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2019 News Archive

December 31, 2019


  • Congratulations to the 33 students, 4 residents, 2 faculty and 1 alumna recently inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society Gamma Chapter.
  • Brian Mavis, PhD, received the 2019 Academic Medicine Excellence in Reviewing Award.
  • Dr. Andrew Zwyghuizen has been appointed associate chair in the Department of Surgery and accepted the newly-created role of chief of surgery.
  • Mary Kay Smith, PhD, RN, assistant professor and director of the MSU Learning Assessment Center, received the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award from Saginaw Valley State University.
  • Darline El Reda, professor in the Division of Public Health Flint campus, writes about the need for public health practitioners in our broken health care system.
  • Dr. Michelle Southard, DO, FACOS, assistant professor of surgery, became an American College of Osteopathic Surgeons (ACOS) at the 2019 ACOS Annual Clinical Assembly in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Southard was also honored for receiving the top score of her cohort on the American Osteopathic Board of Surgery Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Board Exam.
  • Tae Hoon Kim, PhD, assistant professor, has been selected as a recipient of a 2019-2020 Career Enhancement Award from the MD Anderson Gynecologic SPORE for Uterine Cancers, entitled “Progesterone resistance and developing non-surgical therapy for endometrial hyperplasia.”
  • Dr. Teck Soo to lead MSU medical college's new neurosurgery division: 4 details
    Becker’s Spine Review | December 12
    East Lansing-based Michigan State University College of Human Medicine launched a neurosurgery division with physicians from Michigan Spine and Brain Surgeons, the college announced Dec. 11. Teck Soo, MD, was tapped to direct the new neurosurgery division. He is the founder of Michigan Spine and Brain Surgeons, an assistant clinical professor at MSU College of Human Medicine, and chief of neurosurgery at Ascension Providence Hospitals in Novi and Southfield, Mich.
  • MSU College Establishes Two New Divisions
    MSU Today | December 11
    Michigan State University College of Human Medicine announced the formation of two new clinical divisions — a Division of Neurosurgery and a Division of Otolaryngology — in partnership with two Southeast Michigan medical practices, a move that expands its statewide presence and opportunities for its students.
  • Scholarship recipient Keyes anxious to study in Traverse City
    Traverse City Record Eagle | December 11
    As the first recipient of the Daniel and Debra Edson Endowed Scholarship, Keyes is anxious to begin the second half of his enrollment in the Rural Community Health Program through Michigan State University. The Edsons are long-time Traverse City residents. The Harbor Beach native will spend his first two years as a student at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in East Lansing, That will be followed by two years at the Traverse City clinical campus at Munson Medical Center.
  • A proposed EPA rule prioritizes industry profit over people’s lives
    The Washington Post | December 9
    “As I know from my work in Flint, Mich., when the EPA succeeds, people are protected. When the EPA fails, people get sick. When it comes to toxins in our environment or the bodies of children, we need the EPA to be strong, smart and swift — to act quickly, decisively and accurately — utilizing the best available science. However, when government regulations are captured by industries craving ever more profit, the cost is, as it always has been, our health and our children’s health.”
  • MSU, Spectrum Health partner to find new treatments for ‘orphan diseases’
    MLive | December 9
    Bin Chen is the lead researcher at MSU, who is hoping to find new or better treatments for about 6,000 diseases considered too rare to attract much research. “Although individually these diseases afflict relatively few people, combined they are suffered by about 25 million Americans, some whose illnesses are life-threatening,” said Chen, an assistant professor in the MSU College of Human Medicine’s departments of pediatrics and human development, pharmacology and toxicology.
  • Universities turn to public-private partnerships to fund projects, attract students
    MiBiz | December 8
    MSU’s new Doug Meijer Medical Innovation Building will be the university’s first public-private partnership in Grand Rapids. These types of partnerships have been used to accomplish many developments across the region, including the Grand Rapids Downtown Market, Van Andel Arena, the Grand Rapids Art Museum and the DeVos Place Convention


  • Julie Phillips, MD, MPH, was named as an Assistant Editor of Family Medicine, a journal focused on medical education, which is published by the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. She joins Andrea Wendling, MD, another College of Human Medicine faculty member who has served as an Assistant Editor since 2013. Dr. Phillips will focus on the Narrative section of the journal, which publishes poetry, essays, and stories. Dr. Phillips has a special interest in narrative writing and has published a number of essays and poems.
  • At last month's Fall Faculty Awards Ceremony, the college recognized 12 outstanding faculty members for their achievements and contributions to medical education, research and academics.
  • Congratulations to the recipients of the inaugural Academic Affairs Awards. Since implementing a new curriculum that completely changed how our college prepares medical students, Academic Affairs created this tradition to highlight the incredible team and recognize individuals who demonstrate exceptional work.
  • Watch Psychological Safety, Google and Culture in our College: Is "Midwestern Nice" Actually Nice? a presentation with Claudia Finkelstein, MD, and Jennifer Johnson, PhD
  • The college welcomes the following new faculty members:
    • Robey Champine, PhD, MS, MPH, assistant professor, Division of Public Health
    • John Clements, PhD, MPA, assistant professor, Division of Public Health
    • Robert Wahl, DVM, MS, assistant professor, Division of Public Health
    • Kristen Upson, PhD, assistant professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics
    • Natoshia Cunningham, PhD, assistant professor, Family Medicine
    • Alireza Boloori, PhD, Family Medicine
    • Michael Koval, PhD, assistant professor, Physiology
    • Ahmed Abubaker, MD, assistant professor, Medicine
    • Craig Cole, MD, assistant professor, Medicine
    • Daniel Isaac, MS, DO, assistant professor, Medicine
    • Samuel Stanley, Jr., MD, Medicine
    • Barbara Pickut, MD, MPH, assistant professor, Neurology and Ophthalmology
    • Marie Cole, MD, assistant professor, Pediatrics & Human Development
    • Xiaopeng Li, PhD, associate professor, Pediatrics & Human Development
    • Estela Pina, MD, associate professor, Pediatrics & Human Development
    • Michael Williams, PhD, assistant professor, Pediatrics & Human Development
    • Jinda Fan, PhD, assistant professor, Radiology
    • Morteza Mahmoudi, PhD, assistant professor, Radiology
    • David Polinger-Hyman, MD, assistant professor, Radiology
    • Sutton Williams, PhD, assistant professor, Radiology/Division of Anatomy
  • 3 Middle Clinical Experience students have been appointed to national- and regional-level positions in the Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA): Donna Tran as External Affairs Vice President, Julie Ngo as Bone Marrow Director and Irene Lieu as Region V Director. 
  • Bin Chen, PhD, assistant professor, is one of the eight scientists featured on the C&EN Discovery Report on AI in drug discovery. 
  • On November 13, the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences is presenting "How do our loved ones make life-and-death medical decisions for us?" from 12 1 p.m., C102 East Fee Hall in East Lansing or webinar as part of its 2019-2020 Bioethics Brownbag & Webinar Series.
  • Congratulations to Erin Gorman, director of research operations, MSU Health Colleges Research Services. She received Unit Research Administrator’s Spotlight award from Sponsored Programs Administration, Office of Sponsored Programs, Contract and Grant Administration in honor of her devoted actions to go above and beyond in advancing MSU’s research mission and leading by example with providing exemplary service. She also received the 2019 Outstanding Supervisor award from the MSU WorkLife Office. This award honors Michigan State University supervisors who have consistently demonstrated worklife sensitivity and support of the professional/personal needs of the employees in their unit.
  • Study highlights prevalence of physician burnout
    MiBiz | November 27
    “Physician burnout is a much bigger issue than I think a lot of us thought it was,” said Lipscomb, the associate dean for student affairs at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in Grand Rapids. Reducing burnout among health professionals and improving their overall well-being “has to become a movement of sorts,” said Lipscomb, who served on the National Academy of Medicine committee that produced the report.
  • White Coats for Black Lives evaluates diversity at select medical schools
    Diverse Issues in Higher Education | November 30
    As noted in the report, medical schools affiliated with undergraduate institutions can collaborate with those institutions to support URM students interested in pursuing careers in medicine. Other schools have established pipeline programs. Xavier and the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine recently announced an agreement that will provide academic advising for Xavier students and the possibility of enrolling in a program to build clinical and service experiences in preparation for medical school admission.
  • Grant helps Flint hospital continue child development effort
    Associated Press | November 28
    Hurley Medical Center is expanding a program aimed at improving brain development and reducing behavior problems among children. Through a $244,500 grant from the Flint Kids Fund of the Foundation for Flint, the ongoing Video Interaction Project promotes reading aloud and play, which aid early child development and enhance the relationship with parents. The program, in its third year, stems from the joint Pediatric Public Health Initiative between Hurley Children’s Hospital and Michigan State University. It seeks to lessen the impact of Flint’s lead-contaminated water crisis on children.
  • Innovation center construction underway
    Grand Rapids Business Journal | November 27
    A group of local developers and stakeholders recently broke ground on a new medical research building in downtown Grand Rapids. Health Innovation Partners recently broke ground on the Doug Meijer Medical Innovation Building, the next phase of the university’s Grand Rapids Innovation Park, located on the northeast corner of Michigan Street and Monroe Avenue. MSU and developers have been working with potential tenants to help bring the concept to life. Current confirmed tenants include the MSU College of Human Medicine, BAMF Health and Spectrum Health.
  • Gran Fondo rider discovers skin cancer drug plan
    WOOD TV 8 | November 26
    Michigan State University says a breakthrough on skin cancer treatment research is thanks to the Gran Fondo cycling event. The Gran Fondo has been held in downtown Grand Rapids for each of the last six years. All proceeds go to skin cancer awareness, prevention and research programs at MSU’s College of Human Medicine. It allowed Sean Misek, an Ph.D. candidate at MSU, to make a discovery that could help more people beat the most deadly form of skin cancer.
  • Grand Rapids is striving to emerge as a health research and innovation space
    Building Design + Construction Magazine | November 26
    Earlier this month, a real-estate development joint venture broke ground in downtown Grand Rapids, Mich., on the $85 million, 205,000-sf Doug Meijer Medical Innovation Building that is expected to drive innovation in life sciences through research, testing, and the commercialization of new therapies.
  • Pine Rest participating in study on treatment for depression
    Fox 47 | November 25
    Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services is participating in a National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) study related to major depressive disorder (MDD). The study convenes investigators from around the world to carry out a genetic study of MDD treated with electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). NIMH awarded more than $5 million to fund the Genetics of ECT study – or GenECT – over a five-year period. The National Network of Depression Centers (NNDC), along with seven allied ECT centers in the U.S., has joined forces with the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium to conduct this study on a global scale. Pine Rest and Michigan State University are participating through their joint associate membership in the NNDC.
  • Pregnancy-Related Depression Rooted in Inflammation
    MSU Today | November 21
    A runaway, inflammatory immune response may be responsible for triggering severe depression during and after pregnancy, according to a new study published in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity. Not to be mistaken as the rapidly passing “baby blues,” which is common right after delivery, pregnancy-related depression is a serious medical condition that can escalate in severity and may even require hospitalization. Related: Futurity
  • Medical students receive Mazzuchi Scholarship
    WLUC TV 6 | November 20
    The UP Campus is proud to announce the medical student recipients of the Mazzuchi Scholarship, Jackie Luthardt and Ellen Wiitala. Recipients of the Mazzuchi Scholarship are determined by three criteria: interest in practicing in the Upper Peninsula once done with residency training; interest in specializing in emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, general surgery, hospitalist medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, pediatrics or psychiatry; or need for financial assistance.
  • Partners Break Ground on Doug Meijer Innovation Building
    MSU Today | November 19 
    Health Innovation Partners – a real estate development joint venture between Rockford Construction, Walsh Construction/Walsh Investors, Murphy Development Group and Michigan State University – broke ground on the next phase of the university’s Grand Rapids Innovation Park, the Doug Meijer Medical Innovation Building.
    Related: MLive, Wood TV 8, WZZM 13
  • Parental Leave in Family Medicine Residencies Varies Widely
    AAFP | November 15
    A study in the October issue of Family Medicine examined parental leave policies and practices in FM residency programs has found wide variation among programs, as well as strong ties between the amount and type of leave offered and taken by residents and faculty in the same programs, suggesting that institutional factors affect how parental leave is used. Andrea Wendling, M.D., is the study's corresponding author and a professor in the Department of Family Medicine.
  • Is Opioid Treatment Available to Those Who Need It Most?
    MSU Today | November 14
    Debra Furr-Holden, associate dean for public health integration, and Richard Sadler, assistant professor, both in the College of Human Medicine’s Division of Public Health, set out to determine whether opioid overdose deaths occurred in patterns in Flint, a city that’s dealt with significant tensions and public health crises in recent years, including the Flint water crisis and a high rate of opioid overdose deaths.
  • Nutrition initiative creates health habits among Flint kids
    Flint Side | November 14
    Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha and representatives of the Detroit Pistons visited Flint Cultural Center Academy on November 8 to announce the kickoff of a healthy food initiative in Flint. And student Sonal Benitez-Gutierrez wasn’t going to miss this opportunity to learn from one of her heroes.
  • Study Helping Mentally Ill Inmates Cope After Release
    MSU Today | November 12
    A Michigan State University College of Human Medicine researcher believes that specially trained “peer navigators” who have experienced the same problems can help connect the former inmates with the mental health, medical, substance abuse and other services they need. Maji Debena, PhD, a Flint-based public health research associate specializing in mental health epidemiology, is developing “Mentoring and Social Support (MAPS)” intervention, a randomized trial that she expects will improve care and outcomes for the recently incarcerated. Related: Flint Beat, Detroit Legal News
  • MSU pediatrician warns Charlotte school board about racism, racial slur use in district
    Lansing State Journal | November 12
    A Michigan State University pediatrician says kids in Charlotte schools called two of her young African American patients racist names and injured one of them, and the district is not doing enough to stop it. Dr. Jane Turner joined the children’s mother, Cynthia Trice, at the Charlotte Board of Education meeting Monday night.
  • Tom Gores and NBA’s player association give out $325,000 in gift cards to Flint children
    MLive | November 12
    Through an expanded partnership with the Michigan State University-Hurley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Public Health Initiative, FlintNOW, an initiative by Detroit Pistons owner Tom Gores, and the national Basketball Players Association (NBPA) announced they will distribute $325,000 worth of gift certificates for fruits and vegetables all Flint children, starting Friday, Nov. 8.
  • New Drug Combos May Prevent Resistance to Melanoma Treatments
    Mlive | November 8
    A Michigan State University study led by a physiology graduate student in the College of Human Medicine has found that new drug combinations may prevent melanoma, an often deadly form of skin cancer, from becoming resistant to treatment. The study published in Oncogene, one of the world’s leading cancer journals, “could be very important for a subset of melanoma patients,” said Richard Neubig, chair of the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. He estimated that the findings could help about half of the melanoma patients whose cancer becomes drug resistant. Related: Detroit Premiere Business Journal, Medical Press
  • Peter Secchia reflects on MSU Grand Rapids Research Center, medical school and philanthropy
    MLive | November 1
    Peter Secchia, a longtime businessman and philanthropist whose generous giving with wife, Joan, has left a lasting imprint along the Medical Mile and across the community, says they will keep making a difference. “This is an exciting moment in Grand Rapids history,’’ said Secchia, reflecting on the growth of Michigan State’s presence in the city with the medical school and the growing research center campus. “I am still raising money and am still going forward to build the final part of the innovation park. Now, we are building the new building for creative and new medicine.’’
  • Peter and Joan Secchia donate $5M to MSU for Grand Rapids Research Center
    MSU Today | November 1
    Philanthropists Peter and Joan Secchia donated $5 million to Michigan State University for the Grand Rapids Research Center, officials announced Friday, Nov. 1. The gift completes the $30 million campaign for the $88 million building that opened in September 2017 on the Medical Mile. The focus of the facility is transform health through research and innovation. Related: MLiveMiBiz, WZZM 13, Wood TV 8, Grand Rapids Business Journal
  • New lead water line study underway for Michigan
    Crain's Detroit Business | November 1
    A new study on the return on investment of replacing all lead water service lines in Michigan is underway, led by Michigan State University pediatrician Mona Hanna-Attisha. The study will develop a detailed analysis of the costs and benefits of replacing all 460,000 lead service lines by 2041.


  • Laura A. Kuczajda, MBA, has been appointed chief of staff to Dean Beauchamp in his role as associate provost and assistant vice president for health affairs. Since 2014, Kuczajda has served as director of special projects for the clinical interests of the College of Human Medicine. In her new role, Kuczajda will serve as a senior advisor and will collaborate with multiple university offices in order to lead the development of administrative goals, strategic initiatives and objectives for health affairs across the university. 
  • Rick Neubig, PhD, chair, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, has been elected to the inaugural class of the Fellows of the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET).
  • Farhan Bhatti, alumnus, was among 10 recipients of the Lansing Regional Chamber's 13th annual "10 Over the Next Ten.”
  • The Department of Translational Neuroscience welcomes several new people to its research team. Steph Krauchunas, clinical research coordinator, has joined the Dave Morgan’s clinical group. Ivana Lakic and Thomas Stomper, joined Scott Counts’ lab. Sierra Boyd joined Alison Bernstein’s lab.
  • On October 16, the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences is presenting "Spinal Cord Injury: Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask" from 12 1 p.m., C102 East Fee Hall in East Lansing or webinar as part of its 2019-2020 Bioethics Brownbag & Webinar Series.
  • The college begins its Your Health Lecture Series this month in communities across the state with engaging talks about Alzheimer’s disease, mental health, autism and more. See upcoming lectures
  • Kate Wierenga, a fourth-year biochemistry and microbiology graduate student, is one of six researchers chosen nationally to receive the Gina M. Finzi Memorial Student Summer Fellowship.
  • Families and children of all ages are invited to the annual Teddy Bear Picnic on Saturday, October 5. At this free community event, children are encouraged to bring a favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal for a check-up at the Blue Cross Blue Shield Teddy Bear Hospital. The mock clinic is staffed by physicians and students from Michigan State University’s health colleges and local hospitals.
  • Joel Maurer, MD, Assistant Dean for Admissions, shared the following data on the Entering Class of 2019:
    • 7,959 applications were received for 190 entering spots.
    • This class comprises 85 men and 105 women. The age range is 19-46.
    • 74% of entering class are from Michigan.
    • Approximately 25% of this class came from areas designated as rural.
    • 28% reported self-descriptions that are designated as underrepresented in medicine.
    • 56% of our entering class reported disadvantage or were identified as disadvantaged by American Medical College Application Service based upon family income or parental level of education and occupation.
  • College of Human Medicine alumni, friends and family joined together at the Alumni & Friends Tailgate to celebrate homecoming weekend.
  • New Initiative Provides ‘Enhanced Opportunity’ For Medical School Admission
    MSU Today | October 30
    Xavier University of Louisiana and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine have announced an agreement that will provide an enhanced opportunity for Xavier premedical students to attend medical school at MSU. Potential candidates for the SpartanMD Acceptance Realization Track, or Mission SMART Initiative, will receive academic advising directed at admission to MSU College of Human Medicine and will be enrolled in a program of enriching clinical and service experiences in preparation for admission. Related: Biz New Orleans
  • MSU gets $19.5M gift from Doug Meijer, Meijer Foundation for medical innovation building
    MSU Today | October 25
    The Meijer gift was awarded to the College of Human Medicine for the theranostics clinic, which will provide a place to do new types of cancer therapy. It will include a cyclotron-equipped radiopharmacy and PET/MR scanner. The new building will be named for Doug Meijer, a cancer survivor and advocate for treatment for all cancer patients. The facility will be next to the MSU Grand Rapids Research Center, at the MSU Grand Rapids Innovation Park. Related: MLiveMiBiz, Crain's Detroit Business, Grand Rapids Business Journal, WLNS 6, Becker's Hospital Review, WGVU News
  • Flint fights lead poisoning with farmers markets and cooking classes
    PBS News Hour | October 21
    After a public health crisis in Flint, Michigan, triggered by high levels of lead in the drinking water, a number of programs are working to encourage good nutrition for children in order to prevent recurring effects of the neurotoxin on growing bodies. 
  • MSU Takes Action Against High Physician Burnout Rate
    MSU Today | October 24
    The College of Human Medicine already is following several of the recommendations included in the "Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Well-Being" report. The college’s new Shared Discovery Curriculum includes a pass/no pass system that replaces grades with a set of competencies each student is expected to achieve. The college also has an assistant dean for student wellness and engagement, a student health advisory committee, and a director of wellness and resiliency. 
  • GRCC and MSU College of Human Medicine expand articulation agreement
    MSU Today | October 21
    Grand Rapids Community College students who transfer as undergraduate premedical students to Michigan State University will have an opportunity to be granted an early assurance of admission to the MSU College of Human Medicine under an agreement signed Monday. Related: MLiveWOOD TV, GRCC Coummunity College Student Publication
  • Researchers Team Up to Find New Treatments For ‘Orphan Diseases’
    MSU Today | October 16
    The National Institutes of Health has awarded a Michigan State University researcher a $2.1 million, five-year grant to search vast databases of existing drugs. Many of the drugs are already approved for treating other disorders, but some could be adapted to treat what often are called “orphan diseases” because of their rarity. 
  • Pelvic exams in surgery? Not without woman’s consent, Michigan lawmaker vows
    Bridge Magazine | October 15
    Richard Leach, who is chairman of Michigan State University’s Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, said even some of the basics of medical practice — how to put surgical equipment in place, for example — must be taught through hands-on experience. For that reason, a “clear conversation” is critical to make sure patients understand that students not only will be in the room during surgery, but also perform pelvic exams, he said.
  • Three human health colleges align under new structure
    MSU Today | October 11
    Building upon efforts started last year, Michigan State University President Samuel L. Stanley Jr., MD, is restructuring the administration of the colleges of Human Medicine, Nursing and Osteopathic Medicine, as well as the university’s health clinics, to be better aligned in patient care, education and research. The change includes promoting Norman J. Beauchamp Jr. to the new position of executive vice president for health sciences. In accepting the position, Beauchamp will resign as dean of the College of Human Medicine. Aron Sousa, MD, FACP, has been appointed interim dean, effective October 25, 2019, pending approval of MSU's Board of Trustees. Related: Bridge Magazine
  • Mott Foundation leader Bill White was 'a lion defender of philanthropy'
    The Detroit News | October 11
    Bill White was a major booster of Flint, where the Mott Foundation started. Achievements included partnering with Michigan State University to expand its College of Human Medicine to a new campus downtown and, in response to Flint’s water crisis, approving a $4 million grant to help the city reconnect to the Detroit system. A public celebration of life is scheduled for Nov. 4 on the Flint Cultural Center campus.


  • See New Faces in Leadership for recent appointments and promotions within the college including the associate dean for faculty affairs, associate dean for Public Health Integration, director of the Leadership in Medicine for the Underserved and interim Community Assistant Dean for the Flint Campus.
  • View photos of the Class of 2023 at last month's Matriculation and White Coat Ceremony
  • On September 7, epidemiology professors Kelly Hirko and Jean Kerver will present “Local Research from MSU’s College of Human Medicine in Traverse City” at the American Association of University Women, Traverse City Branch fall kick-off brunch. Guests and prospective members are welcome, $10 donation suggested.
  • Join us at the MSU College of Human Medicine Alumni & Friends Tailgate on September 28! Deadline to RSVP is September 13. Presented by MSU Federal Credit Union.
  • The Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences announced its 2019-2020 Bioethics Brownbag & Webinar Series
  • The Department of Medicine announced its Grand Rounds for 2019-2020.
  • Sculpture honors Grand Rapids women who pioneered whooping cough vaccine
    Mlive | September 30
    The Grand Rapids Community Legends Project on Friday, Sept. 27, unveiled its 11th sculpture, a much-awaited tribute to the pioneering research of three women who developed a vaccine for pertussis, known as whooping cough. The sculpture titled “Adulation: The Future of Science,” features scientists Pearl Kendrick and Grace Eldering with their research assistant Loney Clinton Gordon. In an adjacent sculpture, gazing up at the public health legends, are two children.
  • MSU needs participants for a Dementia Clinical Trial in Grand Rapids
    WZZM 13 On Your Side | September 27
    Dr. David Morgan, a professor of Translational Science at Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine has spent his career studying the causes of Alzheimer’s disease. And now he is collaborating with the University of South Florida for a new study called Preventing Alzheimer's with Cognitive Training. The study will look at whether or not computerized training exercises or brain games can reduce the risk of dementia.
  • MSU Faculty and Alumna Named Aspet Fellows
    MSU Today | September 26
    Three people with ties to Michigan State University and the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology have been named to the 2019 inaugural class of Fellows of the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, or ASPET. They are among 22 prominent scientists nationwide to be acknowledged as the society’s most distinguished members.
  • Bailey Higgins: Motivated to Make A Difference
    MSU Today | September 25
    I learned that research into childhood cancers, including some funded by St. Baldrick’s, was being conducted at my own university. A Google search by my mom turned up an article about André Bachmann, a College of Human Medicine professor whose research into a pediatric cancer called neuroblastoma was supported in part by St. Baldrick’s.
  • Family Medicine Becomes family tradition
    Fox TV 6 | September 24
    “Like father like son,” is a common description we have heard many times – but for the Marquette Family Medicine Residency Program, this phrase is verbatim. For the first time in the program’s history, a child of an alumnus will follow his father’s footsteps. Michael Piggott, DO, began his first year of residency, following his father’s footsteps, Kevin Piggott, MD, MPH, who completed the program thirty years ago.
  • Medical Innovation Built on Big Data
    Experience Grand Rapids | September 24
    With the fall 2019 groundbreaking of the Michigan State University medical innovation building, Health Innovation Partners – a real estate development joint venture between MB Real Estate, Walsh Construction/Walsh Investors and Rockford Construction – and MSU will set the stage for a new era of medical innovation in Grand Rapids.
  • 2019 Academic Affairs Award Recipients
    To recognize individuals and teams who demonstrated exceptional work, academic affairs formed an awards committee who created seven awards. Last spring the committee reviewed incredible nomination letters with each application, and we are thrilled to announce the winners of the 2019 Academic Affairs awards.
  • Grand Rapids: a hub for medical research and innovation
    Experience Grand Rapids | September 13
    When Dr. Norman Beauchamp looks to the future of biomedical research and healthcare, he describes what sounds like a health science utopia. But this place is not a utopian fantasy. It exists, its impact on human health is growing and it’s spurring life-saving discoveries. The place is Grand Rapids, and it’s where “doing the most good” is the driving force behind every decision.
  • Tiny Bubbles in Our Body Could Fight Cancer Better than Chemo
    MSU Today | September 13
    Healthy cells in our body release nano-sized bubbles that transfer genetic material such as DNA and RNA to other cells. It’s your DNA that stores the important information necessary for RNA to produce proteins and make sure they act accordingly. These bubbly extracellular vesicles could become mini treatment transporters, carrying a combination of therapeutic drugs and genes that target cancer cells and kill them, according to new research from Michigan State University and Stanford University.
  • Risking everything to become a doctor
    AAMC | September 17
    From the time she was a teenager, first-year medical student Kryssia Campos knew she wanted to be a doctor. After immigrating with her family to California from El Salvador, Campos was keenly aware of the differences between herself and her American-born friends. AAMCNews talked to ten DACA medical students and residents about their journeys to medical school, the challenges they faced as the undocumented children of immigrants, and the passion that drives them to pursue a career in medicine. 
  • Flint doctor’s water crisis book is this year’s Great Michigan Read
    September 10 | Mlive 
    Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha’s “What the Eyes Don’t See” has been chosen for the Michigan Humanities’ 2019-20 Great Michigan Read.


  • Irving Vega, PhD, was promoted to associate professor with tenure in the Department of Translational Neuroscience.
  • Daniel Isaac, DO, has been appointed assistant professor, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine.
  • Sutton Williams, PhD, joined the Division of Human Anatomy, serving as the neuroanatomist for the Grand Rapids campus.
  • Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha has been appointed to the Griffith Leadership Advisory Board at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. The GLC promotes and supports excellence in health management and policy leaders by strengthening the connections among research, teaching and practice and creating opportunities for leadership development. 
  • Rodlescia Sneed, PhD, MPH, assistant professor in the Division of Public Health, begins a two-year commitment to engage in National Institutes of Health (NIH) health disparities research as part of the NIH Loan Repayment Program.
  • Dr. Leonard Fleck, acting director and professor in the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences, presented on elder ethics at the 2019 International Bioethics Retreat in Paris.
  • Students Marissa Cortright and Emily Castillo presented their research findings at the 9th annual Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experiences. 
  • James Applegate, MD, FAAFP, was recognized as 2019 Michigan Family Physician of the Year during the Michigan Family Medicine Conference & Expo. 
  • Norbert Kaminski, PhD, will serve as director for the Center for Research on Ingredient Safety.
  • Nick Ether, doctoral student with the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, recieved the Junior Investigator Travel Award from the Safety Pharmacology Society.
  • Dr. Michelle Seguin, College of Human Medicine alumna, was appointed director of Community Health at Portage Health Foundation.
  • Cara Crawford-Bartle, MD, of the Marquette Family Medicine Residency Program, UP Health System was announced was awarded the Michigan Family Medicine Resident of the Year Award by the Michigan Academy of Family Physicians.
  • Jana Simmons, PhD, was appointed the President of the Association of Biochemistry Educators (ABE) professional society for an elected term lasting till May 2021.
  • Fabion Haywood, clerkship administrator in Flint, received the Greater Flint Community Leadership Scholarship. The new master's-level scholarship will cover the costs of up to two consecutive full academic years of tuition the University of Michigan-Flint to recognize and develop the next generation of community leaders. Watch video of the surprise announcement.
  • MSU med students White Coat Ceremony marks first step toward becoming doctors
    August 27 | Mlive 
    The incoming students in Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine officially began their studies with the symbolic white coat ceremony Sunday, Aug. 25. The 190 students in the MD Class of 2023 were chosen from 7,982 applications.
  • Midland welcomes 12 new MSU medical students
    Midland Daily News | August 26
    The Midland Regional Campus of Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine welcomed 12 new third-year medical students this week at MidMichigan Health. A luncheon was held to recognize the new students, 10 of which are originally from the Mid-Michigan area.
  • Medical Mile could soon be official name for renowned health corridor
    MLive | August 21 
    The Michigan Street corridor recognized regionally, and even by Google, as Medical Mile could soon have that name formalized. Some notable institutions on Medical Mile today include the MSU College of Human Medicine Secchia Center and the MSU Grand Rapids Research Center. 
  • Two Genes Conspire in Endometriosis and Cancer to Help Cells Migrate
    TheScientist | August 9
    It’s been known for years that the two genes, ARID1A and PIK3CA, are associated with the diseases, but until now, it was unclear how. Endometriosis—a painful condition caused by endometrial tissue growing on organs outside of the uterus—and endometrial cancers are “intimately linked,” says Ronald Chandler, PhD, a reproductive biologist at Michigan State University and the senior author of the study. 
  • Dr. Mona says there’s a good reason Flint is still on filtered and bottled water
    WKAR | August 1
    Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha and her team helped prove the children of Flint had been poisoned by a lead contaminated water supply, and now she's working to build a new and better model for public health.
  • Gene Mutation Combo Linked to Common Cancer in Women
    MSU Today | August 7
    Michigan State University researchers, in collaboration with the Van Andel Institute, have identified a combination of two gene mutations that is linked to endometrial cancer. The research, published in Nature Communications, found that mutations of the ARID1A and PIK3CA genes are frequently found together in the development of endometrial cancer, as well as in endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer. 
  • Brownfield approval moves forward new MSU-affiliated medical innovation building
    Rapid Growth Media | August 1
    Michigan State University completed the first building of the project, the Grand Rapids Research Center, in late 2017. Health Innovation Partners LLC is developing the new building, which will provide additional space to MSU as well as leased space to private sector partners. “The growth of MSU’s presence here in the City is critical for a variety of reasons. It’s a continuation in the investment they made in the College of Human Medicine. It’s expanding their research and potential clinical trial space. And, it further solidifies their presence in the City and greatly benefits other partners who enjoy having MSU in the city.”


  • Joan IIardo, MSW, PhD, director of research initiatives, is a mid-michigan honoree for the Joe D. Sutton Call to Justice Awards.
  • Ashraf Mansour, MD, MBA, FACS, professor and chairman, Departement of Surgery, was recently appointed to Director of the American Board of Thoracic Surgery.  
  • Mary Frendo, PhD, has been appointed medical education learning specialist of the Office of Academic Achievement. 
  • The Council on Education for Public Health approved Michigan State University’s request to begin the accreditation process for the Master of Public Health program, which includes the generalist MPH degree, DO/MPH, DVM/MPH, and MD/MPH joint degrees. MSU will spend the next two years engaged in a self-study, followed by an on-site visit by a team of peer reviewers. Since the program was established in 2008, more than 600 Spartans in public health are making an impact in local, national, and global communities. 
  • Dr. Karen Kelly-Blake promoted to associate professor for the Center for Ethics and Humanities. 
  • Stephen C. Cook, MD, clinical associate professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, joins ABIM Specialty Board and Exam Committee. 
  • Dr. Honglei Chen and Agricultural Health Study team investigators received the NIH Director’s Award on July 15, 2019.
  • Craig Reed, MPH '12, is the director of the Binge and Underage Drinking Initiative with the Institute for Public Strategies. His work focuses on systems change to promote health and wellness, mentoring young public health advocates, and revitalizing neighborhoods in California. 
  • College of Human Medicine alumna Dr. Megha Mohey was appointed medical staff president at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital. She is only the second woman to serve in that position — and the first in 46 years. 
  • Donna Tran, second-year medical student, was nominated by the National Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association to attend the Association of American Medical College's (AAMC) inaugural leadership development program called RISE: Developing Future Leaders in Academic Medicine & Science.  As one of 50 selected medical students, Tran will receive critical knowledge and skill-building experiences in core areas vital to both her journey as a medical student and her future as a leader.
  • Dr. Debra Furr-Holden will serve as the new associate dean for Public Health Integration. She joins the College of Human Medicine’s dean’s executive team, providing senior level leadership for the college and facilitating cross-campus collaborations. The role also entails leading expansion of public health research, education and service missions at the university.
  • Antara Afrin, Middle Clinical Experience student, was selected to attend the national American Society of Nephrology Tutored Research and Education for Kidney Scholars program.
  • Engineering Society Honors Grand Rapids Research Center Project for Teamwork and Innovation
    Michigan State University | July 31
    Michigan State University and our construction and design partners recently took home the 2019 Construction and Design Award from the Engineering Society of Detroit for the new Grand Rapids Research Center. The award was accepted at the society’s annual dinner by Dick Temple, facility planner and project administrator who works with both IPF and the College of Human Medicine. 
  • Helping paramedics spot a stroke faster 
    Youtube | July 31
    Time is critical when someone is experiencing a stroke. Michigan State University led a study to shorten the time to treatment starting with paramedics. Adam Oostema an emergency physician with MSU led the study. They found a brief online video helped paramedics increase their recognition of stroke symptoms by 7%, improve hospital notification by nearly 17% and slightly increase the proportion of stroke patients who received stroke treatment within 45 minutes of arrival at the hospital.
  • As Democrats prepare to debate, physician group aims to make health care central issue
    Crain's Detroit Business | July 30
    Dr. Rob Davidson, an ER doctor in West Michigan, is president of the Committee to Protect Medicare and Affordable Care. Davidson, who graduated with a medical degree from MSU College of Human Medicine, said his priorities include protecting Medicare, Medicaid expansion, the Obamacare private health insurance marketplaces, people with pre-existing conditions and addressing high health care prices.
  • AHA News: Innovative Hub Feeds the Need for Fresh Produce in Flint
    U.S News & World Report | July 26
    "The purpose of the fruit and vegetable prescription program is to support the development of healthy eating patterns by providing children easy access to fresh, high-quality produce," said Amy Saxe-Custack, nutrition director of the Michigan State University-Hurley Children's Hospital Pediatric Public Health Initiative, which manages the nutrition prescription program.
  • The War Room: Go Inside Michigan State Football New Facilities. And more!
    Spartan Nation | July 24
    Norman J. Beauchamp Jr, MD, MHS is the new Dean, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine & Associate Provost and Assistant Vice President for Health Affairs at Michigan State University. He is taking the program in a different direction than Hollis and Simon foresaw. It is staying on an osteopathic route.
  • “Manning up” can often bring men down
    AAMC | July 23
    Too often, black men don't share their feelings and miss out on getting mental health help. A researcher who has experienced depression asks “What's going on?” — and suggests possible ways forward. If Dr. Woody Neighbors could pick one place to start, though, he would ask African American men to talk to someone, just one man, about what’s really goin’ on. “If you feel something, say something.” His message to all men, try not to catch your death of Tough Guy Syndrome.
  • Breast cancer research could expand lung cancer therapies
    July 22 | MSU Today
    New research into a genetic mutation’s role in breast cancer could open new treatment options for lung cancer, according to a Michigan State University scientist. “We sequenced the whole genome of breast cancer samples and found a driving mutation that hasn’t been recognized as important in lung cancer before,” said Eran Andrechek, a College of Human Medicine physiology professor. “This mutation has clear potential to identify lung cancer patients who should be receiving targeted therapy that’s already approved by the FDA.”
  • Helping Paramedics Recognize Signs of Stroke Faster
    July 18 | MSU Today
    When it comes to strokes, doctors have a mantra: time is brain. Delaying treatment even by minutes can mean the difference between a normal life and permanent disability, or even life and death. That’s why J. Adam Oostema, a Michigan State University College of Human Medicine associate professor of emergency medicine, led a study to shorten the time to treatment. Most hospitals already strive to reduce the “door to needle” time – the minutes between when a patient arrives, and doctors begin administering tPA, a clot-busting drug.
  • At-Home Support Helps Stroke Patients Adjust After Hospital Stay
    July 17 | MSU Today
    Michigan State University researchers Mathew Reeves and Michele Fritz have found that many stroke patients feel unprepared when discharged from the hospital. Their caregivers feel the same. But when a home-based support network using social work case managers and online resources is put into place, quality of life and confidence in managing one’s health improve, according to a new study published in the American Heart Association’s journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.
  • Michigan State University and JLL partner on innovation hub
    JLL | July 9
    MSU’s vision is to create an innovation hub that will spur collaboration with biomedical, bioengineering and healthcare technology fields to commercialize, patent and license research and innovations. This project will also enhance activities at the new research center, capitalize on the momentum of the Medical Mile, contribute to the vibrancy of the surrounding neighborhood and bolster both economic and community development in Grand Rapids. 
  • Local Colleges May Be A Panacea For Rural America’s Healthcare Gap
    Forbes | July 1
    Julia Terhune, assistant director of rural community health at MSU, says that while there may be a need for specialists in a rural area, there may not necessarily be the volume of patients, so hospitals cannot afford to fill the positions full-time. “You can still make a very good living and make as much money, if not more, as a primary care practitioner in a rural community, but because there aren’t always the jobs for specialists, you might not have that opportunity,” she says.
  • LTU, MSU sign agreement to assist medical students from under-represented populations
    July 1 | The Oakland Press
    Lawrence Technological University and the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine have a new agreement designed to assist qualified premedical students from traditionally under-represented populations. Related: Royal Oak Tribune
  • UPHS – Bell welcomes Riley Torreano, MD, to Family Medicine staff
    July 1 | Keweeenaw Report
    Dr. Torreano grew up in Negaunee and has lived in the UP his entire life. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology/Physiology at Northern Michigan University before finishing his Doctor of Medicine at the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Dr. Torreano would finish his residency with the Marquette Family Medicine Program.


  • Faculty and staff are encouraged and invited to discuss experiences related to working in the MSU health colleges in the aftermath of the Nassar tragedy. The next small group reflection sessions are on: June 12, 17 and 19 in East Lansing and Grand Rapids.
  • The Michigan State University Board of Trustees has selected Samuel L. Stanley Jr., MD, as its next university president. Read Dr. Wanda Lipscomb’s comments to the Michigan State University Board of Trustees. 
  • The College of Human Medicine is holding the MSU Gran Fondo on June 22. Join the fight against skin cancer by volunteering, cycling or donating. Registration closes end of day, June 18.
  • Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha was named the inaugural recipient of the Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare from The Arnold P. Gold Foundation and The Vilcek Foundation. The award recognizes her public health activism during the Flint water crisis. 
  • The Student Scholarships & Awards Recognition Banquet is held annually to celebrate the college’s extraordinary students and their supporters.This year, a total of 150 students were recognized for receiving scholarships, awards or inductions into honor societies. In addition, two groups of students were recognized for their earlier induction into two national organizations: the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society and the Gold Humanism Honor Society.
  • Amber Heard-Booth, PhD, has been appointed as the Anatomy Site Director at the College of Human Medicine Grand Rapids campus. Dr. Heard-Booth will be responsible for the coordination and supervision of the Secchia Center anatomy staff, have responsibility over the anatomy lab calendar in the Secchia Center, and will address external requests for anatomy resource usage. 
  • Dr. Dhaval Bhanusali, College of Human Medicine alum, founded Skin Medicinals, an online platform that sells affordable products for common conditions like acne, rosacea and scars.
  • Dr. Mark Hamed, associate clinical instructor in our Midland Campus, received the 2019 Michigan Rural Health Professional Award by the Michigan Center for Rural Health. 
  • First-year medical student, Donna Tran, was selected by the National American Psychiatric Association for participation in the highly competitive Minority Medical Student Summer Mentoring Program, awarded to eight medical students nationwide. She will be working with the undeserved minority populations addressing mental health care disparities, specifically in geriatric psychiatry. She will complete this program in summer 2019 at Stanford University.
  • The 39th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Immunology will be held on June 12-15, 2019 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids. 
  • On June 5, Dr. Reshma Jagsi presented “#MeToo: Harnessing Evidence to Ensure Safe and Equitable Environments in Academic Medicine” as part of the College of Human Medicine’s “Building a Trauma-Informed Community” speaker series. View the presentation here 
  • Dr. Ade Olomu was presented the Blanch B. and Frederick C Swartz Endowed Professorship. This endowment provides support for a faculty member whose teaching and research emphasis is in internal medicine principally and geriatric medicine secondarily. Dr. Ade Olomu was nominated as the Chair of the Unified Leadership Training in Diversity (UNLTD) Program by the Association of Chiefs and Leaders of General Internal Medicine (ACLGIM), Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM). She will serve as the chair of the UNLTD Program for the next 3 years.
  • Debra-Furr Holden, PhD, C.S. Mott Endowed Professor of Public Health, interim director of the Division of Public Health has been named a Fellow of Drexel University's Hedwig van Ameringen Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women. She joins the ranks of two other College of Human Medicine ELAM Fellows in this community of women academic medical, dental, public health and pharmacy leaders. 
  • David Newhouse, MD,MBA,MPH, (CHM '74) received an MBA from Saint Mary's College of California. He focused on analytics to continue his research on health care inequities and unconscious bias.
  • Essay contest offers growth experience for health students
    June 28 | Grand Rapids Business Journal
    Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine recently launched a new contest. The Shared Discovery Curriculum student essay contest began during the 2018-19 school year. The contest gave students who are in their first or second year of medical school the opportunity to participate in writing an 800-1,000-word essay explaining how the connections between their clinic and classroom experiences have impacted their growth as medical students and sense of self as a physician-in-training.
  • More than 2,000 Cyclists Fight Skin Cancer at MSU Gran Fondo
    June 25 | MSUToday
    On June 22, more than 2,000 cyclists rode through scenic West Michigan for the seventh annual MSU Gran Fondo, a timed, non-competitive event, that has raised more than $1 million toward skin cancer awareness, prevention and research within the College of Human Medicine.
  • College of Human Medicine Early Assurance Program Expands 
    June 25 | MSUToday 
    The Michigan State University College of Human Medicine has expanded its Early Assurance Program, or EAP, with three Southeast Michigan universities that will provide an enhanced opportunity for the institutions’ premedical students to attend medical school at MSU. Related: MITechNews
  • Obesity Education in Family Medicine Clerkships Falls Short
    June 25 | AAFP
    A look at CDC statistics for 2015-2016( show that 39.8 percent of U.S. adults -- some 93.3 million people -- were affected by obesity, and since that time, the number has continued to surge. 
  • MSU Gran Fondo 2019 benefits community with skin cancer research
    June 23 | MLive
    The money raised from the MSU Gran Fondo goes toward research for skin cancer at the MSU College of Human Medicine. The noncompetitive ride has been taking place in downtown Grand Rapids annually since it’s inception seven years ago.
  • Vitamin D May Not Help Your Heart
    June 19 | MSUToday 
    While previous research has suggested a link between low levels of vitamin D in the blood and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, a new Michigan State University study has found that taking vitamin D supplements did not reduce that risk. Related: ScienceDaily, ScienceMag
  • People In Flint Are Still In Crisis. They Want Presidential Candidates To See Them As More Than A Rallying Cry.
    BuzzFeed New | June 13
    “We are experiencing what I call water fatigue,” said Kent Key, a public health expert at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine. “They’re emotionally and psychologically tired. They’re tired physiologically with their health because of the effects of it. People are fatigued, and the last thing we need to do is waste any of our energy on something that’s not going to be productive.”
  • Overdose, suicide among biggest causes of death for new moms
    Michigan Radio NPR | June 12
    A new study from Michigan State University and the University of California, Merced, tracked 1 million California moms for a year after they gave birth. Three hundred of those women died in during that time. “Obstetric-related disease” was the biggest factor, killing 69 new moms. But overdoses were the second leading cause of death, with 39 women dying in those first 12 months post-partum. And suicide accounted for another 15 fatalities.
  • Suicide, depression on rise in rural Michigan, but psychiatrists are scarce
    Bridge | June 12
    MSU’s College of Human Medicine is trying to recruit more psychiatrists in the U.P., through a joint venture that offers loan forgiveness for psychiatric residents who practice in the U.P. for two years after they finish their psychiatric training. The first two psychiatric residents will spend two years of residency training in Lansing, followed by two years training in Marquette, beginning in July 2021. 
  • Flint ReCAST to host series of community training sessions
    NBC 25 News | June 10
    Flint ReCAST is hosting a series of training sessions aimed at developing the talents of people in the community interested in starting an organization or business in the Flint community. 
  • Next Phase of MSU's Grand Rapids Research and Innovation Park Moves Forward 
    MSUToday | June 6
    Michigan State University’s first Public Private Partnership, or P3, is official. MSU and Health Innovation Partners, a real estate development joint venture between MB Real Estate, Walsh Construction/Walsh Investors and Rockford Construction, have signed a long-term ground lease for the continued development of the Grand Rapids Research Center site. This includes planning construction for a medical innovation building and parking structure. Related: MiBizGrand Rapids Business Journal 
  • “They won't care how much you know until they know how much you care”
    WKAR | June 6
    Interview with Norman J. Beauchamp Jr. MD, the dean of Michigan State University's College of Human Medicine. “I chose the medical school here even though I'd been accepted to the other medical schools in the state. I was attracted to the college’s ethos of ‘they won't care how much you know until they know how much you care.’ I feel that is really at the core of what we need to do to bring health, hope and healing to people.”
  • Seeking breath-based biomarkers for mesothelioma
    DDNews | June 5 
    “The diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma is typically very late in the course of the disease when surgery is not viable owing to its proliferation, and the cancer is less responsive to chemotherapy,” said Michael R. Harbut, M.D., M.P.H.; clinical professor of Internal Medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Related: BioPortfolio
  • Vitamin D could help cancer patients live longer
    MSUToday | June 3
    Michigan State University physicians have found that vitamin D, if taken for at least three years, could help cancer patients live longer. The findings suggest that the vitamin carries significant benefits other than just contributing to healthy bones and were presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology annual meeting on June 3, 2019. Related: Managed Care, WLNS 6, Business Line, ScienceDaily, Environmental News Network


  • On May 13, student groups AMWA, APAMSA and SNMA will host Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services to give a brief training on how to become a better physician for deaf and hard of hearing patients at 6pm in 251 Secchia. This includes learning about the unique deaf culture and some basic medical signs that can help create a more welcoming environment for deaf patients. In Michigan, about 1.4 million residents have hearing loss and about 90,000 identify as deaf. This number continues to grow.
  • On May 15, the college will host Individual and Organizational Resilience After Tragedy, featuring Bob VandePol, MSW, executive director of the Employee Assistance Program with Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, at 5:30 PM at A219 Clinical Center, East Lansing.
  • There is increasing interest in the application of mindfulness practices in the arena of healthcare. On May 23-27, The Mindful Healthcare Summit, a free online conference, will explore how mindfulness and compassion practices can help address the complex issues of chronic stress, emotional exhaustion and the epidemic of burnout among healthcare professionals. CME credits and contact hours will be available.
  • Congratulations to Valerie Chen and Annie Yang, winners of the inaugural Shared Discovery Curriculum student essay contest. The learning society chiefs sponsored the activity and prompted students to write 800-1000 words about their thoughts and impressions of how connections between their clinic and classroom experiences have had an impact on their growth as medical students and sense of self as a physician-in-training. Valerie, a Williams MCE student in Grand Rapids, won first prize for her essay Go right ahead and see her. Talk to her and ask how she’s doing.” Second prize was awarded to Annie, an ECE Addams student in East Lansing, for her essay Patiently Gazing into Patients’ Lives.”
  • Third-year medical student Ranukah Sinniah has been selected by the National Institutes of Health for participation in the prestigious NIH Medical Research Scholars Program. Ranukah will spend next year, 2019-2020, in the program before returning to the College of Human Medicine to finish medical school.
  • Craig Emmitt Cole, MD, joined the Department of Medicine Division of Hematology/Oncology, as assistant professor. He is a board certified hematologist seeing patients with both benign and hematologic diseases. His primary clinical and research interest is in multiple myeloma. He has been the onsite primary investigator for over 30 clinical trials, published national journals and presented his research at the American Society of Hematology and the American Society for Apheresis national meetings. 
  • Ryan Gennette, MSN, APRN, NP‐C, joined the Department of Medicine Division of Hematology/Oncology. Ryan is a certified nurse practitioner through the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and has professional interests in oncology related symptom management/prevention including the importance of pain control. 
  • Mike Brown, MD, chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, was appointed president of the Association for Academic Chairs of Emergency Medicine.
  • Jon Gold, MD, was appointed director of the Shared Discovery Curriculum Academy. He brings a wealth of experience in leadership, service, teaching and scholarship. ‘In the trenches’ since the pilot of the SDC, Dr. Gold has developed and led content across all phases of the curriculum. As a Lead Fellow and a Learning Society Chief, he has deep knowledge of the curriculum, appreciates the complexity of the Academy, and demonstrates joy in working with staff, students and faculty. 
  • Kelly Barr, curriculum assistant in the Department of Medicine, has been elected to the Clerkship Directors group in the Internal Medicine Clerkship Administrator Advisory Council. Her term is through July 2021.
  • Corey Koperski, Grand Rapids community administrator and clinical curriculum administration coordinator, has been elected to a three-year term as executive secretary and treasurer for the AAMC Central Group on Student Affairs.
  • On May 2, Dr. Geri Zeldes and Audrey Matusz from the College of Communication Arts & Sciences accepted a second place Excellence in Media Award for the Leadership in Medicine for the Underserved documentary “A Change of Practice" from the Society of Professional Journalists Detroit Chapter. Watch "A Change of Practice: Leadership in Medicine for the Underserved," a half-hour documentary about LMU students in Flint.
  • Michigan Humanities has chosen “What the Eyes Don’t See: A Story of Crisis, Resistance and Hope,” by associate professor Mona Hanna-Attisha, MD, MPH, for the 2019-2020 Great Michigan Read, starting September 2019 through fall 2010. The effort aims to connect Michiganders by deepening readers’ understanding of our state, our society, and our humanity. “What the Eyes Don’t See” has also been chosen by the states of Maryland and Rhode Island for their statewide reading programs similar to the Great Michigan Read, as well as more than a dozen school and university-wide common read programs.
  • The Department of Surgery had eight surgical residents and two medical students present posters at the 14th Annual Mid-Michigan Regional Research Day. Congratulations to Dr. Marta Makuszewski, clinical instructor, for receiving the 3rd Place Award for Best Case Study.
  • Second-year Morrill Learning Society student, Natalie Payne, has been selected as the sole US medical student representative to serve a three-year term on the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education Accreditation. This committee is part of the US Department of Education, and reviews foreign medical schools for their comparability to US medical schools. 
  • Faculty profile: Connie Currier, PhD, MPH, assistant professor, brings 25 years of cross-cultural experience to the Master of Public Health Program. She has worked in Ghana, Mali, Liberia and spent two years in Africa as a Population Fellow with the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council. Read about Dr. Currier’s public health career.
  • Ryan Brang, MD, assistant director of the Marquette Family Medicine Residency Program, was promoted associate program director. He will continue his roles in patient care, as faculty preceptor and clerkship director while assuming additional duties that support the program.
  • One hundred percent of the Marquette Family Medicine Residency Program’s class of 2019 will be practicing in the Upper Peninsula following graduation. Of the six residents, four participated in The Integrated Program (TIP). Upper Peninsula Health Plan funds two TIP students each year. Supplementary funding from UP Health System, and the Superior Health Foundation Residency Investments accommodated two additional TIP students for the 2019 class.
  • The MSU-Pine Rest Christian Mental Services psychiatric residency program won four out of six scholarly activity awards at the Michigan Psychiatric Society conference in April. More than 55 scholarly projects were submitted from the nine residency programs across the state and MSU-Pine Rest residents won awards for all four projects they submitted!
  • Anita Avery, MD, a College of Human Medicine alumna and assistant professor, has been elected chair of the Michigan State Medical Society Board of Directors during the annual meeting of the MSMS House of Delegates, May 4-5, in Kalamazoo. Avery practices obstetrics and gynecology as core faculty for the Sparrow/MSU Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency program in Lansing and is lead clerkship director for the College of Human Medicine’s Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology. The first woman elected to lead the MSMS board, Avery will serve a one-year term heading the 36-member MSMS Board of Directors. The MSMS Board of Directors sets policies and oversees operations for the 15,000-member medical society headquartered in East Lansing.
  • Faculty spotlight: Omayma Alshaarawy, MBBS, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine, studies cardiometabolic health, cannabinoids' affect inflammatory responses and cardiometabolic health, as well as trends and patterns of extra-medical drug use among women of reproductive age. Read Dr. Alshaarawy's spotlight
  • Lindsay Gluf-Magar, education program coordinator in the Department of Surgery, has been appointed to a two-year term as chair of the Committee on Coordinators of Surgical Education for the Association for Surgical Education.
  • Tune in to the latest episode of "No Easy Answers" the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences podcast: Why I donated a Kidney to a Stranger
  • The Superior Health Foundation awarded the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development a $20,000 grant to provide weekly half-day tele-consultation services to physicians and other providers in the Marquette area. The tele-consultation services will complement and help to  expanded autism and pediatric behavioral health services in the Marquette area by providing access to College of Human Medicine faculty with expertise in child psychiatry and developmental-behavioral pediatrics.
  • Robert Malinowski, assistant professor in OMERAD, was awarded a Lilly Teaching Fellowship. The Lilly Teaching Fellows Program, supported by MSU's Academic Advancement Network, is an opportunity to explore the scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • On June 5, the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology will host #MeToo: Harnessing Evidence to Ensure Safe and Equitable Environments in Academic Medicine, featuring Reshma Jagsi, MD, DPhil, director of Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences, University of Michigan, at 12-1 PM at the Radiology Building Auditorium, East Lansing.
  • NMC Names 2019 Honorees of Highest Honor
    The Ticker | May 25
    Daniel and Debra Edson have been named the 2019 recipients of Northwestern Michigan College's highest honor, the NMC Fellow award. The couple’s philanthropic support of NMC spans 26 years and has included scholarships, the University Center, the Dennos Museum Center, radio station WNMC and the West Hall Innovation Center. The couple’s philanthropy also includes a full tuition scholarship to the MSU College of Human Medicine that offers preference to an NMC transfer student.
  • Inside Track: A palliative pioneer
    Grand Rapids Business Journal | May 23
    When Dr. John Mulder, assistant professor at MSU College of Human Medicine, began his career more than 30 years ago, the field of palliative care did not exist. It has been his work, along with others’, that has established and expanded the advancing form of care, which uses the values formed in hospice to improve quality of life for patients with life-altering diseases.
  • Campaign aims to raise awareness of work-related asthma in Michigan
    Safety+Health | May 22
    Estimating that up to half of the 600,000 or so adult cases of asthma in Michigan may be caused or aggravated by on-the-job exposure, the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine has launched a campaign intended to raise awareness of work-related asthma.
  • Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, Flint whistleblower, receives inaugural award for immigrant healthcare leaders
    The Arnold P. Gold Foundation | May 20
    The Vilcek Foundation and The Arnold P. Gold Foundation are pleased to announce the creation of a new joint award, the Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare, and its inaugural recipient, Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha.
  • Deteriorating sense of smell could indicate increased risk of death 
    RN ABC | May 20
    A new study has found a possible link between a poor sense of smell and an increased risk of death. It followed more than 2000 people for 13 years, and found a poor sense of smell had a 46 per cent increased risk of dying. It's been known for some time that one of the first signs of dementia or Parkinson's disease is a reduction in the ability to smell. But in this study, those conditions accounted for only a small part of the increased risk.
  • How to help your patient find credible information about their disease 
    The Rheumatologist | May 17
    Part of being a rheumatologist is counseling patients and leading them to the best sources that can help them find answers, says Richard Martin, MD, MA, professor of medicine, rheumatology, at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, Grand Rapids.
  • Big data helps identify better way to research breast cancer's spread 
    MSUToday | May 15
    In a new study, MSU researchers are analyzing large volumes of data to determine better research models to fight the spread of breast cancer and test potential drugs. This spreading, or metastasis, is the most common cause of cancer-related death, with around 90% of patients not surviving. To date, few drugs can treat cancer metastasis and knowing which step could go wrong in the drug discovery process can be a shot in the dark. “The differences between cell lines and tumor samples have raised the critical question to what extent cell lines can capture the makeup of tumors,” said Bin Chen, senior author and assistant professor in the College of Human Medicine. Related: Science Magazine,, Mindzilla, Research & Developement
  • Effects of maternal stress detected in 2-month-olds
    Herald-Tribune | May 13
    Dr. Barbara Thompson, assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, is among researchers who detected that maternal stress may delay development in infants, with electroencephalographs showing diverging patterns of brain activity in infants as young as two months old.
  • Why do ovarian cancer drugs work for some patients but not others?
    MSUToday | May 8
    A new class of drugs called PARP inhibitors has successfully slowed the spread of ovarian cancer for some patients, but the treatments are less effective for many others. With a $50,000 grant awarded by the Michigan Ovarian Cancer Alliance, Jose Teixeira and John Risinger, gynecologic oncology researchers with the College of Human Medicine, hope to find out why many ovarian cancer patients do not respond well to PARP inhibitors. The answer, they believe, can be found in a cellular protein called PTEN.
  • Medical Student Research Journal Garners Worldwide Attention
    MSUToday | May 8
    A Michigan State University College of Human Medicine research journal, run by students, is attracting worldwide attention. Often times, a mark of prestige for authors of medical studies is how many times their work is cited in other research articles. So, recently, it was particularly gratifying when an article about Alzheimer’s disease in the college’s Medical Student Research Journal was cited 71 times.
  • MSU Raises Awareness of Work-Related Asthma
    MSUToday | May 7
    The MSU College of Human Medicine is initiating a campaign to raise awareness of work-related asthma. Asthma affects some 600,000 adults in Michigan, about 10 percent of the adult population, yet many sufferers are unaware their disease might be caused or aggravated by exposure in the workplace.
  • Grand Rapids Physician Becomes First Woman Ever Elected to Lead Michigan State Medical Society Board of Directors
    Michigan State Medical Society | May 7
    Anita Avery, MD, an obstetrician and gynecologist practicing in Lansing, was elected Chairperson of the Michigan State Medical Society Board of Directors during the 154th annual meeting of the MSMS House of Delegates. Doctor Avery completed her training at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.
  • The surprising link between longevity and volunteering
    Considerable | May 3
    “Older adults who volunteer report less depression, greater life satisfaction, and more happiness than non-volunteers,” says Dr. Rodlescia Sneed, an assistant professor of public health at Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine-Flint.
  • 7th annual MSU Gran Fondo returns June 22
    Fox 17 | May 2
    Around 2,000 people will soon be hopping on bikes to raise awareness and funding for an important cause. The Gran Fondo is inviting cyclist of all skills to come to help fight the fight against skin cancer on June 22. In its seventh year, the MSU Gran Fondo is a cycling ride that raises money for skin cancer awareness, prevention, and research.


  • Graduate Epidemiologists at Michigan State (GEMS), a student organization within the Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, hosted an Easter event for children at Haven House of East Lansing. The group planned crafts and creative experiences allowing children to forget about their difficult siatution for a few precious hours.
  • Henry Barry, MD, senior associate dean for faculty affairs and development, was co-author on one of the most-read articles in Annals of Family Medicine in 2018.The article, "Top 20 POEMs of the Past 20 Years: A Survey of Practice-Changing Research for Family Physicians," ranked 15 out of the 20 most-read articles. 
  • Jonelle Golding, director of graduate curriculum integration and global studies, received the Distinguished Service Award at the recent Michigan Academic Advising Association annual meeting.
  • Third-year student Ranu Sinniah has been selected to participate in the 2019-2020 class of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Medical Research Scholars Program (MRSP). The MRSP endeavors to be the premier training program for future clinician-scientists that advances health by inspiring careers in biomedical research. By engaging students in basic, clinical, or translational research investigations, a curriculum rich in didactics and professional development, and a robust mentorship and advising program, MRSP prepares its scholars to become tomorrow’s leaders in medicine and biomedical research.
  • Vicki Johnson-Lawrence, assistant professor, Division of Public Health, received the 2019 Healthy Flint Research Coordinating Center Early Career Award.
  • Tune in to the latest episode of "No Easy Answers" the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences podcast: Ethical Implications of Gene-Editing Human Embryos 
  • Kristen Upson, PhD, joined the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics as assistant professor, coming to MSU from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in North Carolina. Dr. Upson is an epidemiologist with a particular interest in the role of environmental factors early in life and during the reproductive years in the development of benign gynecologic conditions, including endometriosis, uterine fibroids and menstrual disorders. She is currently supported by a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award from the National Institute of Nursing Research to investigate modifiable factors that may affect the body’s absorption of toxic metals and the role of metals on uterine fibroid risk in young African-American women.
  • Todd Lucas, PhD, joined the College of Human Medicine’s Division of Public Health, as associate professor and C. S. Mott Endowed Professor of Public Health. He is working to improve colorectal cancer screening and prevent needless loss of life from cancer. His research considers psychosocial causes of racial health disparities with a focus on stress and preventive health behavior pathways, such as cancer screening. Learn more about Lucas' research
  • Watch the recent Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences Brownbag and Webinar: Female Cosmetic Genital Surgery: Social and Ethical Considerations
  • Ike V. Iyioke, MSc, MA, PhD, faculty researcher, Division of Public Health, recently published "Clinical trials and the Africa person: A quest to re-conceptualize responsibility." The book explores the ethics of public health, specifically, ethical issues with clinical trials.
  • Watch "A Change of Practice: Leadership in Medicine for the Underserved," a half-hour documentary about LMU students in Flint. Students and faculty from the College of Communication Arts and Sciences and the School of Journalism produced the film.
  • The Division of Public Health raised more than $1,400 for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Flint and Genesee County during its 40th annual Bowl for Kid's Sake.
  • Nominations are now open for the American Public Health Association's Rema Lapouse Award. Awardees are scientists and public health professionals who have made significant contributions to epidemiology, prevention or control of mental disorders. Please send nominations to selection committee member Jim Anthony, professor, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, past recipient of the award.
  • Why a Smell Test Could Become Part of a Regular Doctor Visit
    MSUToday | April 29
    A new Michigan State University study suggests that older adults with poor sense of smell may see an almost 50% increase in their risk of dying within 10 years – surprisingly in healthier individuals. The research is published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine. Related: Tech Times, NewScientist, LiveScience, The Guardian, Independent, Yahoo News, Medical Press
  • 20 Questions with Flint's Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha
    SEEN Magazine | April 28
    Dr. Mona Hanna Attisha, author of the new book "What the Eyes Don't See," tells SEEN why she decided to share her story of exposing the Flint water crisis. 
  • 5 Years After Flint Water Crisis, City Battles Widespread Mistrust
    ABC News | April 25
    Half of Flint residents questioned in a recent survey commissioned by the city and funded by the Department of Health and Human Services said they still don't trust the water, only a slight decline from two years ago. Though state and independent monitors have tested the water in Flint, officials acknowledge that improved test results can only go so far in a community that no longer trusts its water – or government. Related: Yahoo! News
  • 5 year anniversary of Flint Water Crisis, residents push for change
    WWMT 3 | April 25
    Flint pediatrician Doctor Mona Hanna-Attisha said she will commemorate today's anniversary by encouraging everyone impacted by the Flint Water Crisis to enroll in the Flint Registry. Hanna-Attisha is credited with proving children in Flint had dangerously high levels of lead in their blood from the tap water. She said the registry is a way for residents to voice their health concerns and make sure they are connected to services that reduce the impact of the crisis on their health. Related: CBS Detroit 62, KXLH 9, Houston Style Magazine, ABC Kake News
  • Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha’s Book, ‛What the Eyes Don’t See,’ Chosen as 2019-20 Great Michigan Read
    Courier | April 24
    Residents throughout Michigan were invited today to join in reading and discussing “What the Eyes Don’t See,” Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha’s riveting account of her discovery that Flint’s children were being poisoned by lead leaching into the city’s drinking water. The book is Michigan Humanities’ choice for the 2019-2020 Great Michigan Read, and was unveiled today at the Flint Public Library. 
  • Marijuana Users Weigh Less, Defying the Munchies
    MSUToday | April 19
    New evidence from Michigan State University suggests that those who smoke cannabis, or marijuana, weigh less compared to adults who don’t. The findings, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, are contrary to the belief that marijuana users who have a serious case of the munchies will ultimately gain more weight. “Over a three-year period, all participants showed a weight increase, but interestingly, those who used marijuana had less of an increase compared to those that never used,” said Omayma Alshaarawy, lead author and an assistant professor of family medicine. “Our study builds on mounting evidence that this opposite effect occurs.” Related: Science Daily, Neuroscience News, Tech Times, Forbes, ABC Arizona 15
  • How Hard Is Medical School and What Is the Medical School Curriculum?
    U.S News | April 18
    Dr. Aron Sousa, the senior associate dean of academic affairs with the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, says the amount of work medical students are expected to complete during medical school is formidable. "For the most part the intellectual difficulty of the work is about the same as a meaningful upper level college course, but there is so much studying and work that even very good students work long hours," Sousa wrote in an email. "Most medical schools expect their students to work 60-80 hours a week every week." Related: Yahoo! News 
  • Todd Lucas: Taking on the 'Ick' Factor
    MSUToday | April 17
    Todd Lucas is an associate professor in the College of Human Medicine’s Division of Public Health in Flint and C.S. Mott Endowed Professor of Public Health. His research considers psychosocial causes of racial health disparities with a focus on stress and preventive health behavior pathways, such as cancer screening. Currently, Todd and his research team are considering how widely-used health communication strategies impact whether African American individuals decide to engage in colorectal cancer screening.
  • MSMS's Medical Student Section Holds Lobby Day
    MSMS | April 10
    Throughout the day, medical students from Central Michigan University College of Medicine, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, University of Michigan Medical School, Wayne State University School of Medicine, and Western Michigan University Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine met with lawmakers to urge support for more graduate medical education (GME) funding in the state budget, the importance of vaccine promotion, as well as continuing to pursue ways to work together to address the opioid epidemic. 
  • Food Additive May Influence How Well Flu Vaccines Work
    MSUToday | April 7
    Michigan State University scientists have linked a common food preservative to an altered immune response that possibly hinders flu vaccines. The study conducted in mice, presented at the 2019 Experimental Biology meeting in Orlando, Fla. on April 7, offers up a new potential factor in vaccine effectiveness. Related: Science Daily, MedicalNewsToday, ScienceBlog, Laboratory Equipment 
  • Finding New Treatments for Children with Rare Illnesses
    MSUToday | April 3
    André Bachmann is creating treatments for children with rare medical conditions that many large pharmaceutical companies won’t develop due to high costs and low returns.The professor and associate chair for research in the MSU College of Human Medicine and his team are studying the therapeutic potential of existing drugs used to stop cancer growth in children with neuroblastoma — one of the most aggressive forms of pediatric cancer. It’s a novel approach that could lead to similar breakthroughs in medical genetics.


  • Fourth-year Grand Rapids campus students Katie Ramos and Samantha Williams gave an oral presentation of their abstract, "Implementation of Routine Pediatric Lipid Screening: A Quality Improvement Study" at the Academic Pediatric Association's Region V Meeting, March 1, at Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak. The students received second place honors for Best Abstract in the medical student category.
  • On March 13, the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences is presenting "Female Costmetic Gential Surgery: Social and Ethical Considerations" from 12pm - 1pm, C102 East Fee Hall in East Lansing or webinar as part of its 2018-2019 Bioethics Brownbag & Webinar Series.
  • Please join the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology for a retirement symposium in honor of Jay Goodman, PhD, Advancing Science-Based Safety Assessment of Chemicals Monday, April 1, 10am  5pm, Radiology Building auditorium. Please RSVP to by March 15.
  • Susan Barman, PhD, professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, is a recipient of MSU's 2019 William J. Beal Outstanding Faculty Award. She is a committed instructor in the College of Human Medicine, teaching physiology and pharmacology concepts throughout the curriculum and serving as a problem-based learning facilitator. Read more about Dr. Barman's accomplishments
  • Victor DiRita, PhD, Rudolph Hugh Endowed Chair, and chair, Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, was elected President-Elect of the American Society for Microbiology. He will serve in that role beginning July 1, 2019, and will become ASM President in July, 2020.
  • Borys Hrinczenko, MD, PhD, a lung cancer specialist at the Michigan State University Breslin Cancer Center, has been appointed to the Big Ten Cancer Research Consortium steering gcommittee. As such, Dr. Hrinczenko, who has more than 20 years of experience in cancer research, will represent Michigan State University and help establish research priorities for the Big Ten CRC. He currently is a member of the consortium’s Thoracic Clinical Trial Working Group.
  • Assistant professors of surgery, Michelle Southard, DO, and Stephanie (Cohen) Bray, MD, have received their board certifications. Dr. Southard, a breast and cosmetic surgeon, received her board certification from the American Osteopathic Board of Surgery and Dr. (Cohen) Bray, a craniofacial and pediatric plastic surgeon, received her board certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
  • Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Medicine graduate assistant, Ryan Marquardt, and research associate, Emmanuel Paul, PhD, received awards for abstracts they will present at the annual meeting for the Society for Reproductive Investigation in Paris, March 12 - 16. Ryan is a pre-doctoral student in the lab of Jae Wook Jeong, PhD. He was awarded a President’s Plenary Award which recognizes the four highest-ranked abstracts for presentation at the President’s New Investigator Plenary. Emmanuel Paul received a Pfizer-SRI President’s Presenter’s Award which recognizes the 25 most meritorious abstracts submitted by individuals who are still in training. Emmanuel is a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Karen Racicot, PhD.
  • Karen Racicot, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Biology is the meeting chair for the American Society for Reproductive Immunology's Annual Meeting coming to Grand Rapids, June 12-15. The theme of the ASRI 2019 Annual Meeting is Frontiers in Reproductive Immunology: Recent Advances and Novel Concepts in Reproductive Immunology Research." The meeting promotes interdisciplinary collaborations, fosters ongoing professional education and provides training to future scientists who are studying a range of topics related to the immunology of reproduction. This years’ program features 13 cutting-edge plenary sessions, distinguished keynote and presidential sessions, several special topic sessions, trainee competition and mentor-trainee luncheon, poster presentations and several networking events. Continuing medical education credit is also available. For more information, please contact Dr. Racicot.
  • Med students get an extra Match on 'Match Day'
    New York Times | March 30
    In March 2018, Luke Ansorge, 27, proposed to Luke Fischer, 31, on Mr. Fischer’s Match Day at Michigan State College of Human Medicine. After he looked at the residency letter, he handed his boyfriend a letter of his own, one that contained a proposal.
  • Answering the call - Experts address Michigan's lack of addiction specialist
    Legal News | March 28
    The number of opioid-related deaths in Michigan has hit an all-time high, requiring the resources of the state’s three major research universities and one of its largest health systems to tackle the problem. Under a two-year, $1.5 million grant, Michigan State University, the University of Michigan, Wayne State University and Grand Rapids-based Spectrum Health will train more physicians as addiction medicine specialists by streamlining the certification process.
  • Keeping our sanctuaries safe in Flint
    The Hub Flint | March 27
    Security experts will address church safety as part of Flint Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma (Flint ReCAST) Resiliency Week events. Flint ReCAST is a partnership between the City of Flint and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine, the University of Michigan-Flint, and Genesee Health System.
  • UP med students matched to residencies
    Escanaba Daily Press | March 23
    After years of hard work and preparation, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine UP Campus medical students learned where they will be for the next chapter of their education. On March 15, MSU College of Human Medicine, UP Campus students, gathered with family, friends and peers for Match Day festivities at the Landmark Inn of Marquette. 
  • Pushing toward local health innovation
    Grand Rapids Business Journal | March 22
    With MSU’s plans to expand the health campus to more quickly develop treatments using such discoveries, Dr. Norman Beauchamp, dean of the MSU College of Human Medicine, said he believes Jones’s dream could become a reality in just a few years. Beauchamp said the health industry has four prongs: education, health care, research and innovation. While medical knowledge is learned in medical school and practiced in health care, he explained, research is where the possibility for better care is discovered, and innovation is how those discoveries improve care for patients.
  • Med school graduates offered $75K loan repayment to work in underserved areas
    MLive | March 21
    The Michigan Doctors, or MIDOCs program, offers upcoming medical graduates a $75,000 school loan repayment to work in underserved communities. Michigan State University’s first two residents are Tovah Aho (pictured left) and Ann Marie Botros, who will participate in a rural psychiatry residency program in the Upper Peninsula. Related: WGVU NewsABC 10 TVWKARDetroit Free PressCrain’s Detroit BusinessOakland PressMacomb DailyWLNS TV 6
  • Here's the plan to stop the spread of HIV
    CNN News | March 19
    Ahnalee Brincks, an assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at Michigan State University, said the new report "highlights a critical, but not widely known, element of HIV prevention, which is that viral load suppression among individuals who have HIV can prevent transmission." Brincks, who was not involved in the new research, added that "significant barriers" to receiving and continuing care exist. These can "severely inhibit" the ability of health care providers "to reach a goal of 100% viral suppression," she said.
  • Researchers calculate medical school production of FPs
    American Academy of Family Physicians | March 15
    In an interview with AAFP News, Julie Phillips, MD, MPH, said the presence of a department of family medicine in allopathic schools was an extremely strong predictor of students choosing family medicine. "It was striking the degree of influence that made, and it was equally surprising that in the osteopathic schools, this particular factor wasn't predictive at all," said Phillips. The authors noted that the presence of a department could be a proxy for other variables, such as a family medicine clerkship, the presence of family medicine leaders or contact with family medicine faculty.
  • Mona Hanna-Attisha to receive entrepreneurial leadership honor
    Elon University | March 13
    Hanna-Attisha, who played an integral role in uncovering the Flint Water Crisis and leading recovery efforts, will be presented with the Elon University Medal for Entrepreneurial Leadership on April 17 at 4:30 p.m. in the LaRose Digital Theatre.
  • Members Move Medicine: Finding ways to improve the life of IMGs
    American Medical Association | February 27
    The AMA “Members Move Medicine” series profiles a wide variety of doctors and medical students, offering a glimpse into the passions of women and men navigating new courses in American medicine. Ved V. Gossain, MD, believes that despite the hardships of being a physician, it is still the best profession in the world.


  • First-year student Antara Afrin and second-year student Harminder Sandhu recently took to the college's Instagram page to share a peek into their lives as medical students. Take a look at their "Instagram Takeovers: Antara's Grand Rapids Surgery Interest Group event and Harminder's Day in the Life.
  • Randi Stanulis, PhD, has been appointed Assistant Dean of Professional Development, in addition to her role as professor and director of Office of Medical Education, Research and Development.
  • Tune in to the latest episode of "No Easy Answers" the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences podcast: When Patients and Families Express Hope for a Miracle with Dr. Trevor Bibler and Dr. Devan Stahl.
  • Francesca Dwamena, MD, MS, was featured on a recent episode of the Healthcare Communication: Effective Techniques for Clinicians podcast to discuss medically unexplained symptoms.
  • The hidden power of the invited talk
    The Chronicle of Higher Education  | February 27
    Although it’s uncommon for invited talks to yield employment opportunities, they can shape a scholar’s career in other ways as well. Some speakers score a research collaborator, especially when invited to speak at disciplinary conferences. André Bachmann, a pediatric researcher from Michigan State University, told the Detroit Free Press that after he gave an invited talk at a hospital in Grand Rapids, a medical geneticist in the audience contacted him and the two worked together to identify a new genetic syndrome in a 3-year-old patient who had been undiagnosed for more than three years. The geneticist described "a light-bulb moment" as he sat in the audience. When he contacted the invited speaker and shared his ideas, the pediatric researcher was caught off guard. 
  • MSU lands $5M NIH grant to connect dots between pesticides and Parkinson's
    MSUToday | February 28
    A Michigan State University researcher is hoping to make a connection between pesticides, olfactory impairment and early symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases among aging farmers. Honglei Chen, a professor of epidemiology whose research focuses on neurodegenerative diseases, will use a five-year, $5 million grant from the National Institutes for Health to investigate the role pesticides might play in olfactory impairment and their relevance to diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Exercising helps you make better food choices
    MSUToday | February 28
    A new study, involving MSU epidemiologist Ana Vazquez, has found another healthy benefit to exercising…making better dietary choices. The research analyzed 2,680 young adults in an intensive, 15-week exercise program and found they were less likely to snack or follow a typical Western diet high in fat and carbohydrates, and more likely to choose fruits, vegetables and low-fat alternatives.
  • Answering the call to Michigan's lack of addiction specialists
    MSUToday | February 22
    Kelly Strutz, an epidemiologist and assistant professor in the MSU College of Human Medicine, and Cara Poland, a Spectrum Health Medical Group certified addiction medicine specialist, are leading a project that will train more Michigan physicians as addiction medicine specialists by streamlining the certification process.  Related: USAgNet, Michigan Ag Connection
  • Documentary film highlights MSU students becoming leaders in medicine
    MSU ComArtSci | February 21
    As shown in the film, the MSU Leadership in Medicine program is based in Flint, Mich., and offers students the opportunity to gain experience working with underserved and vulnerable populations. Through this program, students learn the impact of empathy in medicine. They learn how to ask questions that aim to address the root of a patient’s problem while treating them as more than another piece of paper. 
  • How to treat depression in prison - and why it matters
    MSUToday | February 19
    Of the 4 million prisoners released each year, 23 percent have suffered from major depressive disorder. Due to resource shortages, many go without adequate treatment while in prison. Oftentimes they rejoin society in worse mental shape than before their incarceration – which could be prevented with the right care. A team led by Michigan State University has found a cost-effective way to improve mental health in prisons. Related: News Medical, Med India, WPVE Radio, Futurity, Science Daily, ScienMag
  • The hidden power of the invited talk
    The Chronicle of Higher Education | February 17
    A pediatric researcher from Michigan State University told the Detroit Free Press that after he gave an invited talk at a hospital in Grand Rapids, Mich., a medical geneticist in the audience contacted him, and the two worked together to identify a new genetic syndrome in a 3-year-old patient who had been undiagnosed for more than three years. The geneticist described "a light-bulb moment" as he sat in the audience. And when he contacted the invited speaker and shared his ideas, the pediatric researcher was caught off guard. "I almost fell out of my chair," André Bachmann told the paper.
  • Ethical Service Learning
    MSUToday | February 13
    This student view was written by Kevin Johnson, currently studying and working in a village hospital in Bududa, Uganda, as part of the Leadership in Medicine for the Underserved Program.
  • Depression during and after pregnancy can be prevented
    New York Times | February 12
    As many as one in seven women experience depression during pregnancy, or in the year after giving birth, and there has never been any method scientifically recommended to prevent it. Some kinds of counseling can ward off perinatal depression, according to a national panel of health experts, which urges counseling for women with certain risk factors. One program that was successfully highlighted, “Reach Out, Stay Strong, Essentials for New Moms,” or ROSE, typically delivered in four sessions during pregnancy and one postpartum, can be administered in groups or one-on-one by nurses, midwives or anyone trained to follow the manual, said Jennifer Johnson, a professor of public health at Michigan State University.
  • Flu-like illness linked to increased stroke risk
    MD Magazine | February 8
    Commenting on the findings, American Stroke Association volunteer expert Philip Gorelick, professor of translational science and molecular medicine at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine, said the time frame is notable.
  • Kids are using too much toothpaste and it's actually a problem | February 5
    Kids might be using too much toothpaste, and it can actually be dangerous for their oral health. Kids between the ages of 3 and 6 aren't supposed to use more than a pea-sized amount, per the American Dental Association. Kids under 3 should only use a smear the size of a grain of rice. It's recommended that adults also stick with a pea-sized amount, but this isn’t as much of an issue for grown-ups. “It's not as concerning for adults because their teeth and bones are developed,” said Jamie Alan, an assistant professor of pharmacology and toxicology at Michigan State University.
  • Michigan faces health risks from tainted medical marijuana
    Detroit News | February 4
    The recalls of six batches of medical marijuana available on the state’s regulated market since January have prompted industry and health expert concerns about continuing to let caregivers grow and create pot products to meet a shortage in the licensed market. The potential for a contaminated product to slip through the licensed system for lack of testing could pose a risk to patients, in particular those with compromised immune systems, said Jamie Alan, an assistant professor in Michigan State University’s Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. "If it's not tested, you don’t know what’s in it, but the alternative is that they’re in pain," Alan said. 


  • On January 17, the Michigan State University Board of Trustees accepted the resignation of John Engler as interim president and appointed Satish Udpa as acting president. Read a message from Dean Beauchamp regarding the transition
  • "The Precision Medicine Bubble," a recent special issue of the journal Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, includes a chapter co-authored by Nigel Paneth, MD, MPH, University Distinguished Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Paneth also co-authored the introduction and served as one of two editors for the special issue. The cover art was designed by Mark Watrich, information technologist, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics.
  • On January 16, the university's health colleges joined together for the Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Program "Social Determinants of Health: A Call to Action." Read a recap of the program
  • Richard E. Dean, MD, Chair Emeritus, Department of Surgery and recent recipient of the Lester J. Evans College of Human Medicine Distinguished Service Award, has published the book, "Healing with Steel: A Memoir of my surgical academic life, family, horses, and the Vietnam War." 
  • On January 18, the Flint Registry celebrated going live after one year of development. Almost 6,000 people have already pre-enrolled. Watch a recap of the celebration
  • The cover of the American Journal of Medical Genetics December issue was designed by Andre Bachmann, PhD, professor, Department of Pediatrics and Human Development. It featured a 3-year-old patient with the new genetic syndrome identified in Bachmann's research.
  • Registration for the seventh annual MSU College of Human Medicine Gran Fondo is now open. Join fellow Spartans on June 22 to support MSU's skin cancer awareness, prevention and research. The ride has raised $975,000 to fund groundbreaking discoveries.
  • Dr. Henry Barry participated in a podcast discussion about the results of the 3 ASPREE aspirin trials, whether omega-3 oil prevents CV events and a new biologic agent for migraine.
  • Dr. Kevin Foley, associate professor, Departments of Internal and Family Medicine, will lead an informative conversation about decisional capacity. "Decisions, Decisions: When Making Choices is Best Left to Others" is a free community event on January 30, 7-8 pm, at Alma College.
  • Tune in to the latest podcast episode of "No Easy Answers in Bioethics" to hear Dr. Devan Stahl and Dr. Tom Tomlinson discuss clinical and legal perspectives on brain death.
  • Mitchell Sydloski, MD, clinical instructor, and G. Robert DeYoung, PharmD, will host an informative conversation about antibiotics. "Medications and You: Essentials of Appropriate Antibiotic Use" is a free community event on February 5, 7-8 PM, at Hope College.
  • Barbara Thompson, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Pediatrics and Human Development, will host an informative conversation about autism. "Understanding Social Motivation in Autism" if a free community event on February 6 at Bay College and February 7 at Northern Michigan University. Both lectures are from 7-8 PM.
  • On February 13, the Center for Ethics and Humanities in the Life Sciences is presenting "Should We Be Reaching for Immortality?" from 12pm - 1pm, C102 Patenge Room in East Lansing or webinar as part of its 2018-2019 Bioethics Brownbag & Webinar Series.
  • Save the date for the 42nd annual Family Medicine Research Day on May 23 at The Johnson Center at Cleary University in Howell.
  • App offers treatment option for schizophrenia
    Futurity | January 29
    “Individuals with serious mental illness can and do interact frequently with a mobile health app that provides added support to help them manage their illness,” says Eric Achtyes, associate professor of psychiatry and director of the psychiatry and behavioral medicine division at Michigan State University. The FOCUS app won’t replace clinicians, Achtyes says, but is “meant to fill in those gaps” when professional help is not readily available.
  • Germs in your gut are talking to your brain. Scientists want to know what they're saying
    New York Times | January 28
    Mothers seed their babies with microbes during childbirth and breastfeeding. During the first few years of life, both the brain and the microbiome rapidly mature. To understand the microbiome’s influence on the developing brain, Rebecca Knickmeyer, a neuroscientist at Michigan State University, is studying fMRI scans of infants. Knickmeyer and her colleagues measured the strength of the connections between the amygdala and other regions of the brain. Babies with a lower diversity of species in their guts have stronger connections, the researchers found.
  • 2019 William J. Beal Outstanding Faculty Awards
    MSUToday | January 28
    Susan Barman, PhD, professor, Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, is a recipient of MSU's 2019 William J. Beal Outstanding Faculty Award. Barman is a committed instructor in the College of Human Medicine, teaching physiology and pharmacology concepts throughout the curriculum and serving as a problem-based learning facilitator. Read more about her accomplishments.
  • Zombie cells could be key to Alzheimer's susceptibility
    MSUToday | January 25
    The National Institute on Aging has awarded a Michigan State University College of Human Medicine professor a nearly $3 million grant to study how aging increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and to investigate treatments that could delay or prevent it.
  • Change Ups: Education
    Grand Rapids Business Journal | January 25
    Jerry Kooiman, a longtime Michigan State University College of Human Medicine assistant dean, was promoted to chief external relations officer. His additional responsibilities include overseeing the college’s relationships with health systems and other external partners. Kooiman also provides strategy, vision and leadership for key relationships with hospital partners, industry partners, and government and community leaders. He also ensures alignment with external efforts including communications and marketing, community engagement and outreach, development and government relations efforts.
  • Schizophrenia patients more willing to manage symptoms using smartphones
    MSUToday | January 23
    Eric Achtyes, a Michigan State University College of Human Medicine psychiatrist has found that most patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder are willing to use a smartphone application to help manage their symptoms, including after regular clinic hours.
  • When healers hurt
    Proto Magazine | January 22
    “Violence occurs throughout the hospital,” says Judith Arnetz, a professor and associate chair for research in the Department of Family Medicine at Michigan State University in Grand Rapids, who studies the topic. Nurses, nursing aides and behavioral health staff members suffer the highest rates of abuse and violence, she says, and physicians, particularly in the emergency room, are also at high risk.
  • Flint Registry officially goes live
    MSUToday | January 17
    Flint residents now can officially take full advantage of the Flint Registry, an effort to connect residents to programs and other resources that serve to minimize the effects of lead on their health, while promoting wellness and recovery. After a year of development and pre-enrollment, the registry already has 6,000 people signed up. Related: FlintsideFOX66, WDIV, ABC 12WNEMNBC25 NewsMLiveEast Village Magazine, WILX
  • High pesticide exposure among farmers linked to poor sense of smell later
    MSUToday | January 16
    A Michigan State University study by Honglei Chen, professor of epidemiology, is the first to show an association between unusually high pesticide exposure and poor sense of smell among aging farmers. The research examined more than 11,200 farmers over a 20-year period. At the start of the study, about 16 percent of participants reported having experienced a high pesticide exposure event, or HPEE, such as a large amount of pesticide spilling on their body. Two decades later, they were asked if they suffered olfactory impairment, a partial to complete loss of sense of smell.
  • Gene therapy could eliminate drug side effect in Parkinson's patients
    MSUToday | January 11
    Kathy Steece-Collier, a Michigan State University researcher, has received a $2.8 million federal grant to develop a gene therapy that could reduce and possibly eliminate a frustrating side effect of a drug commonly prescribed to Parkinson’s patients. The research could mean a significant advance for the up to 90 percent of patients who develop dyskinesia, a drug-induced side effect that results in the involuntary and uncontrolled movement of hands, head and other body parts.
  • In Flint, a future built on schools as well as safe water
    Christian Science Monitor | January 10
    Thanks to funding from the state and the federal Centers for Disease Control, Michigan State’s Division of Public Health launched in January. The registry is modeled partly after a similar effort supporting families affected by the World Trade Center attacks in 2001. It aims to connect current and even former Flint residents who were affected by the water crisis to more than 30 services and resources, including those for early education.
  • If you want to live longer, volunteer more
    Considerable | January 9
    Older adults who volunteer report less depression, greater life satisfaction, and more happiness than non-volunteers,” says Dr. Rodlescia Sneed, an assistant professor of public health at Michigan State University, College of Human Medicine-Flint.
  • How to find reliable health information online
    SEEN | January 4
    Not sure if you can trust what you’re reading online? SciMoms co-founder Alison Bernstein shares a few tips for evaluating articles about your health.