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Faculty Excellence Advocates

The Faculty Excellence Advocates (FEAs) are faculty members who are key drivers of faculty quality and diversity in each college. They build close working relationships with their faculty colleagues, department chairs and deans, working to create a climate that promotes quality, inclusiveness, alignment, objectivity, consistency and transparency of all academic human resource policies and practices.

FEAs work in six targeted areas: recruitment/selection, annual review, promotion/tenure, mentoring, leadership and work environment. FEAs are available to meet with new and continuing faculty to discuss professional growth and development, mentoring, and access to college resources.

Please contact the College of Human Medicine's Faculty Excellence Advocates if you need help in any of these areas.

  • Ade Olomu, MD, MS, FACP
    Blanch B. & Frederick C. Swartz Endowed Professor of Medicine 
    Vice Chair for Clinical Research, Department of Medicine
    Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine
    Co-Faculty Excellence Advocate
    Director, Office-GAP Program [NIH Funded Project]

  • Wanda D. Lipscomb, PhD
    Associate Dean for Student Affairs
    Senior Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion 
    Co-Faculty Excellence Advocate, College of Human Medicine