Eileen Hug Named Community Assistant Dean of New Detroit Campus
March 29, 2022
After 25 years of caring for patients while teaching students, Eileen Hug, DO, has taken on one more duty as the new community assistant dean for the College of Human Medicine’s Detroit campus based at Henry Ford Hospital.
“I’m actually humbled by the opportunity,” she said, adding that “we’re very excited” about the new partnership that created Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences. “Henry Ford has a long history of educating residents, fellows and medical students,” she said. “We’re very proud of this legacy.”
Hug, a pediatrician, already was director of undergraduate medical education for Henry Ford Health, which includes responsibility for all medical students at Henry Ford. After graduating from the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, she underwent residency training in Detroit.
Later this summer, 20 third-year College of Human Medicine students will begin their clinical rotations at Henry Ford. They will remain there for their fourth year of medical school and will be joined by another group of third-year students next year.
Because of her additional administrative and teaching duties, Hug will step back from her clinical practice.
“It was a very difficult decision,” she said. “I will miss my patients. I will miss my families.”
Working with students, however, will keep her close to patients and families, she said, adding that education is a two-way street between teachers and students.
“I will be equally teaching and being a student in this,” Hug said. “The enthusiasm of the students reminds us of how fortunate we are to be in medicine.”