March 11, 2024 11:00 PM - Tue, March 12, 2024 10:59 PM at


Support Spartans
in Public Health

Spartans in Public Health are working to eliminate health disparities and achieve health equity for diverse populations. At MSU, we strive to attain the highest level of health and well-being for all individuals and groups – especially our most vulnerable and at-risk.

Public health professionals help save lives at the root causes of poor health outcomes, where it starts.

Together, we can help prevent people from getting sick or injured in the first place.

Spartan graduates with a public health degree excel in jobs that require leadership, advocacy, and building trust for a community-engaged practice approach.

Will you join us in creating a world where everyone has access to the things they need for good health, regardless of where they live?



Your Support Today is Tomorrow’s Difference

Imagine a future where compassionate Spartan MDs—empowered by your generosity—can provide health care for all in need, regardless of circumstances.

Your contribution will help make that future a reality, by reducing the financial burdens of these talented, caring individuals who work tirelessly to achieve their dream of becoming a physician.

By investing in scholarships, you will improve individual lives and transform entire communities.

Your commitment to scholarship support will benefit medical students and create a ripple effect, touching the lives of countless individuals. The funds raised on Give Green Day will go directly to supporting scholarships for medical students who need it most.

Make your gift today to support future Spartan MDs and benefit the communities they will serve.