Words of Wellness: May 13, 2020

May 12, 2020 - Culture of Caring - Claudia Finkelstein

Topic of the Week – Lighten Up (sometimes it’s all we can do):
We have been at this a long time. We have been bombarded with coping strategies, exercise sites, and possible pandemic self-improvement projects.  

At some point we just need to take a break from the heaviness of it all and embrace levity:  have a laugh, experience some pleasure, take a break. We need to focus on some positive elements of life while not pretending that the difficulties have vanished – they’ll be here when we get back. In the meantime, see if you can change your own channel with some of the links below. 

This week, we bring you some laughs, some warm and fuzzies, the usual offerings, and encouragement to keep going. We can do this! 

For a bit of humor, here are some clips that may make you smile. The first one, a music teacher writing a song to cope. The next, more Pluto, and finally, the groaner – top ten corona virus jokes. 

For warm and fuzzies, we bring you a compilation of submissions from your friends and colleagues - acts of kindness (great and small) during this time.  

For music fans, listen to this gorgeous worldwide version of The Weight. Here is a delightful version of Higher Ground from the “playing for change” music project. And for fans of more classical fare, go to Covid-19: Free online concerts by world-famous classical music venues  

Mindfulness Pop Ups will continue four-days-a-week, click here for Zoom link. 

  • May 7, 1pm, facilitated by  Dr. Julia Felton
  • May 8, 8:30am, facilitated by Dr. Claudia Finkelstein
  • May 11, 9am, facilitated by Dr. Claudia Finkelstein
  • May 12, 8:30am, facilitated by Dr. Julia Felton
  • May 14, 1pm, facilitated by  Dr. Julia Felton
  • May 15, 8:30am, facilitated by Dr. Claudia Finkelstein

Thanks to the support of both of our medical schools, Dr. Miko Rose and some of her psychiatry colleagues, are offering this free service remotely. Inquiries should be directed to Dr. Julia Felton who will provide screening and intake at 810-600-9125. 

We welcome your suggestions, concerns, and questions

Read more Words of Wellness from the Culture of Caring.